Authorized User License Installation Instructions for IBM SPSS Statistics

The following instructions are to install IBM® SPSS® Statistics version 30 by using the license type authorized user license. This document is for users who are installing on their desktop computers.

For Windows only: You cannot run IBM SPSS Statistics remotely through Windows Terminal Services or Citrix with an authorized user license.

System requirements

To view the system requirements for IBM SPSS Statistics, go to compatibility/clarity/softwareReqsForProduct.html.

Authorization code

You also need your authorization code(s). Sometimes, you might have multiple codes. You need all of them.

You receive separate instructions for obtaining your authorization code. If you cannot find your authorization code, click and contact the Customer Service.

Installing for Windows

Important: To install, you must be logged on to your computer with administrator privileges.
Running multiple versions and upgrading from a previous release
You do not need to uninstall an old version of IBM SPSS Statistics before you install the new version. Multiple versions can be installed and run on the same machine. However, do not install the new version in the same directory in which a previous version is installed.
Installing from a downloaded file
Run the installer as administrator:
  1. Double-click the file that you downloaded and extract all the files to some location on your computer.
  2. Using Windows Explorer, browse to the location where you extracted the files.
  3. Right-click SPSSStatistics.exe and choose Run as Administrator.
  4. Follow the instructions that appear on the screen.
Installing from the DVD/CD
You must run the AutoPlay as administrator:
  1. Close the AutoPlay window that automatically appeared when you inserted the DVD/CD into your DVD/CD drive.
  2. Using Windows Explorer, browse to the DVD/CD drive.
  3. Right-click SPSSStatistics.exe in the Windows subfolder and choose Run as Administrator.
  4. On the AutoPlay menu, click the item that you want to install, and then follow the instructions that appear on the screen.

Installing for macOS

Running multiple versions and upgrading from a previous release
You do not need to uninstall an old version of IBM SPSS Statistics before installing the new version. Multiple versions can be installed and run on the same machine. However, do not install the new version in the same directory in which a previous version is installed.
Installing from a downloaded file
  1. Mount the installer disk image by double-clicking the file that you downloaded.
  2. In the mounted disk image, double-click the installer file, and then follow the instructions that appear on the screen.
Installing from the DVD/CD
  1. Insert the DVD/CD into your DVD/CD drive.
  2. Browse to the DVD/CD drive.
  3. Double-click SPSS Statistics Installer, and then follow the instructions that appear on the screen.

Licensing your product

After the product is installed, you are presented with options for activating the product with your IBMid (Login with IBMid) or with an authorization code through the License Authorization Wizard (Launch License Wizard). You must select the Launch License Wizard option in order to properly license the product. The Login with IBMid option is for the subscription version of the product, which is activated differently than other licensed versions. For more information on the differences between the subscription and licensed versions, see Which IBM SPSS Statistics version is right for you?

Note that licenses are tied to your computer's hardware with a lock code. If you replace your computer or its hardware, you will have a new lock code and will need to repeat the authorization process. This is also true if you re-image your computer. If you find out that you exceeded the allowable number of authorizations specified in the license agreement, go to support to contact the Client Care team for assistance.

Important: The license is sensitive to time changes. If you must change the system time and then cannot run the product, contact the Client Care team for assistance by visiting
Using the license authorization wizard
Note: You might be prompted for administrator credentials. Without the correct credentials, you will not be able to run the License Authorization Wizard.
  1. The License Authorization Wizard launches immediately after you install the product. If you need to run the wizard after product installation, click File > Manage License from the IBM SPSS Statistics product menus.
  2. Select Launch License Wizard. When prompted, enter one or more authorization codes.

    You should have received separate instructions for obtaining your authorization code. If you cannot find your authorization code, contact Customer Service by visiting

The License Authorization Wizard sends your authorization code over the Internet to IBM Corp. and automatically retrieves your license. If your computer is behind a proxy, click Proxy Server Settings and enter the appropriate settings.

If the authorization process fails, you are prompted to send an email message. Copy the message text from the License Authorization Wizard, paste it into your email client (with "License Authorization" as the subject), and send the email to

Note: The mailbox is an automated service and must receive the message text exactly as it appears in the License Authorization Wizard.

You will receive a reply to your email in a timely fashion. You can enter any license code(s) that you receive in the Enter Code field. If you already closed the License Authorization Wizard, restart it and select Authorized user license. On the Enter Codes panel, add the license code that you received, click Add, and then click Next to complete the process.

Viewing your license

You can view the license by relaunching the License Authorization Wizard. The first panel displays the licensing information. Click Cancel when done, and click Yes when prompted about canceling.

Note that you can also view the license by using the command syntax to run the SHOW LICENSE command.

Applying fix packs

To ensure problem-free operation, keep your product at the latest fix pack level. Complete all of the necessary pre-installation and post-installation tasks as described in the fix pack instructions.

Uninstalling for Windows

To completely uninstall IBM SPSS Statistics:

  1. Use the Windows Control Panel to remove IBM SPSS Statistics.
  2. Delete the following folder: C:\ProgramData\IBM\SPSS Statistics\

Uninstalling for macOS

  1. Drag the installation folder to the Trash. By default, this is /Applications/IBM SPSS Statistics 30.
  2. In your Home folder, browse to Library/Preferences.
  3. Drag to the Trash. Note that this file is used by IBM SPSS Statistics, IBM SPSS Statistics Student Version, and IBM SPSS Smartreader. If any of these applications are still installed, you should not remove this file.
  4. In your Home folder, drag Library/Application Support/IBM/SPSS Statistics/30/Eclipse/ to the Trash.
  5. If desired, remove any custom dialogs that you installed by dragging them to the Trash from /Resources/Extensions/CustomDialogs.
  6. If desired, remove any extension commands that you installed by dragging them to the Trash from /Resources/Extensions/extensions.
  7. Empty the Trash.

Updating, modifying, and renewing IBM SPSS Statistics

If you purchase additional add-on modules or renew your license, you will receive a new authorization code (or codes). For instructions on using the authorization code(s), see Licensing your product.