July 24, 2020 By IBM Cloud Team 2 min read

Are you looking for clear and easily accessible ways to get started with or learn about your IBM Cloud account? We hear you!

We pulled together noteworthy resources to help valued customers like you get started and grow with IBM Cloud®. Check out three of our favorites below and remember to bookmark them for later.

A webinar to get you started

Whether you’re new to IBM Cloud or an existing user looking to expand your understanding, this is a must-see webinar. Join us on August 27, 2020 to learn about getting started with IBM Cloud, managing your account, billing, account users, and more.

If this date doesn’t work for you, don’t worry—this is a monthly webinar series, so keep an eye on the events page for next month’s registration.

Register for the webinar

“Get Started” resources page

From a console tour and cloud essentials to resources and tutorials, this page is a great place to start. You will also find a range of support options, such as technical support forums, outside developer expertise, and IBM Cloud customer support experts.

Visit the “Get Started” page

Answers to those frequently asked questions

Have a specific question? Chances are you aren’t alone. Our FAQ docs cover everything from specific tech capabilities to frequently covered topics such as managing your account, resources, access, billing and usage.

Search the FAQs

Bonus: Personalized onboarding assistance

If you’re a Pay-As-You-Go customer looking for 30 days of personalized assistance with the client onboarding team, this program is for you. Get help with any area of IBM Cloud including solution designs, billing, platform best practices, and data continuity and resiliency planning.

Get personalized onboarding assistance

Join the community

We hope these resources will make your experience with IBM Cloud smooth and successful. Remember to bookmark these links for easy reference and join the IBM Public Cloud Community for more resources, conversations, and events.

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