Configuration Management

The DataPower Operator deploys and manages configuration defined by the DataPowerService Custom Resource spec.


The DataPower Operator will reconcile any DataPowerService Custom Resource instance created or updated in the namespace(s) it watches. This means that when you create a new DataPowerService instance, the DataPower Operator will see that new instance and begin to reconcile the requested configuration.

Each DataPowerService will be translated to a StatefulSet, which is created in the cluster in the same namespace the DataPowerService resides in. This StatefulSet will deploy the actual DataPower Pods. When updates are made to the DataPowerService, those changes are propagated to the StatefulSet automatically. When the StatefulSet is updated, it performs a rolling update to propagate any changes out to the DataPower Pods.

This reconciliation behavior allows you to create a DataPowerService instance which specifies (for example) a couple of users and domains, and then update the backing resources (Secrets, ConfigMaps, etc.) directly in the cluster. When those resources are updated in the cluster, the DataPower Operator will automatically pick those changes up and propagate them to the StatefulSet.


Each DataPower domain specified in the domains property can be managed independently of the others. You can add, remove, or update any domain in the domains array, by modifying the DataPowerService instance in the cluster. For an in-depth look at what goes into configuring the domains property, see the Domain Configuration guide.

While the domain structures can be updated in the domains property (such as defining new ConfigMaps, or adding entirely new domains), the resources which back the domains can also be updated directly in the cluster.

For example, if the Secret resource referenced by a domain's certs spec is updated to include new crypto material (such as new certs or keys), this will trigger a reconciliation of that domain to serialize the changes to the StatefulSet and DataPower Pods.

Similarly, any ConfigMap referenced by the domain's dpApp spec can be updated in-place, and this will cause the new configuration / files to be deployed to the StatefulSet.


Annotations are added to the StatefulSet PodTemplate (and thus the Pods themselves) which provide a hash of the configuration used in order to detect changes. fd1a685cd12d5eeffd0d6c40209483ab80d8e87c216a026b209f089f13a821fb 2fcc805fec16d4f041c7eef5ca86eabc8598ef122926455c064f1d0691b1411d

In the above example, you can see there are two configured domains, default and test-domain, with their respective reconciled hashes.


Similarly to domains, each user specified in the users property can be managed independently of the others. You can add, remove, or update any user in the users array, by modifying the DataPowerService instance in the cluster.

While the user structures can be updated in the users property (such as changing the accessLevel or group), the Secret specified by the passwordSecret can also be updated directly in the cluster.

For example, if the Secret specified by a user's passwordSecret is updated in the cluster, the DataPower Operator will reconcile this change to the StatefulSet, deploying the updated user configuration.

user-commands ConfigMap

The accessLevel and group properties for each user are added to a user-commands ConfigMap, which is mounted to each DataPower Pod in the StatefulSet. The name of this ConfigMap in built by appending -user-commands to the name of the DataPowerService instance.

Thus, if the accessLevel or group of an existing user is updated, or any users are added or removed from the users spec, this ConfigMap will also be updated.


Annotations are added to the StatefulSet PodTemplate (and thus the Pods themselves) which provide a hash of the user configuration. There will be a single annotation for each user, by name, and then another annotation for the user-commands ConfigMap. 8c6976e5b5410415bde908bd4dee15dfb167a9c873fc4bb8a81f6f2ab448a918 e78f4ededdbc0dbbf3534b82ec7346cc3beddadf0e788e90c27d23e32c51d935