Registering an analytics service

Configure at least one analytics service in your API Connect on-premises cloud. The analytics service is always associated with a gateway service, from which it collects API event data.

Before you begin

You must complete the following tasks:

About this task

The Analytics service collects API event data from the Gateway service. In Cloud Manager, you configure the Analytics service and then associate it with one or more Gateways. You can have multiple Gateways associated with a single Analytics service, but each Gateway can be associated with only one Analytics service. Using the Analytics service, you can filter, sort, and aggregate the API event data and view the results on a dashboard.

One of the following roles is required to register and manage Analytics services:

  • Administrator
  • Topology Administrator
  • Owner
  • A custom role with the Topology:Manage permission


Complete the following steps to configure the Analytics services for your cloud:

  1. In the Cloud Manager, click TopologyTopology.
  2. In the Availability Zone that will contain the Analytics service, select Register Services > Analytics.
  3. Enter the values to configure the Analytics service:

Field Description
Title (required) Enter a descriptive title for the Analytics service. This title will display on the screen.
Name (required) This field is auto-populated by the system and used as the internal field name.
Summary (optional) Enter a brief description.
Management endpoint on the analytics service: Endpoint (required) Enter the fully-qualified domain name for the Analytics client endpoint that you defined during installation.
Note: If you disabled internal storage for Analytics, provide the ingestion endpoint instead.
  • In a Kubernetes deployment, the client endpoint (or ingestion endpoint) is defined in the CR with the $STACK_HOST variable. For more information, see step 2 in Creating the Analytics CR.
  • In a VMware deployment, the client endpoint (or ingestion endpoint) is defined with an apicup command during installation. For more information, see step 7 in Deploying the Analytics subsystem.
TLS client profile (required) Select the TLS Client Profile that will be used to communicate with the Analytics service. The Client Profile applies to the Endpoint that you specified in the previous row.
Advanced analytics configuration (available when editing an analytics service) Configure advanced parameters in Kibana.

  1. Click Save to complete the operation.


The Analytics service is added to your cloud settings.

What to do next

Associate the Analytics service one or more Gateway services. For more information, see Associating an analytics service with a gateway service.