Home Case Studies Sypsoft360 Sypsoft360
Sends sales soaring by helping clients with their journey to SAP solutions in the cloud
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Many companies seek the benefits of cloud: low cost and low complexity, combined with high levels of security and reliability. IT services provider Sypsoft360 helps its clients to success with managed SAP Business One® services hosted in the IBM® Cloud™, offering consistently high performance and stability—and sending sales soaring.

Business challenge

Sypsoft360 saw an opportunity: help mid-sized businesses embrace the cloud with high-quality, cost-effective managed SAP Business One services. How could Sypsoft360 bring its offering to market fast?


The company built a fully managed SAP Business One offering on SAP-certified IBM Cloud Bare Metal Servers, giving clients the ERP capabilities to meet their business objectives at low cost.

Results 200%
increase in annual revenues
2x growth
in cloud sales each month since launch
of all leads closed are now for cloud-based services
Business challenge story
Smoothing the way

The promise of cost-savings, reduced administrative requirements and simple scalability make a cloud strategy appealing to enterprises of all sizes. But before companies move away from their on-premises infrastructure, they need the assurance that their mission-critical business systems can run smoothly in the cloud 24/7.

Grimaldo del Solar, Regional Director at Sypsoft360, explains: “Sypsoft360 specializes in helping mid-sized enterprises deploy SAP Business One to support their businesses. We realized that the majority of our clients and prospects were interested in cloud-based services, and we aimed to stride ahead of our competitors by being first to market with a specialized managed-services offering for SAP Business One.”

Sypsoft360 began building its managed services offering using a well-known public cloud platform. The company soon encountered issues that prompted it to seek an alternative. One of the key challenges was that the previous cloud provider locked Sypsoft360 into six-monthly contracts, which meant that it had to do the same for its own clients, or risk being left out of pocket in the event of a cancellation.

Del Solar continues: “Aside from limiting our ability to deliver flexible contracts, the previous vendor’s pricing was expensive and unpredictable, making it difficult for us to offer competitive fees. There was no local support, so we were left grappling with their online support pages if we had any problems. We started looking for a new provider that could offer us greater flexibility and more responsive support.”

With help from the winning combination of IBM Cloud Bare Metal Servers and SAP Business One, we are on track to increase our annual revenues by 200 percent this year. Grimaldo del Solar Regional Director Sypsoft360
Transformation story
Recalibrating for success

To form the basis of its fully managed SAP Business One offering, Sypsoft360 selected SAP-certified IBM Cloud Bare Metal Servers. The company made the decision following a successful proof-of-concept (PoC) exercise that demonstrated that the solution delivered on performance and easy management.

“We first considered IBM Cloud Bare Metal servers because they are both certified for SAP solutions and competitively priced,” says Del Solar. “The PoC exercise convinced us that our experience with the IBM Cloud would be very different to the one we had with our previous cloud services provider. IBM has offices around the world, giving us access to local support in all three countries we operate in: Peru, Chile and Ecuador. Because of their international presence, working with IBM is far less impersonal than other big vendors we’ve engaged with in the past.

“Another great benefit of the IBM Cloud is the local pre-sales support. When we approach clients, they often have a wide range of applications they want to move into the cloud, which can create significant technical complexity. With IBM Cloud, we always have access to IBM technical experts to help us define the optimal infrastructure to deliver the targeted levels of performance, security and cost-efficiency for each client’s unique needs.”

Today, Sypsoft360 gives every new client the option of SAP Business One running on the IBM Cloud, and uptake has taken off rapidly. The company is also helping existing clients take their first steps into the cloud by migrating their SAP Business One environments to IBM Cloud Bare Metal servers. 

Engineers at Sypsoft360 use the web control panel to provision resources and manage infrastructure. Del Solar comments: “IBM rolls out improvements to the web portal periodically, meaning it just gets better and more convenient to use. If any of our clients ever has questions about integrating other applications with their cloud-based SAP Business One environment, IBM helps us respond effectively.”

Selecting IBM Cloud Bare Metal Servers to support our SAP Business One managed service has played a key role in differentiating us from the competition. It allows us to offer levels of price-performance that others in our industry have yet to match. Grimaldo del Solar Regional Director Sypsoft360
Results story
Sending sales through the roof

Sypsoft360’s managed SAP Business One offering based on IBM Cloud Bare Metal Servers was an immediate hit with its prospects. One year since the launch, cloud-based solutions are now at the heart of Sypsoft360’s go-to-market strategy, appealing to companies that want the powerful business management capabilities of SAP Business One with the simplicity and consistent performance of IBM Cloud infrastructure.

“Every month since we launched our managed SAP Business One service on IBM Cloud, we have doubled our sales of the new offering,” says Del Solar. “Today, 90 percent of the leads that we close are for cloud-based solutions. With help from the winning combination of IBM Cloud Bare Metal Servers and SAP Business One, we are on track to increase our annual revenue by 200 percent this year.”

Sypsoft360 is doubling down on its reputation for high-quality services that enable its clients’ businesses. By choosing IBM Cloud Bare Metal Servers, the company can take advantage of dedicated infrastructure, helping it secure client environments and ensure consistent performance. 

“With dedicated IBM Cloud Bare Metal servers, we can keep client environments separate,” comments Del Solar. “This protects them from threats, and prevents a sudden spike in compute demand on one client’s systems affecting the performance of another’s environment. The flexible billing model also means that we don’t need to lock clients into long contracts—something they really appreciate.”

In the event of an issue, Sypsoft360 can call on IBM support for a rapid resolution. In this way, the company enables exceptional service continuity for clients, helping to set it apart from competitors. 

Recently, the company’s responsiveness was put to the test. A client connected a computer infected with ransomware to the SAP Business One environment Sypsoft360 manages in the IBM Cloud. Del Solar comments: “We had a backup of the infected servers, and got in touch with IBM to help us recover the environment fast. Before we knew it, we were in touch with a team in IBM Dallas that talked us through the recovery process, resulting in a very satisfied client.”

Del Solar concludes: “Selecting IBM Cloud Bare Metal Servers for our SAP Business One managed service has played a key role in differentiating us from the competition. It allows us to offer levels of price-performance that others in our industry have yet to match.”

Sypsoft360 logo

Headquartered in Lima, Peru, Sypsoft360 specializes in deploying SAP Business One solutions to help small and mid-sized companies meet their business objectives. Founded in 2006, the company’s presence extends to Chile and Ecuador.

Take the next step

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To learn more about SAP-certified IBM infrastructure solutions, please visit: ibm.com/cloud/sap/certified-infrastructure

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