What's new in Jazz Reporting Service 7.0.3

Learn more about what’s new and changed in JRS 7.0.3.

Report Builder new user experience

User productivity improvements
Report Builder (RB) user interface is updated to provide user productivity improvements for manage reports and folders, schedules and reports, and RB administration. For more information, see Introduction to Report Builder new user experience and Managing reports and schedules in new user experience.
Editing and copying schedules
You can now copy an export schedule. The existing capability of edit export schedule is enhanced. You can now edit schedules to modify the existing schedules, if reports related to them is not deleted. You can also copy schedules, if reports related to them are not deleted. For more information, see Exporting reports and scheduling export.
Refreshing type system for a data source
A column is now added to the Report Builder new user experience. The last refresh data is displayed on the data source table.

The Data source edit page shows the last refresh and current refreshed status, with notification that enables user to track the refresh status on any screen. For more information, see Managing data sources for Report Builder.

Additional capabilities in Report Builder administration
  • The Report Builder new user experience now offers new capabilities for query monitoring and advanced properties. It also enhances the existing capability of debugging services by including it in the administration UI. For more information, see Query monitoring and Logs and debugging.
Using Undo in delete operation
The Report Builder new user experience now provides an option to undo the delete operation. This action also resets the default data source, if the deleted one was marked as default. If you delete any data source by mistake, then this feature reverses that action.
Filtering by tags
You can now use filters to find the assets that are based on tags. Filter the reports, schedules, or export results based on a tag by clicking that tag. For more information, see Filtering by tags.
Dragging and dropping reports of folders
You can move the reports or folders into another folder by directly dragging and dropping them into the folder. For more information, see Moving reports or folders.
Filtering reports
You can now find the reports based on date, query languages, data sources, custom expressions, ownership, privacy, or sharing. For more information, see Filtering reports.
Views for schedules
The Schedules list now includes the following two views:
  • My schedules: Displays the schedules that you have created or that you own.
  • All schedules: Displays all schedules and schedules that you have created or that you own.

The administrator can only see these views.

Report Builder

Lifecycle Query Engine and Report Builder email notifications are restricted for archived Jazz Team Server users. For more information, see Setting up email notification for Lifecycle Query Engine events.
Graphs are displayed for negative values
Graphs are now displayed for both negative and positive values. For more information, see Reporting on artifacts across projects with Report Builder.
Configuration-scoped reports display selected configuration
Reports that are created on the Lifecycle Query Engine scoped by a configuration data source and exported to the Microsoft Excel format now display details of the selected configuration. The configuration name and URL are available in the QueryInfo sheet of the exported report.
My Choices page is collapsed by default
The My Choices page, which appears when you build reports, is now collapsed by default. This change increases the working area on the page. You can click the Show My Choices icon to expand the My Choices page and click the Hide My Choices icon to collapse the page again.
Vertical reference lines in line graphs appear behind line plots
Vertical reference lines in line graphs now appear behind rather than in front of the line plots. This change avoids the line plots from being hidden or unclear when the slope is steep.
Smart people picker component

The new people picker is now available in Report Builder when you perform the following tasks:

  • Add report owners on the Name and share page.
  • Add schedule owners on the Schedule an Export page.
  • Select report managers on the Setup page.
Support for reporting on Engineering Rhapsody® Model Manager(RMM) artifacts
Report Builder is enhanced with the capability of extracting a property from another property to support reporting on artifacts from RMM or other Engineering Lifecycle Management applications. For example, the value of the typeName property is extracted from the dcterms:title attribute of the type property.

For the extracting functions to work, applications must add jrs:viaResource and jrs:viaPropertyDefinition to the source property resource shape. For more information, see RMM Reporting with Jazz Reporting Service.

Data values are displayed near bar charts
The data values for bar charts are no longer displayed on the bars. They are now displayed for the vertical and the horizontal bar charts. When the difference between the low and high data values in bar charts is large, the bars for low data values might not be visible. Displaying the value near the bars helps the user understand the value of such invisible bars. As a part of this enhancement, values more than 1000 are displayed in Engineering notation.
Screen space utilization in graphs and dashboards
The excess blank space next to graphs in Report Builder and dashboards is now trimmed. Apart from enhancing the screen appearance, it reduces the need for a horizontal scroll bar in dashboard widgets when the graph fits into the widget space.
New Show grids option available for line and bar graphs
Grids are now available for line graphs and not just bar graphs. Grids increase the precision of large graphs and enhance the perception of minor differences in graphs. On the Format results page, a new Show grids option is available in the Graph type list for you to view line and bar graphs with or without grids. Grids are enabled by default.
JRS 7.0.3 upgrade script copies the <installdir>/server/conf/MetamodelCache folder.
In the Jazz Reporting Service 7.0.3 version, the rs_upgrade script is enhanced to copy the <installdir>/server/conf/MetamodelCache folder along with the <installdir>/server/conf/db folder. Copying the MetamodelCache folder retains the type system model refresh history from the older releases, providing a better experience.
Query language added in the My Choices section of a report
In the My Choices section, you can now see whether the report is using the SPARQL or SQL. It is an update to the existing capability.
The report export and more reliable
The mechanism that allows users to export a report from one Report Builder instance and import it into a different instance when the type systems are compatible, now works more reliably.
The report builder no longer shows draft reports in the report list
To reduce clutter, the draft report export and import mechanism are no longer displayed on the Reports page. It is a change to an existing capability. The Report Builder warns if you try to close the window or the tab without saving the report. This warning is displayed only when at least the artifact type is selected for that report.
Prevent TCP connection timeouts between Report Builder LQE
You can use the KeepAliveproperty to prevent TCP connection timeouts between Report Builder and LQE and prevent connection loss during query execution. It is a new capability. For more information, see Report Builder and Lifecycle Query Engine: Setting query and socket timeout.
Report count is displayed for data sources and query languages
On the Report Builder dashboard, when the user chooses the Group by data source and Group by query language options, the report count is displayed for data sources and query languages. It is a change to the existing capability. For more information, see Finding and organizing reports in Report Builder
Cache Result timeout field added to improve the performance of the report
  • The Report Builder reports can become complex, which can lead to an execution time that exceeds 10 minutes for large Engineering Lifecycle Management deployments with a lot of data. By caching the last report results, JRS can quickly display it on dashboard, reducing the load on LQE.

    To set the time in seconds, use the Result timeout in seconds field. The report displays data at the configured time. For more information, see Reporting on metrics and historical trends across projects with Report Builder.

Preserving the results after the Report Builder upgrade
After the Report Builder upgrade from the existing version to latest version is completed, the user will not lose the schedule-based exported results. The results are preserved and the same Results folder is copied to the new Jazz Team Server. The new default location of the exported results is JTS/server/conf/rs/ExportResults.
Suspend a scheduled report from being produced by setting Frequency to Archived.
Previously, on the Edit the export schedule page, in the Frequency field, the options Once, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly were available. Now, a new option that is named Archived has been added.

The Archived option enables users to temporarily cancel a scheduled report without deleting it. This is a change from the existing capability.

Improved reporting usability and reliability

The Report Builder completeness check can detect and warn the user about missing or skipped configurations, or selections artifacts. For missing configurations, the check identifies which configurations are missing. For RMM or EWM SCM configurations, the information can be used by the RMM or EWM SCM administrator to publish the configurations to the TRS so that LQE can index them.


Support for automatic data correction
LQE is enhanced to generate notifications in event feeds for the errors that it automatically detects and correct for the data that is published. You can also configure email notifications for corrections. The details of the corrections are displayed in a new Corrected Errors tab on the Data sources> Data Source Status page.
Vocabulary Reindexing status messages are displayed in the Vocabularies section
In the Vocabularies section, you can now see the status of the vocabulary reindexing process, which shows whether it is in ongoing or completed. The log file displays the same vocabulary reindexing process status with the timestamps. For more information, see Vocabulary reindexing operation.
Administrators can configure the number of slowest queries to receive in email
Previously, the number of queries were limited to 10 in the code. Now, JRS administrators can configure the number of slowest queries, which must be in the range 1 - 999, to receive in email. Users now have more control over configuration. For more information, see LQE configuration properties.
Checksum validation of the incoming data from data provider to LQE
A new feature is implemented to include checksum processing as a part of the normal indexing processes. This feature detects the data problem early and enables the user to troubleshoot it on time. For more information, see Troubleshooting failed patches warnings.
Configuration URL feature added to the SPARQL Query page
A new radio button for the configuration URL is added to the SPARQL Query page, which enables the user to check and validate the indexing of the configuration URL directly. The Configuration URL radio button is disabled by default. To enable it, the user must enter the URL of the configuration.


The user can now choose the creator information along with the artifact type such as test case, test plan, test script, execution result, and execution work item. The Creator column is added in all the data warehouse reports. The creator information based on the artifact types is displayed in this column.