May 9, 2023 By Eileen Lowry 2 min read

Customer needs and market dynamics are constantly shifting from one moment to the next. There are thousands of business events flowing through every part of your organization every day. These events can provide a wealth of information about what’s actually happening across your business at any moment in time.

Organizations that can capitalize on this continual stream of business intelligence can spot trends, issues and opportunities, address threats, and act quickly.

But operationalizing business events is challenging. First, events can be locked away across a variety of different data sources, applications and systems. Businesses need a way to unlock the value of their events while they are still actionable.

Second, huge volumes of new events constantly take place across the organization. Businesses need a way to sort, filter and identify the key events that matter most while new ones continue to pour in.

And finally, to make effective use of the event, the context in which it occurs is important. Events need to be processed and combined to identify and act on the business situations that matter. Businesses need a way to accelerate this work without being limited by a need for deep technical skill sets that may be in short supply.

Become an event-driven business with IBM Event Automation

Today, IBM is announcing IBM Event Automation, a composable solution designed to help organizations put events to work by enabling business and IT users to detect situations in real-time, act on them and trigger automations to help maximize their revenue potential.

With this new solution, you can help your organization become more responsive to customer needs and resilient in the face of shifting market dynamics.

IBM Event Automation provides an intuitive and integrated experience for distributing, discovering and processing business events across the organization:

  • Event distribution: Collect raw streams of real-time business events with enterprise-grade Apache Kafka.
  • Event discovery: Build a self-service catalog of event sources for users to securely browse and utilize.
  • Event processing: Define business situations in an intuitive authoring canvas so you can respond when they arise and automate decisions.

Get started with IBM Event Automation

IBM Event Automation will be generally available June 29, 2023. For more information, please visit the IBM Event Automation website or contact your local IBM representative or IBM Business Partner.

Join us for our webcast on to learn more: Accelerate your speed of business with IBM Event Automation

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