How to collect data
There are three approaches that you can take to collect data for Transformation Advisor
Using the discovery tool
The discovery tool is a tool that gathers information about middleware deployments in your environment to help IBM Cloud Transformation Advisor provide you with a migration analysis of Java™ EE applications running on IBM WebSphere Application Server, Apache Tomcat, Red Hat JBoss, or Oracle WebLogic application servers. The tool generates one .zip folder per profile/domain and places analysis results within that directory.
For Java applications, the tool leverages the Migration Toolkit for Application Binaries. You may use the Migration Toolkit for Application Binaries (AKA the "binary scanner") directly. This may be particularly useful in some troubleshooting scenarios. For information on how to download and use the Migration Toolkit for Application Binaries please click here. If these tools are already in use, then the same security requirements which are required to run them are also required to run the discovery tool.
The discovery tool will collect configuration information on WebSphere Application Server installations at Version 6.1 or later.
The exact configuration information that is collected can be found here
To analyze your applications, the discovery tool requires the following access:
- Read access to the application server installation directory and all subdirectories
- Read access to profile directories
- File and directory creation and write access to the current directory
The discovery tool does not gather any data related to the following:
- Message content or data processed by workload
- Logs or log data
- Password information
Downloading the discovery tool
To get started, complete the following steps from the Transformation Advisor UI:
- Create a workspace.
- On the new workspace page, click the Open discovery tool button and follow the instructions to download.
Installing the discovery tool
To install the discovery tool, log on to your application server with the application owner’s user credentials and complete the following steps:
- Copy the downloaded file to your application system in a directory where it has read-write-execute access.
- Decompress the downloaded file by issuing the command for your operating system:
Linux: tar xvfz transformationadvisor-Linux_<WORKSPACE_NAME>.tgz
AIX: gunzip -c transformationadvisor-AIX_<WORKSPACE_NAME>.tgz | tar xf -
Solaris: tar xvfz transformationadvisor-Solaris_<WORKSPACE_NAME>.tgz
z/OS: gunzip -c transformationadvisor-zOS_<WORKSPACE_NAME>.tgz | tar xf -
Windows: unzip transformationadvisor-Windows_<WORKSPACE_NAME>.zip
- Go to the discovery tool directory:
cd transformationadvisor*
Required resources
System | Memory (GB) | CPU (cores) | Disk space (GB)
---------------| ----------- | ----------- | ---------------
Discovery tool | 2 | 2 | 0.5
Running the discovery tool
When you run the discovery tool for the first time, the license will be displayed. Accept the terms to continue.
WARNING: The discovery tool should not be run on production servers.
To analyze both your applications and their configuration, run the command for your domain:
IBM WebSphere: ./bin/transformationadvisor -w <WEBSPHERE_HOME_DIR> -p <PROFILE_NAME> [ --ignore-missing-binary --ignore-missing-shared-library --applications --applications-file --skip-applications --skip-applications-file --no-upload] ([] denotes optional arguments)
Oracle WebLogic: ./bin/transformationadvisor --web-logic-config-file <Path to the WebLogic domain config.xml file> [--applications --applications-file --skip-applications --skip-applications-file --no-upload] ([] denotes optional arguments)
JBoss: ./bin/transformationadvisor --jboss-config-dir <Path to the JBoss server configuration directory> [--applications --applications-file --skip-applications --skip-applications-file --no-upload] ([] denotes optional arguments)
Apache Tomcat: ./bin/transformationadvisor --tomcat-home-dir <TOMCAT_HOME_DIR> --tomcat-config-dir <TOMCAT_CONFIG_DIR> [--applications --applications-file --skip-applications --skip-applications-file --no-upload] ([] denotes optional arguments)
To view command line options that are available for the discovery tool, use the --help option.
Viewing your data
Depending on the number, size, and complexity of your applications, the discovery tool may take some time to execute and upload the results. During this process, you can keep track of its progress by checking your command line.
If there is a connection between your system and your new collection, the discovery tool automatically uploads the results to Transformation Advisor. A detailed analysis that includes several reports is provided to help you understand issues and where code changes might be required.
If there is no connection, the discovery tool will return a .zip file containing your application data. You will need to manually upload the zip file using the Upload data button on the Workspace page.
Transformation Advisor discovery tool and Java
The discovery tool requires version 1.7+ to run. In the first instance, the discovery tool will look for a compatible version of Java that is used by WebSphere (if this is a WebSphere collection). If it cannot find the WebSphere Java version,
or if the WebSphere version is not compatible (i.e. < 1.7), or this is not a WebSphere collection, then the discovery tool will attempt to use the Java specified in the -–java-home
discovery tool argument. If the –java-home argument
is not provided, it will use the Java specified with the JAVA_HOME
environment variable. If none of those options result in finding a compatible version of Java, the discovery tool will use the Java that is packaged with the discovery
Replacing version of Java in the discovery tool
In some circumstances, a compatible version of Java may not pre-exist on the system that you want to run the discovery tool on, and the Java that is packaged with the discovery tool is also not compatible with the system on which it is being run. For example, this can arise with the Solaris discovery tool which contains Java for AMD64 architecture. If your Solaris is running on SPARC, then the packaged Java will not work. In these cases, you can build your own version of the discovery tool, with an appropriate Java version.
Take the following steps:
- Download a version of that discovery tool via the Transformation Advisor UI
- Unpack the compressed discovery tool
- Locate the “jre” folder in the unpacked discovery tool and replace it with a jre from a desired Java version
- OPTIONAL: There is a file in the unpacked discovery tool called uploadEndpoint.json. This contains the location of the Transformation Advisor server, and a unique key for uploading to a specific workspace. You can remove the uploadEndpoint.json file. This means that the discovery tool will not be able to automatically upload the collection to Transformation Advisor, but rather will produce a zip that you can manually upload using the Transformation Advisor UI. Removing the uploadEndpoint.json has the advantage of allowing you to create a custom discovery tool that can be readily copied between environments. In effect, it breaks the link between the discovery tool and a specific workspace in Transformation Advisor.
- Compress the discovery tool
The compressed discovery tool can now be copied to whatever environment you wish to perform the collection on.
Migrating From SunOS and Solaris architectures
Transformation Advisor provides a discovery tool for SunOS/Solaris environments. It has been tested on SunOS 5.10, 5.11 (Solaris 10, 11), but may work on older versions. The discovery tool provided for SunOS/Solaris packages a JRE for use on SunOS/Solaris on AMD64 architecture. If you want to run the discovery tool on SunOS/Solaris SPARC architecture, then you need to have a compatible version of Java available on the System where you are running the discovery tool.
Known Issues:
- Before running the discovery tool on SunOS/Solaris, please check the version of bash on the environment. If the version is < 4.x, please upgrade to 4.x to ensure correct functioning of the discovery tool.
Migrating from old versions of WebSphere
The Transformation Advisor discovery tool supports collecting from WebSphere v6.1+. For WebSphere migrations from versions older than 6.1, you need to manually find all of the application binaries deployed on the system and put them into some single location. You can then run the discovery tool using the “-o” option to point to that location and perform an analysis on the applications. When you run the discovery tool with the -o options, it will ask you to choose the source WebSphere and Java version. If it does not show your exact versions, select the values that are closest to your actual versions to get the most accurate results. In this situation, the analysis may not catch all issues, issues from version of WebSphere and Java older than the supported rules will not be flagged.
Migrating from supported application servers
Transformation Advisor supports collection from the following application servers:
- WebSphere
- Red Hat JBoss
- Weblogic
- Tomcat.
Migrating from application servers that are not supported
If you want to run an analysis on applications from application servers that are not supported (e.g. Glassfish), you can do the following:
- Manually collect the application binaries from the system, and place in a directory.
- Run the discovery tool and point it at the applications location using the “-c” option. This runs a base set of Java rules plus some Tomcat specific rules. The Tomcat specific rules may or may not apply to the application server that you are analyzing, and need further investigation. In future versions of the discovery tool, there will be the option to just run the generally applicable Java rules. The Tomcat rules that need further investigation are as follows:
Set the sharing scope on resource references
Spring applications might fail to run from a non-expanded WAR file
Stub classes must be included when using remote Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 2.x
The getRealPath method previously returned null for files that do not exist
The OSGI remote bundle repository service API is unavailable
The OSGI Remote Service Admin API is unavailable
Transaction propagation is not supported for Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) remote interfaces
Use correct case for tag attribute names
Use Java EE deployment descriptors and WebSphere bindings to define resource link references
Use Java EE deployment descriptors and WebSphere bindings to define resource references
Use Java EE deployment descriptors to define context lifecycle listeners
Use Java EE deployment descriptors to define context parameters
Use Java EE deployment descriptors to define environment references
Use Java EE deployment descriptors to define missing security roles
Validate the result of concatenation with getRealPath("")
Validate the result of concatenation with getRealPath("/")
Web Services Notification (WS-Notification) is unavailable
Customize the scan options used to generate report files
The file under the /conf directory is used to config the scan options used to generate the report file during scanning the application. User can edit this file to customize the scan options.
Defining your own rules
Since the release of Transformation Advisor v2.5 you can define your own custom analysis rules to detect scenarios specific to your application migration. The user-defined rules can be easily created as described in detail here. The results will display in Transformation Advisor UI in the same manner as the pre-written rules that come out of the box.
discovery tool command line tool options
General options:
Displays the version of the discovery tool.
Displays all options for the discovery tool.
Specifies the version of Java used for the discovery tool.
JVM options that are passed to the discovery tool. -J will be stripped and -X and remaining options will be passed to the Java runtime. For example, -J-Xmx4G
will set the max heap size to 4GB for the discovery tool runtime.
Flag to indicate that no upload to Transformation Advisor server will take place once the collection completes
Options for IBM WebSphere:
-w, --was-home
The location of the WebSphere installation directory.
-p, --profile-config
If provided, the discovery tool will connect to the WebSphere JVM associated with that profile and collect the configuration information. If you have multiple profiles within your WebSphere installation directory, you can supply this option
multiple times. The syntax for this option is: --profile-config <Profile Name>
Example: --profile-config AppSrv01 --profile-config Dmgr01
-a, --applications
By default, the discovery tool collects configuration information for all applications deployed on a profile. If this option is specified, the tool will only collect configuration information for the applications that are listed. The syntax
to specify multiple applications is: --applications <application_1 Name>...<application_n name>
Example: --applications app1.ear app2.ear app3.ear
-f, --applications-file
Similar to the --applications option, this option allows the discovery tool to obtain application names from the provided file, and only collect configuration data for applications that are defined in that file.
Example: --applications-file /tmp/applicationsToScan.txt
The file can be a comma separated and/or line separated list of applications to include, e.g.
-s, --skip-applications
By default, the discovery tool collects configuration information for all applications deployed on a profile. If this option is specified, the tool will skip the applications that are listed. The syntax to specify multiple applications is:
--skip-applications <application_1 Name>...<application_n name>
Example: --skip-applications app1.ear app2.ear app3.ear
Similar to the --skip-applications option, this option allows the discovery tool to obtain application names from the provided file, and skip those applications that are defined in that file.
Example: --skip-applications-file /tmp/applicationsToScan.txt
The file can be a comma separated and/or line separated list of applications to skip, e.g.
Signals the scan to skip applications that do not have binary files.
Signals the scan to run against the expanded directory of the deployed application. By default, the discovery tool will scan the binary file which is uploaded to the WAS server during deployment time. If this option is specified, the discovery tool will scan the expanded directory of the deployed application on the WAS server.
-s, --scan-node
Signals the scan to run for managed profiles on the node.
-o, --outside-location
Location of a directory outside of the WAS home location that contains application binary files that are to be scanned. The syntax is: ./transformationadvisor -o <location of applications Outside WAS>
Note: If this option is specified, all previous arguments are ignored. The discovery tool will ask you to select the WebSphere version number and Java version.
Options for Oracle WebLogic:
-l, --web-logic-config-file
Path of the WebLogic domain config.xml file. If you have multiple domains, you can specify this option multiple times. The syntax is: --web-logic-config-file <Path of the config.xml file>
Example: --web-logic-config-file /home/oracle/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/base_domain/config/config.xml
-g, --web-logic-apps-location
Location of the directory that contains WebLogic application binary files. The syntax is: --web-logic-apps-location <WebLogicapps location>
Note: If this option is specified, all previous arguments are ignored. The discovery tool will ask you to select the Java version used for the Weblogic server.
Options for JBoss:
-j, --jboss-config-dir
Path of the JBoss server configuration directory. If you have multiple servers, you can specify this option multiple times. The syntax is: --jboss-config-dir <Path of server configuration directory>
Example: --jboss-config-dir /root/EAP-7.1.0/standalone/configuration
-b, --jboss-apps-location
Location of the directory that contains JBoss application binary files. The syntax is: --jboss-apps-location <JBoss applications location>
Note: If this option is specified, all previous arguments are ignored. The discovery tool will ask you to select the Java version used for the JBoss server.
Options for Apache Tomcat:
-t, --tomcat-home-dir
Path of the Tomcat CATALINA_HOME directory. If this argument is specified and the --tomcat-config-dir argument is not, then it is assumed that --tomcat-config-dir is the same as --tomcat-home-dir.
If one or more --tomcat-config-dir options are specified in addition to --tomcat-home-dir, the --tomcat-home-dir will not be treated as a config directory, unless it's explicitly listed
in one of the --tomcat-config-dir options. The syntax is: --tomcat-home-dir <Directory of Tomcat home>
-d, --tomcat-config-dir
Path of the Tomcat CATALINA_BASE directory. The --tomcat-home-dir (CATALINA_HOME) must be specified in addition to this option. If you have multiple CATALINA_BASE directories for a multi-instance Tomcat installation, you
can supply this option multiple times. The syntax is: --tomcat-config-dir <Directory of Tomcat Configuration>
-c, --tomcat-apps-location
Location of the directory that contains Tomcat application binary files. The syntax is: --tomcat-apps-location <Tomcat appslocation>
Note: If this option is specified, all previous arguments are ignored. The discovery tool will ask you to select the Java version used for the Tomcat server.
Using the built-in WSADMIN command for WebSphere Application Server
The wsadmin command available with WebSphere has a built-in option for scanning your installed applications and generating a set of zip files that can be uploaded directly into Transformation Advisor.
The availability of this command depends
on the WebSphere version and Fix Pack you are running:
- WebSphere 8: Version or later
- WebSphere 9: Version or later
The full details of this and all instructions can be found here
Using the Migration Toolkit for Application Binaries
An alternative to using the Transformation Advisor discovery tool is to use the Migration Toolkit for Application Binaries to generate a data collection that can be uploaded to IBM Cloud Transformation Advisor. Details of how to do this are outlined here.