DataPowerService spec

The following properties can be set to fit the requirements of your environment.

Property Description Required Default
license License acceptance and use Yes None
version DataPower firmware version Yes None
replicas Desired number of Pods in the Statefulset Yes None
image Custom DataPower image No None
imagePullSecrets Image pull secrets No None
imagePullPolicy Image pull policy No IfNotPresent
users List of Users to associate with DataPower No See doc
domains List of DataPowerDomains to associate with Service No None
env Environment variables No None
initCmds Commands to run during user-specified initialization stage No None
extraExe List of ConfigMap names to mount containing extra executables No None
debug Enable debug logging on init scripts No false
resources Resource specifications for StatefulSet No See doc
livenessProbe Custom LivenessProbe No See doc
readinessProbe Custom ReadinessProbe No See doc
affinity Custom Kubernetes Affinity configuration No See doc
storage Persistent volume requests No See doc
podManagementPolicy Control how pods are deployed No Parallel
serviceAccountName Name of desired service account No None
odTracing OpenTracing Agent and Collector container configurations No See doc
jaegerTracing Generic Jaeger Tracing container configurations No See doc
annotations Custom annotations to apply to Pods No None
labels Custom labels to apply to Pods No None
tolerations Toleration settings to apply when scheduling DataPower Pods No None
nodeSelector NodeSelector key-value pairs to match when scheduling DataPower Pods No None
lifecycle Container lifecycle hook to be executed No None
terminationGracePeriodSeconds Time provided to pods to gracefully shutdown prior to being terminated No 30
podAutoScaling Pod autoscaling settings used by horizontal or vertical scaling No None
runAsRoot Run the DataPower containers as root user No false
createServiceBinding DataPowerServiceBinding creation behavior No automatic
updateStrategy Pod template update rollout strategy No See doc
healthCheck Configuration for DataPower Health Check service No See doc
readinessTimeoutSeconds Readiness timeout in seconds for DataPower Pod(s) No None
hostAliases Static host alias entries for DataPower No None