CICS statistics

The CICS® statistics domain collects a variety of statistical data about activities in the CICS region. CICS statistics are written to the SMF data set.

The CICS statistics provide information about each of the resources and domains in CICS, such as counts of resource requests, wait times for resources, processor use, and storage use.

CICS collects statistics on a number of different occasions:
  • At intervals that you set (the default is every hour). These collections are called interval statistics.
  • At the end-of-day expiry time (a logical point in the 24-hour operation of CICS), and at CICS shutdown. Both of these collections are called end-of-day statistics.
  • When you use CICS commands to request an additional immediate statistics collection at any time. These collections are called requested statistics.
  • When some resources are discarded (for example, when CICS disconnects from DB2®, or a file is closed, or an installed program definition is discarded). These collections are called unsolicited statistics.
Collecting statistics means that CICS writes them to the SMF data set. The statistics counters are normally reset when this happens, except where you request an immediate statistics collection, when you can choose whether or not to reset the statistics counters.

You can set the statistics recording status on or off using the STATRCD system initialization parameter, or the SET STATISTICS command. The statistics recording status affects only the interval statistics. End-of-day statistics and unsolicited statistics are collected regardless of this setting, and you can still request an immediate statistics collection when the statistics recording status is set off.

You can change the interval for collecting CICS statistics, and the end-of-day expiry time, by using system initialization parameters or the SET STATISTICS command.

You can process the CICS statistics from the SMF data set by using the CICS statistics utility DFHSTUP, or the CICS-supplied sample statistics program DFH0STAT, both of which produce formatted reports. You can also write your own application program to report and analyze the statistics. Products such as CICS Performance Analyzer and Tivoli® Decision Support for z/OS® also make use of the CICS statistics.

Introduction to CICS statistics has more information.