Gateway deployment

Use the IBM Cloud Pak Platform UI to deploy an instance of IBM DataPower Gateway. This instance provides gateway capability, which includes a purpose-built security and integration platform for mobile, web, and cloud workloads.

Overview: Gateway deployment

The IBM Cloud Pak® for Integration gateway capability is provided through the deployment of an instance of IBM DataPower Gateway. 

Before you begin

Before you can deploy a gateway instance, you must:

Deployment procedure

Take the following steps to deploy the application integration instance. An Integration Specialist can carry out these tasks.

  1. Log in to the Platform UI at the URL of the form https://<resource-name>-pn-<namespace>.apps.<domain>, for example, https://cp4i-navigator-pn-cp4i.apps.<domain>.
  2. Use the authentication method and credentials set by your administrator.
  3. Click Administration > Integration instances, then click Create an instance.

    Platform UI

  4. Select Gateway and click Next.
  5. Select the type of instance desired and click Next.
  6. Set the following values.
    Table 1. Configuration values
    Input Value
    Name A name for your instance. Use only lowercase alphanumeric characters and "-".
    Namespace Select a namespace from the list. You can use the same namespace used by the Platform UI (typically icp4i).
    License You must Accept.
    User access level (under User) Select privileged.
    Name of user Enter admin.
    Password secret Enter the name of the secret you created previously.
For information about the remaining fields see DataPowerService API docs.

Gateway capability does not include a user interface. Configuration of the services provided by the gateway is done through other means. See DataPower configuration management