
The promise of quantum computers

The future of computing will be different. While current classical computers use transistors and logical circuits, IBM predicts that different kinds of technologies will be used in the future to optimize and solve problems we currently have only limited capabilities to resolve in due time. While today’s computers excel in classic logical problems, mankind has […]

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Webinar: How to start your journey from VMware based infrastructure to a full blown hybrid cloud native environment

How to start your journey from VMware based infrastructure to a full blown hybrid cloud native environment I am pleased to invite you to a webinar on the Journey to Cloud on 12th June, 10:00-10:30 CET. IBM’s approach to Cloud is defined by 5 key principles: * Hybrid *  Multicloud *  Open *  Secure *  […]

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IBM tech predictions for 2019

Drawing on IBM’s unmatched capabilities to meet clients’ most pressing needs, here are five of the most important tech predictions for 2019 that cut across AI, blockchain, regulation, quantum computing and hybrid cloud: Blockchain goes mainstream… quietly In 2019, consumers will begin to see blockchain applied to a variety of everyday uses, but they probably won’t […]

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What’s the meaning of all the buzz?

The IT industry is as we all know a fast paced and ever-changing industry. There are product introductions almost every month from all kinds of vendors (software, hardware, services, cloud etc). Moreover, all vendors love to throw buzz words around to create the next big thing. So, what does it all mean? When starting to […]

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Extend your VMware workloads seamlessly to the IBM Cloud

7 out of 10 IT-leaders consider Hybrid Cloud fundamental in their IT-strategy. Why? Simply because this is the only way to respond to the ever increasing demands form the business side: innovation, time-to-market, flexibility, global presence, cost efficiency, all deployed on a secure scalable platform. These requirements can be fulfilled with Hybrid Cloud, but also […]

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The infrastructure demands of the future

The data all around us, and the number of devices accessing that data, is growing at an incredible rate. The number of connected devices worldwide is set to grow from 10 billion to 75 billion by the end of the decade. This puts pressure on all organization, but managed service providers especially, to make sure […]

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Embracing the New World of Hybrid Cloud

  IT leaders face the challenges of operating in an increasingly dynamic world, and thus have to juggle a blend of on-premise, private cloud and public cloud infrastructures in order to deliver the first class services that business leaders demand from them. Hybrid cloud services – seamlessly blending on-premise infrastructure with cloud infrastructure – are […]

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December 15, 2015 8:05 AM

More power to transform your Cloud business BIG Data and Cloud applications are under constant pressure to be delivered faster, more securely and with optimal efficiency. Cloud service providers must guarantee performance and security. Does your infrastructure meet the growing demands of your customer’s data processing expectations and aggressive application services? Watch how IBM Power […]

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Skyen er ikke one size fits all

Næste generation af DIN cloud-forretning Udviklingen inden for cloud-opgaver har ændret Service Providers’ cloud-forretning samt kundernes efterspørgsel. Virksomheder, som investerer i ny teknologi, kan nu tilbyde mere avancerede og omkostningseffektive løsninger til deres kunder, og opnår derved en konkurencemæssig fordel. Hvordan kan din virksomhed tilbyde en skalerbar infrastruktur, som er dynamisk nok til at imødekomme […]

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