Retirement of IBM Watson IoT Context Mapping
Thank you for using IBM Watson IoT Context Mapping Service
On December 22, 2017 we are retiring the IBM Watson IoT Context Mapping Service
Here’s what you need to know:
End of marketing: December 22, 2017
As of December 22, 2017, the service tile will be removed from the Bluemix Public catalog and you will no longer be able to provision new instances. However, existing instances will continue to be supported. After December 22, 2017, new customers will not be able to order IBM Watson IoT Context Mapping Service.
End of support: December 22, 2017
For a period of 365 days after the End of Marketing Date, all existing instances will continue to be available on the Services dashboard in the Bluemix console. IBM Watson IoT Context Mapping Bluemix service will continue to support all existing instances.
Do note, that any instance still provisioned at the End of Support Date will be deleted.
Please be sure to delete your IBM Watson IoT Context Mapping instances before the End of Support Date.
This change will affect all regions.
For customers who want IoT Automotive platform Products and applications, we recommend that you use IoT Connected Vehicle Insights Development Edition (part number D1PWPLL ) as an alternative.
IBM® IoT Connected Vehicle Insights SaaS is a foundational real-time infrastructure platform. It provides features to support the connected vehicle and emerging autonomous driving capabilities. IoT for Automotive SaaS is a highly scalable and low-latency dedicated cloud computing offering that provides big data storage and real-time analytics.
By using IoT Connected Vehicle Insights SaaS, you can build smart solutions that use in-vehicle and contextual data to share cars and manage fleet operations, monitor and improve Context Mapping, optimize journeys, and much more.
For a Product overview and features, visit IoT Connected Vehicle Insights SaaS overview
For more information about Development Edition SaaS, visit IBM Knowledge Center