How fintechs are helping banks accelerate innovation while navigating global regulations

4 min read - Financial institutions are partnering with technology firms—from cloud providers to fintechs—to adopt innovations that help them stay competitive, remain agile and improve the customer experience. However, the biggest hurdle to adopting new technologies is security and regulatory compliance. While third and fourth parties have the potential to introduce risk, they can also be the solution. As enterprises undergo their modernization journeys, fintechs are redefining digital transformation in ways that have never been seen before. This includes using hybrid cloud and…

Tech industry ramps up efforts to combat rising deepfake threats

2 min read - Deepfake fraud is surging, signaling an alarming trend in corporate security. Scammers can now create convincing voice impersonations of executives, potentially manipulating stock prices and orchestrating multi-million dollar frauds. As companies rush to bolster defenses, experts say many remain unprepared for this rapidly evolving threat. "Bad actors have a low barrier to entry," warns Srinivas Tummalapenta, an IBM Distinguished Engineer & CTO of IBM Security Services. With just $5 and a minute-long voice sample, scammers can now impersonate CEOs, potentially…

The rise of robotics in the auto industry

5 min read - The auto industry is going all-in on robotics. The automotive sector has become the number one adopter of industrial robots, making up 33% of all installations in the US last year, according to a 2024 study by the International Federation of Robotics. Key reasons include transitioning to more electric vehicles as well as labor shortages. Automakers employ a variety of robots that range from collaborative robots (or “cobots”) to six-axis robotic arms. But the latest—and buzziest—tech is the humanoid robots…

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