
IBM Security Forum Nordic

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Security today is both a business and a technical problem

Join our Security Forum to learn how you can better understand and articulate security risks to make better business decisions on your journey to cloud. The digital event will take place on November 18th, 2020 at 09:00 CET.

Cybersecurity is no longer simply a technical issue; it is a business issue. The more organizations can address cybersecurity risks and challenges in a quantitative manner, the more they will be able to incorporate a broader set of key stakeholders in reducing risks.

The risks are more and more shared responsibilities as organizations move the system’s workload to cloud. Zero Trust is then key to be or become a flexible and agile business.

Register for the Security Forum 2020 now

A short intro to the agenda

At the event, Magnus Lindkvist (Cloud Security Practice Lead, IBM Nordics) will discuss if security is better in the cloud and I will talk about how quantifying information risks in financial terms helps provide a clear understanding of the impact to the business and justify the investments in risk mitigation (security) controls. Magnus Wennergren (Competency Lead, Identity and Access Management, IBM Nordics) takes over with his presentation on how to protect the digital enterprise through the ZeroTrust paradigm. Furthermore, there will be additional discussions in the panel where we will be accompanied by our Security Business Unit Lead Nordics, Kaja Narum.

We will wrap up the main session at 10:30 and then open up for separate “Meet the expert”-sessions, where you will have the opportunity to ask questions and continue conversations with me and the other subject-matter experts. 

DID YOU READ: Coronavirus: Working remotely requires increased security

Event details: IBM Security Forum Nordic

Host: IBM
Date & time: November 18th, 2020 from 09:00-11:00 CET
Location: Digital event – attend from wherever you prefer
Participation fee: Free of charge
Agenda and registration: Click here and here respectively

I hope you will enjoy our compressed program, giving you the most important knowledge on key areas in your cloud and security journey. We look forward to see you!

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at AYaqoob@dk.ibm.com

Security Strategy Risk & Compliance Lead - Nordics

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