DFHSTUP and DFH0STAT, CICS statistics reporting programs

The DFHSTUP utility and the sample program DFH0STAT are provided with CICS® to produce reports for CICS statistics.


DFHSTUP, the CICS statistics utility program, is a CICS utility which prepares and prints reports using the CICS statistics data recorded in the SMF data set.

To use DFHSTUP, you need to unload the SMF data set with the statistics you want to process, then run the DFHSTUP program in a batch region to sort, format and print the data. You can select or exclude statistics based on the CICS region applid or statistics type. You can also set time and date boundaries for the statistics.

DFHSTUP has an extract statistics reporting facility, which you can use to send statistics data directly to a user program. The sample program DFH0STXR shows you how you could use the extracted data to produce an event report which lists incidents where the statistics show that limits or warning thresholds were met or exceeded.

Statistics utility program (DFHSTUP) explains how to run DFHSTUP, and CICS statistics in DSECTs and DFHSTUP report lists the reports produced by DFHSTUP.


DFH0STAT, the CICS sample statistics program, uses the EXEC CICS INQUIRE and EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS commands to request an immediate statistics collection, and to obtain other information about resources in a CICS system. It then produces reports presenting the data.

You can use DFH0STAT as supplied, or modify it to suit your needs. The program's executable code and map sets are supplied as source files (mainly in COBOL), and also in pregenerated form ready for use. You can run DFH0STAT as a transaction from a CICS terminal (with the transaction name STAT), or invoke it from another program. When you run DFH0STAT, you can select the reports that you require for the CICS system with which you are working. You do not need to unload the SMF data set before using DFH0STAT.

The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT has more information about DFH0STAT, and The DFH0STAT reports lists the reports produced by DFH0STAT.