
Case Studies

KIO Spain - IBM case study - Power

KIO Spain and IBM Power: flexibility and support for demanding workloads
Server room

KIO Spain offers solutions that provide robustness, security, and superior performance to market alternatives. You can count on IBM Power to offer disruptive technology.

The challenge of shifting from on-premise to cloud

The cloud may be mainstream now, but a few years ago, customers weren't as used to it as they are today. Switching from an on-premises model to the cloud, without having a clear idea what that meant for the flexibility of the solutions, either at the economic or growth level, did not seem particularly compelling.

Some eight years ago, KIO Spain, an Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) company oriented toward mission-critical infrastructure, sought to differentiate itself from the competition by focusing on specialization, availability and quality. It had a reduced portfolio of services, but broad enough that customers could choose the optimal infrastructure for their workloads according to their needs. For those customers with high workloads in SAP, KIO Spain’s offerings go hand-in-hand with IBM Power® servers, which offer great value in cloud services. The performance of the IBM Power platform sets its apart, and it allows customers to fire up new instances (as memory permits) at the pace demanded by their projects.

It has been 7 years since KIO Spain began working with IBM and the key selling point has been, without a doubt, its offering of an IBM Power demo to clients, managed by an integrator. The demo allows companies to assess the robustness of IBM solutions for themselves, and to see how they work optimally with servers that have large amounts of RAM.

100% of the companies that agreed to try IBM Power servers have turned into customers, and are now part of KIO Spain’s roster. This constitutes 17 companies throughout Spain in the food, logistics, chemical industry, manufacturing industry and public administration sectors.

  17 satisfied customers

Clients from all over Spain from the food, logistics, chemical industry, manufacturing industry and public administration sectors.

35% performance improvement

Upgrading to newer IBM Power technology delivered a substantial improvement in multiple aspects.

50% reduction in data center footprint

Adopting new Power technology delivered a reduction in space in the data center and energy savings.

Being able to offer IBM Power servers to our customers has allowed us to differentiate ourselves and drive KIO's growth in the market. Laura Castaño Director of Business Development KIO Spain
IBM Power: Scalability, security, reliability and robustness

Deploying IBM Power servers has allowed KIO Spain to differentiate its services and pioneer cloud offerings in Spain. The company’s philosophy involves being able to offer different flavors of the cloud to its customers, matching each client’s needs with the most appropriate product.

It is especially noteworthy when large companies decide to move their critical workloads to a cloud provider, as many companies only outsource what is considered non-critical. IBM Power technology allows for high availability and significant automation. If there is a problem with one of the machines, it automatically moves any data to another machine, guaranteeing total reliability.

The IBM Power family helps respond to business demands faster, protect data from core to cloud, and streamline insights and automation while sustainably maximizing reliability. IBM Power enables companies working with KIO Spain to modernize applications and infrastructure with a seamless hybrid cloud experience, and provide the agility customers need.

IBM Power servers offer a scale-up infrastructure that keeps you ahead of workload challenges, new data sources and compute demands. With these enterprise servers, you can prepare workloads for the cloud and also build a cloud designed for the most data-intensive ones.

Outstanding results for KIO Spain with Power technology

The results achieved by KIO Spain with IBM Power technology are outstanding, and noticeably so at a time when the cloud is becoming critical for many companies’ digital transformations. Mission-critical workloads are essential to business continuity and operation, so moving them to a cloud environment is a clear sign of trust in the provider and the systems on which they are hosted.

The availability and performance of the IBM Power family leaves KIO Spain customers satisfied with IBM technology and its support for SAP HANA. Over the years, KIO Spain’s collaboration with IBM has allowed it to update Power systems to newer models, offering its customers the best features for the digital era.

The most recent upgrade in Power technology provided substantial gains in multiple areas. Data center footprint and energy usage have been reduced by 50% and performance has increased by 35%.

The clients of KIO Spain who use IBM Power provide positive feedback on their high levels of satisfaction and minimal problems. They love the flexibility our infrastructure gives them. Laura Castaño Director of Business Development KIO Spain
About KIO Spain

KIO Spain is part of the KIO Group, founded in 2002 in Mexico. It offers a wide range of mission-critical IT technologies, which guarantees the implementation, operation and management of its clients’ systems, allowing their IT operations to run efficiently.

Solution components IBM Power® servers

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