The ultimate in Big Data: Processing everything in the entire universe since time began

Professor Michael Garrett is allowed to be a little nonchalant about the current interest in Big Data. As a leading radio astronomer, he scans outer space for radio waves that might indicate intelligent life on other planets. He gathers, processes and analyzes as much data as possible from the entire known universe, going back to […]

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How to manage the aging assets in your organization?

By Eric Luyer, Marketing Manager, Corporate Asset and Facilities Management IBM Software Group Extending the life of aging infrastructures in your organization is a common goal for all asset owners, operators or service providers. Under the current economic conditions many companies are looking for ways to reduce cost and to manage assets in a much […]

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7th Video Extreme Blue

Last week, Extreme Blue Belgium visited the IBM Lab in La Gaude, in France. The students spent some hours there where they found out some of the last innovations of IBM. They tried some of them out. Extreme Blue students were quite excited about it. Once they finished the visit to the lab, they moved […]

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Two-factor authenticatie als onmisbare sleutel in digitale beveiliging

Blog door Peter Volckaert, IT Security Architect. In juni werd Wired-journalist Matt Honan het slachtoffer van hackers. Zij wisten de controle over Honan’s Twitter-account te bemachtigen, door gaten in de beveiliging van Apple, Amazon en Google te benutten. Het uiteindelijke resultaat: ze sloten zijn Gmail-account, verwijderden zijn iCloud-data en maakten misbruik van zijn Twitter-account door […]

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