Vente en ligne : le succès passe moins par l’attention suscitée que par les relations nouées avec les clients

Les consommateurs se convertissent très vite aux achats en ligne, alors que les commerçants rechignent souvent à adopter cette mutation. Quant aux détaillants, ils ont compris très tôt l’évolution des comportements d’achat, ils ont pris une belle longueur d’avance et récoltent aujourd’hui les fruits de leur clairvoyance. Les techniques habituelles du marketing ont de toute […]

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ABN AMRO and IBM: Working together is more than just a contract

ABN AMRO and IBM have been close partners for many years. The collaboration broadly centers on two company-wide focus areas — workstation management and IT infrastructure. “Our collaboration is more driven by the business than by the IT,” explains Frans Woelders, ABN AMRO’s CIO. “We are looking first of all at where the business needs […]

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Helping develop an online culture in the emirate of Sharjah

The IBM Corporate Service Corps (CSC) was launched in 2008 to deliver high-quality problem solving for communities and organizations in emerging markets. The program empowers IBM employees as global citizens by sending groups of 10-15 IBMers – from different countries and with a range of skills – to an emerging market, so that they can engage in […]

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