Fast Path utility status and reason codes

The Fast Path utilities can return a status code during the execution of an IMS or DBTOOLS utility. This usually indicates an error condition, but the status code might simply be of an informative nature.

Status codes

Table 1. Fast Path utility status codes
Status code Meaning
AA No ddname statement was specified.
AB DBRC interface failure occurred.
AC No ddname for an available ADS was specified.
AD Less than 2 available ddnames were specified.
AE Too many ddname statements were specified.
AK The field name was not defined.
AO I/O error on data set.
AX If this was issued while the DEDB Area Data Set Create utility was running, an area data set, which should be marked 'AVAILABLE' in the RECON data set, was not found. If this was issued while the DEDB Area Data Set Compare utility was running, any area data sets which are specified for comparison could not be found in an ADSC.
BA IRLM failed (LOCK or NOTIFY request).
BR Error reading data from the original area during DEDB Alter in DBFDAC00. Look up the reason code that is shown in the DFS4660E message in Table 2.

Error committing data to the shadow area during DEDB Alter in DBFDAC00. The return code in the DFS4661E message is for internal diagnostics only.

EM The SDEP area was empty.
FB FIRST START segment time stamp below logical BEGIN time tamp.
FD This was the first dependent.
FH Area not available.
FL STOP segment time stamp less than START segment time tamp.
FR This was the first root.
FU START segment time stamp greater than HIGH WATER MARK time stamp.
ID INDOUBT segment found in range to delete.
LB STOP segment time stamp less than LOGICAL BEGIN time stamp.
LD This was the last dependent.
LR This was the last root.
LU LAST segment time stamp greater than HIGH WATER MARK time stamp.
ND There are no dependents.
OB The STOPRBA value you specified coincides with an already allocated SDEP CI boundary or its dummy segment, that has a time stamp from a /DBR or RESTART and cannot be honored by the SDEP utility.
OC The relative byte address (RBA) and cycle count are not consistent between DMACNXTS and DMACXVAL in the DMAC for this area.
OD The relative byte address (RBA) was not within the sequential-dependent part.
OL The RBA was not within the range of the currently-used portion of the sequential-dependent part.
OL The stop location specified was less than the logical begin of the sequential-dependent part.
OS STARTRBA was logically higher than the STOPRBA.
OS The stop location specified was greater than the logical end of the sequential-dependent part.
PE Parameter error.
SO SORT NEW FORMAT segments failed.
TA Error while freeing storage.
TB Error while page freeing storage.
TC Invalid write request from the utility.
TD Buffer chain problem with utility buffers.
TE SDEP preallocated CI write error.
TF The utility requested more buffers than the maximum allows.
UA This status code is returned when an unknown error occurs during a DL/I call in DEDB Alter. In the event of this status code, contact IBM® support.
UB Error occurred obtaining buffer for IOVF data during DEDB Alter in DBFDAC50.
Note: This status code occurs only if the area is closed; otherwise, it results in a 1026 abend.
UD Deadlock for CI lock.
UE I/O error detected in chain of I/O.
UJ Wait for I/O completion timed out.
UK No pre-allocated SDEP CIs exist at start of utility.
UL Global lock failed.
UL Retained/Held CI lock.
UM ADS enters long busy I/O state
UP Area name was not in this database.
UQ The DELETE Utility found EEQE in the SDEP part of Area.
An AREA connect error was detected.
An error occurred retrieving the AREA or ADS LIST from DBRC
The AREA was being quiesced, utility connection failed.
An error occurred retrieving the AREA or ADS LIST from DBRC
An error occurred retrieving the AREA or ADS LIST from DBRC
IMS was unable to obtain a work area. Increase the region size and re-run the utility.
For a TYPE=TOOL utility that runs in UOW lock mode, a timeout occurred in the UOW lock mode transition process. A dependent region held a CI lock in the area being processed for greater than 130 seconds (the IMS UOW Lock Mode Transition timeout value).
UX Unlock failed for a SDEP buffer, xcrb or uxrb not found.
UY Not enough page fixable (real) storage available.
UZ Not enough storage for the needed number of utility buffers.

Reason codes

The Fast Path High Speed Reorganization can return the following reason codes. You can find the returned codes in the high speed reorganization report.

Table 2. Fast Path High Speed Reorganization reason codes
Reason code Meaning
01 The IOVF lock resource failed.
02 The IOVF buffer use limit was exceeded.

The specified or default BUFNO value did not provide enough buffers to meet the needs of the utility. This includes the dynamic expansion of the buffer pool which had already taken place. The message reports that the buffer use count (buffers taken) reached the limit count (buffers provided) set by BUFNO and that UOW was failed. This was likely due to a high number of IOVF CIs needing to be processed for the UOW. Limit count = {{{number of CIs per UOW} * BUFNO} * 2} Must increase the BUFNO value.

03 The UOW read failed.
04 The UOW lock failed.
05 An I/O error occurred when reading the IOVF control CI.
06 An unknown commit failure occurred.
07 The area or region was stopped.
08 An I/O error occurred when reading the IOVF data CI.
09 There was insufficient IOVF space.

The area spacebars no longer have available IOVF CIs to use for the reorganization. The UOW fails.

10 The lock attempt for IOVF control CI failed.
11 A deadlock on IOVF control CI occurred.
12 The relative byte address (RBA) in XCRB could not be freed.
13 The buffer free space element (FSE) was too small for IOVF CI.
14 The buffer free space element (FSE) was not available for reuse.
15 Database re-verification was in progress.
16 The system cannot acquire the buffers needed for the IOVF.

The request to get a buffer could not be completed due to a storage shortage. The UOW failed.

17 The system cannot acquire the buffers needed for the UIOW.

The request to acquire the initial buffer sets, or their dynamic extension, could not be completed due to a storage shortage. The UOW failed.

NA The reason code is not applicable because there is no reason code set in the low-level module.