IBM Social Software and Analytics helps to prevent breast cancer

What do women really know about breast cancer, and – even more crucially – what do they not know? The Minerva project was designed to provide an answer to these questions, and to put detail around them. Up to the end of December 2013, women were able to request and share information on breast cancer […]

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Those four weeks in Dakar have been an amazing journey #IBMCSC

Petra Florizoone, Software Client Leader for the Public Sector, tells us about her Corporate Services Corps experience in Dakar (Senegal) where she was involved in a food transformation project and worked at the intersection of business and society. There were 14 of us to be deployed in Dakar. Fourteen IBMers, from seven different countries. Satish […]

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The rise of the data scientist

Written by: Marc Teerlink, Global Strategist & Chief Data Scientist at IBM and Olav Laudy, Worldwide Predictive Analytics Solutions Leader at IBM In the film Moneyball, Billy Beane takes over as manager of the Oakland Athletics baseball team in California. With the club in dire financial straits, he adopts a highly unorthodox strategy for achieving […]

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Announcement of the IBM Benelux “Master the Mainframe Contest!”

  Did you know that on April 7, 2014 a top-quality IBM jewel celebrated its 50th anniversary? This is about technology that reshaped entire industries, allowed to reinvent business models for competitive advantage, and stimulated overall economy through secure transactions and trustable data. This master piece is known as “Mainframe” or “System z”. Taking into […]

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IBM tackles Brussels mobility issues

IBM experts are helping to unravel the traffic problems that have afflicted Brussels, with the company awarding the Brussels-Capital Region a Smarter City Grant valued at half a million US dollars. The city will use the funds to investigate ways of improving mobility in Brussels. An important part of the solution to our mobility issue […]

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