By Georg Ember on Februar 26, 2024

The AI in IBM AIOps – Algorithms in Focus

AI Algorithms in Focus Many of our clients and business partners ask, what actually are the AI capabilities of IBM’s AIOps solution. As the name “AIOps” implies, there must be included some AI capabilities for IT Operations. In this blogpost we will cover the key AI capabilities of IBM’s premier AIOps solution, the IBM Cloud […]


By innovate-banking on Februar 14, 2024

Leadership Skills in the Digital Transformation Wave of Central Banks

In an era of unprecedented change, many companies are faced with the challenges of digital transformation. Becoming a digital business means using technology to create new value in business models, customer experiences, and the internal capabilities that support core operations, whilst also generating efficiencies. The successful adoption of new technologies, digital ways of working and […]


By on November 17, 2023

Künstliche Intelligenz als Innovationstreiber in der Versicherungsbranche

Einblicke in die Zukunft der Versicherungsbranche: Unser Beitrag beleuchtet den Wandel der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette durch (generative) künstliche Intelligenz.


By Sascha Slomka and others on Oktober 24, 2023

AI Governance

AI governance has received a lot more attention as AI regulations are being formulated and passed. But AI Governance is not only about regulation, it is the key discipline to master the complexity induced by the variety of AI frameworks, models and tools. AI Governance relies on proper Data Governance which has been discussed in […]


By Georg Ember and Malte Menkhoff on Oktober 13, 2023

Warum ein IT Leitstand ohne AI Tools möglich, aber nicht sinnvoll ist

Es gibt Statements unter Hundebesitzern, die fangen etwa so an : „Ein Leben ohne Hund ist zwar möglich, aber nicht erfüllend und daher sinnlos“. Ganz so krass ist die Einstellung in der IT unter Systemadministratoren und Site Reliability Engineers noch nicht, was den Einsatz von Tools angeht. Aber die Sinnhaftigkeit des Einsatzes von AI Algorithmen […]


By Andreas Weininger and others on September 12, 2023

IBM’s Data Platform for Data-Driven Enterprises

What technology does IBM have to offer to help you become or strengthen your position as a data driven enterprise? IBM recognizes that most enterprises don’t start on a greenfield, but instead already have a landscape of data stores and analytical systems grown over many years. Therefore, IBM’s approach to a modern data platform focuses […]


By innovate-banking on August 30, 2023

Implementation of the Digital Euro

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The digital euro will enter the highly competitive, multifaceted, and heterogeneous payments landscape in the Eurozone. As any other payments method, it needs to provide additional value for the variety of stakeholders to achieve the envisioned acceptance rate in daily payments. Therefore we see the following aspects as levers for a successful digital […]


By innovate-banking on August 25, 2023

Data Alchemy for Banks: IReF – The RegTech Initiative for Large Scale Data Integration and Reporting

The Integrated Reporting Framework[1] (IReF) is a golden opportunity to increase the quality and efficiency of existing reporting processes, and, not in the spotlight, analytics. While the strategy of this data ecosystem has been discussed and, slowly but surely moving forward between traditional incumbents, not much is been discussed in getting the tech requirements right. […]


By Sascha Slomka and others on Juli 18, 2023

Experiential and Incremental Implementation

Motivation We have started this blog-series with the question why it is so difficult to become data driven and explored the approaches to accomplish this in Part 3. In this article we go in more detail and focus on experiential and incremental delivery. The main goal of experiential and incremental approaches is to gain a […]
