IBM Navigator for i (5770-SS1 option 3)

IBM® Navigator for i has been re-created in a new framework and user interface that replaces the heritage IBM Navigator for i. This new IBM Navigator for i runs under the ADMIN1 server and by default listens on port 2002. The URL for Navigator remains: http://hostname:2001 as this URL now routes to http://hostname:2002/Navigator.

Management Central and the heritage IBM Navigator for i are not supported on IBM i 7.5.

For more details on the re-created IBM Navigator for i, see documentation at:

New function usage IDs required for new Navigator

IBM Navigator for i now leverages a new set of function usage IDs to give administrators additional control over what functions and features user can access and use.

The function usage IDs specified with Application Administration in heritage Navigator do not apply to the new IBM Navigator for i. None of the function usage IDs set up from Application Administration are used by the new Navigator interface. See to determine how to set up the new function usage IDs for control of features and function for users within IBM Navigator for i.

Access to lazy-load tables through NEWNAV in QNEWNAVSRV

IBM Navigator for i will use a lazy-load function to provide large lists of data more efficiently to the user. The lazy-load service uses the NEWNAV procedure which has moved from library QUSRSYS to library QNEWNAVSRV. This process changed in the June 2022 PTFs - HTTP Group PTF for IBM i 7.5 SF99952 level 03, IBM i 7.4 SF99662 level 21, and IBM i 7.3 SF99722 level 40.

When the lazy load function is first set up, the user logged in is required is required to have enough authority for the NEWNAV service program to be set up in QNEWNAVSRV library. This is a requirement for Navigator.

If the first user is a limited user (*USER) with no special authorities, the lazy load function will fail with message that there is not enough authority: [Error SQL0551] Not authorized to object QNEWNAVSRV in QSYS type *LIB

When a subsequent IBM Navigator for i PTF is applied after the QNEWNAVSRV/NEWNAV service program is created, the PTF exit program changes the owner of QNEWNAVSRV/NEWNAV to QWEBADMIN.

The lazy load function is in use by the following tables: active job, users, printer output, event logs, collection authorities, and PTF. Others not listed here will be added as needed.