2018 Nov

IBM Security Summit:以新時代思維推動保安創新

  創新要在安全的基礎上才能持續發展,保安也需要創新來應對日新月異的威脅。這是不久前舉行的 IBM Security Summit 以「Security for Innovation. Innovation for Security」所傳遞的訊息。

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IBM Security Summit: Security Innovation Needs New Era Rethink

Innovation and security are entwined. Sustainable innovation needs robust security, while security needs innovation to tackle evolving threats. It was the main takeaway at the IBM Security Summit titled “Security for Innovation. Innovation for Security.”

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IBM Positioned as a Leader in 2019 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Center Outsourcing and Hybrid Infrastructure Managed Services in Europe and Asia/Pacific

IBM has announced that Gartner Inc. has positioned IBM as a Leader in the 2019 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Center Outsourcing and Hybrid Infrastructure Managed Services for Europe and Asia/Pacific. IBM was again positioned the highest in ability to execute.

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IBM 連續第八年獲評為 Gartner 亞太區魔力象限領導者

IBM 連續第八年被 Gartner Inc. 評為 2019年 Gartner 亞太地區數據中心和混合基礎架構管理服務魔力象限(Magic Quadrant)領導者。IBM 再次被評為執行能力最強的服務提供商。

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