Error Recovery Action codes

Error Recovery Action (ERA) codes can be returned to a user performing operations in the IBM® TS7700 Grid. These codes are returned when a command fails before the operation begins. The format for the ERA codes is ERA code XX Mod YY, where XX is the ERA code and YY is its modifier.

The following table defines the ERA codes that you can encounter:

Table 1. ERA codes
ERA code Reason - Modifier - Description

Unsolicited Sense

The sense command was issued without an existing contingent allegiance. Any existing unit check conditions and associated sense data remain pending in the controller.


Read Data Check

An unrecoverable error was detected while attempting to read a data block or tape mark. The controller attempts, if possible, to send whatever data is read, correct or incorrect, to the host before presenting unit check status. Failure to perform DDR recovery can result in the controller preventing further access to the volume.


Read Opposite

A Read Backward command was issued to the subsystem.


Command Reject

The command cannot be accepted for any of the following conditions:
  • An undefined command was issued.
  • The parameter data for a command is invalid.
  • A command sequence error was detected
Check the Modifier to determine the reason for the reject.
When this unit check is presented to a Perform Subsystem Function command that specifies one of the following orders:
  • Set Volume Token (SVT)
  • Prepare for Read Volume Token (PRVT)
  • Delete Volume Token (DVT)
  • Control File Access (CFA)
  • Restricted Command Control (RCC)
  • Present Message Notification Attention (PMNA)
  • Create Token List File (CTLF)
  • PTP Mode Control (PMC)
  • PTP Query Data (PQD)
  Format 20 sense byte 8 reports the Reason code (RC) and byte 9 reports the Reason Qualifier Code (RQC) associated with the error detected. The following RC-RQC values are defined:
Process Sequence: The command is incompatible with the state of the subsystem or a resource in the subsystem established by a prior command.
Process Sequence: The resource requested by the command is in use by another process in the subsystem.
Parameter Error: An invalid parameter has been specified.
Parameter In Conflict: A valid parameter has been specified that is incompatible with the state of the subsystem.
Reserved Field Error: A reserved field has been set to a non-zero value.
  Modifier - Description
  01 - A reserved field in a Library Mount or Library Universal Mount order is invalid.
  02 - A reserved field in a Library Demount order is invalid.
  03 - A reserved field in a Library Set Volume Category order is invalid.
  04 - A reserved field in a Library Set Volume Attribute order is invalid.
  07 - A reserved field in a Library Cancel order is invalid.
  08 - A reserved field in a Prepare for Read Subsystem Data order is invalid.
  09 - A reserved field in a Library Export order is invalid.
  0A - A reserved field in a Library Audit order is invalid.
  0B - A reserved field in a Library Import order is invalid.
  0C - A reserved field in a Library Set Device Category order is invalid.
  0D - A reserved field in a Library Release Category order is invalid.
  0E - A reserved field in a Library Reserve Category order is invalid.
  0F - A reserved field in a Library Add Volume Information order is invalid and no other reserved field error code applies.
  11 - The VOLSER is all blanks and the source category is NULL, VOLSER-specific category or is in the range reserved for hardware other than Insert category, or the alternate source category is in the range reserved for hardware other than Insert Category, or the second alternate source category is in the range reserved for hardware other than Insert Category.
  12 - An invalid target-category is specified in a Library Demount order.
  13 - The target-category is not Eject and the Message Required Bit is set in a Library Set Volume Category order.
  14 - A target VOLSER of all blanks is specified in a Library Set Volume Attribute order.
  17 - An invalid attribute is specified in a Library Cancel order.
  18 - An invalid information type is specified in a PLF- Prepare For Read Subsystem Data order.
  19 - A VOLSER of all blanks is specified in a Library Export order.
  1A - An invalid audit type is specified in a Library Audit order.
  1B - A VOLSER of all blanks is specified in a Library Import order.
  1C - The Demount Category Assignment specified in a Library Set Device Category order is the Volser-Specific category or in the range reserved for hardware.
  1D - An undefined release attribute is specified in a Library Release Category order.
  1E - The number of categories field in a Library Reserve Category order specified X'00'.
  1F - A reserved field in a Library Set Category attribute order is invalid.
  21 - The target category specified is in the range reserved for hardware. (X 'FF00-FFFE').
  22 - The VOLSER specified in a Library Demount order contains embedded blanks or illegal characters.
  23 - The VOLSER specified in a Library Set Volume Category order is not all blanks and the target category is in the range reserved for hardware but is not the eject, bulk-eject, or purge-volume category.
  24 - The target or clone VOLSER specified in a Library Set Volume Attribute order contains leading or embedded blanks or illegal characters.
  27 - The cancel attribute specifies - Message ID Cancel in a Library Cancel order and the Message ID parameter is all X'0'.
  28 - An invalid source-category is specified in a PLF- Prepare for Read Subsystem Data order.
  29 - The VOLSER specified in a Library Export order contains embedded blanks or illegal characters.
  2A - A VOLSER of all blanks is specified in a Library Audit order.
  2B - The VOLSER specified in a Library Import order contains embedded blanks or illegal characters.
  2C - An invalid device-category is specified in a Library Set Device Category order.
  2D - The Identification Token specified in a Library Release Category order is either all Nulls, Blanks, or contains one or more invalid characters or has no reserved categories.
  2E - The Identification Token specified in a Library Reserve Category order is either all Nulls or blanks or contains one or more invalid characters.
  2F - The Null category is specified in the Category field of a Library Set Category Attribute order.
  31 - The VOLSER has leading or embedded blanks.
  32 - The VOLSER specified in a Library Demount order is non-blank and it does not match the VOLSER that was mounted on the device.
  33 - The VOLSER specified in a Library Set Volume Category order is all blanks.
  34 - One or more of the storage management construct names specified in a Library Set Volume Attribute or Library Universal Mount order contains leading or embedded blanks or illegal characters.
  38 - The information type specified in a PLF- Prepare For Read Subsystem Data order requires a VOLSER to be specified, but the VOLSER specified is all blanks.
  3A - The VOLSER specified in a Library Audit order contains embedded blanks or illegal characters.
  3D - The Release Category specified in a Library Release Category order is outside of the range reserved for General-Programming-Use categories.
  3E - The Requested Category specified in a Library Reserve Category order is in the range reserved for hardware.
  3F - The category specified in the Category field of a Library Set Category Attribute order is not reserved.
  41 - In a Library Mount or Library Universal Mount order, a VOLSER was not specified, the alternate source- category parameter does not specify the null category and a previous library set device category order for the device specified the source-category and the category order parameter as active.
  42 - The VOLSER specified in a Library Demount order is not all blanks, and a mount operation for a different VOLSER is queued for the device.
  43 - The target-category specified in a Library Set Volume Category order is purge-volume and the VOLSER specified is not misplaced, not assigned to the exported category or not assigned to the manually ejected category.
  44 - The target category of a Library Set Volume Attribute order specified one of the eject categories.
  45 - Reserved (internal library manager error return)
  48 - The VOLSER specified in a PLF- Prepare For Read Subsystem Data order contains embedded blanks or illegal characters.
  4D - The Release Category specified in a Library Release Category order is not reserved for the specified System Token.
  4F - In a Library Set Category Attribute order, the attribute specified is X'01' but there are illegal characters in the Category Name field.
  53 - The VOLSER specified in a Library Set Volume Category order contains embedded blanks or illegal characters.
  54 - The target VOLSER specified in a Library Set Volume Attribute order is not all blanks and the category specified in the target-category parameter is in the range reserved for hardware and is not the insert category or the purge-volume category.
  58 - The priority field specified in a Perform Library Function command is not X'0'.
  5D - The Release attribute of a Library Release Category order specifies X'00' and there are volumes currently assigned to the Release Category specified.
  5F - In a Library Set Category Attribute order, the attribute specified is X'01' but the combination of the Identification Token and the Category Name is not unique.
  61 - Reserved
  63 - The source category field specified in a Library Set Volume Category or Library Set Volume Attribute order was not the null category and did not match the current assignment of the specified volume.
  64 - A Library Mount or Library Universal Mount order is issued to a device for which a previous Library Set Device Category order had specified the Enable Auto Mount parameter as active.
  65 - The mount issued was received on an invalid port number for the partition this TS7700 is attached.
  66 - The source storage group name parameter specified in a Library Universal Mount order contains leading or embedded blanks or illegal characters.
  68 - The System Token specified in a PLF- Prepare for Read Subsystem data order is either all nulls or blanks or contains one or more invalid characters.
  6E - The volume attribute parameters in a Library Add Volume Information order specified an undefined combination.
  70 - The VOLSER specified in a Library Add Volume Information order is all blanks or has embedded blanks or contains illegal characters.
  71 - The target category specified in a Library Add Volume Information order is incorrect. Refer to the order description for the specific conditions.
  74 - The target-category specified in a Library Set Volume Attribute order is purge-volume and the target VOLSERr specified is not misplaced, not assigned to the exported category or not assigned to the manually ejected category.
  88 - In a PLF- Prepare for Read Subsystem Data order that requests Expanded Volume Data, the Last Use Date Format or Field Separator for Last Use Date fields specified a value that is not defined.
  90 - A reserved field in a PLF - Set VTS Controller IP Information order is invalid. Sense byte 8 also indicates X'90'.
  91 - The Composite Library Name specified in a PLF - Set VTS Controller IP Information order has embedded blanks or contains invalid characters. Sense byte 8 also indicates X'91'.
  92 - Controller Network IP Name specified in a PLF - Set VTS Controller IP Information order has embedded blanks or contains invalid characters. Sense byte 8 also indicates X'92'.
  93 - Controller Domain Name specified in a PLF - Set VTS Controller IP Information order has embedded blanks or contains invalid characters. Sense byte 8 also indicates X'93'.
  94 - Controller Network IP Address specified in a PLF - Set VTS Controller IP Information order has embedded blanks or contains invalid characters. Sense byte 8 also indicates X'94'.
  95 - The Controller Type specified in a PLF - Set VTS Controller IP Information order is reserved. Sense byte 8 also indicates X'95'.
  A8 - A PLF- Prepare for Read Subsystem Data order that requests Volume Pool Statistical data is issued to the composite library in a PTP VTS.
  FD - An internal microcode error was detected while attempting to execute a Perform Library Function order.
  FE - The format level specified in a Perform Library Function command is not supported.
  FF - The Perform Library Function order specified is not supported.

Function Incompatible

A command issued requested an operation that is understood by the subsystem, but cannot be performed due to the state of the subsystem, its configuration, or the set of installed features. This ERA code is indicated for the following conditions:

  • For commands other than Clear Virtual Device, the path or path group a command was issued on is disabled for that command. For the Clear Virtual Device command, the path group ID specified in the command is disabled for restricted commands. Sense bytes 8:9 will also indicate X'2015'.
  • A Perform Subsystem Function command was issued which specified the Set Volume Token or Delete Volume Token order and the token specified in the current token field did not match the token currently associated with the specified volume in the Volume/token database. Sense bytes 8:9 will also indicate X'3150'.
  • A Perform Subsystem Function command was issued which specified the Set Volume Token order and the volume specified does not have an entry in the volume/token database and the database is at its maximum capacity. Sense bytes 8:9 will also indicate X'3151'.
  • A Perform Library Function command was issued, which specified the Library Set Volume Category order and a target category of one of the eject categories, to a PTP VTS subsystem and the subsystem is in the Service Preparation mode.
  • A Perform Library Function command was issued, which specified the Library Audit order, to a PTP VTS subsystem and the VTS subsystem, with the only valid copy of the specified volume, is in the Service Preparation mode.
  • A Perform Library Function command was issued, which specified the Prepare for Read Subsystem data order, to obtain information from a specific distributed library in a PTP VTS subsystem and that subsystem is in the Service Preparation mode.
  • A Perform Library Function command was issued to a PTP VTS subsystem which would cause either an eject or audit operation to be performed and the subsystem is already at the limit of the number of eject or audit operations it can concurrently support.
  • A Perform Library Function command was issued to a PTP VTS subsystem which specified a parameter value that is not supported by the subsystem.
  • A Perform Library Function command was issued, the microcode to support this command is installed, but the function requested by the command is not supported as described below.
  • A Perform Library Function command was issued, the microcode to support this command is installed, but the function cannot be performed due to the current state of the library as described below.
  Note: If the installed microcode does not support the Library Attachment Facility, ERA 27, Command Reject is indicated. When this unit check is presented to a Perform Library Function command in format 23 sense data, byte 8, check the Modifier to determine the reason for the reject.
  Modifier - Description
  00 - The function requested in the Perform Library Function order is not supported by the subsystem the order was issued to.
  01 - Library Attachment Facility Not Installed and Allowed
  02 - Reserved
  03 - Library Set Volume Category order issued specifying a target category of bulk-eject and the bulk input and output facility is not configured in the library.
  04 - Reserved
  05 - Attempting to cause a wrong type cartridge to be mounted on a device (for example a 3590 cartridge on a 3490 device).
  06 - The PLF Library Set Volume Category order specified an eject category for a virtual volume. k Virtual volumes cannot be ejected from the library unless they are in the insert category and have k a mount count of zero or assigned to a category that has the scratch (fast-ready) attribute set or the Ignore j Current Category for Virtual Volume Eject flag is active.
  07 - A PLF Library Cancel order was issued to cancel a pending export or import operation and one of the following conditions apply:
  • The Export/Import List VOLSER field specifies all binary zeros and there was not a corresponding operation pending in the library.
  • The Export/Import List VOLSER field specifies a VOLSER that does not match the VOLSER that was specified when the corresponding operation was initiated.
  08 - A PLF Library Import or Export order was issued to a Virtual Tape Server subsystem that has less than four available physical drives.
  09 - The following error is generated internally to the VTS/Library; it is not expected to ever be reported to a host.
A PLF Library Set Volume Category or Library Set Volume Attribute order was issued and one of the following conditions apply:
  • The target category specified the Exported category and the volume specified is not assigned to the Export-Pending category.
  • The target category specified the insert category and the volume is not assigned to either the import-pending, exported, or insert category.
  • The target category specified the purge category and the volume is not assigned to the import-pending category.
  0A - The following error is generated internally to the VTS/Library; it is not expected to ever be reported to a host.

A PLF Library Set Volume Category order was issued that specified the export-pending or exported category and the library does not have an export operation in progress.

  0B - The following error is generated internally to the VTS/Library; it is not expected to ever be reported to a host.

A PLF Library Set Volume Category order was issued that specified the import-pending category and the library does not have an import operation in progress.

  0C - The following error is generated internally to the VTS/Library; it is not expected to ever be reported to a host.

A PLF Library Set Volume Category order was issued that specified the insert category, the VOLSER specified is assigned to the import-pending category and the library does not have an import operation in progress.

  0D - One or more of the following conditions apply:
  • A Perform Library Function command was issued, which specified the Library Set Volume Category order and a target category of one of the eject categories, to a PTP VTS subsystem and the subsystem is in the Service Preparation mode.
  • A Perform Library Function command was issued, which specified the Library Audit order, to a PTP VTS subsystem and the VTS subsystem, with the only valid copy of the specified volume, is in the Service Preparation mode.
  • A Perform Library Function command was issued, which specified the Prepare for Read Subsystem data order, to obtain information from a specific distributed library in a PTP VTS subsystem and that subsystem is in the Service Preparation mode.
  • A Perform Library Function command was issued, which specified the Library Set Volume Category order or Library Set Volume Attribute order and a source category of insert, to a PTP VTS subsystem and the subsystem is in the Service Preparation mode.
  0E - One or more of the following conditions apply:
  • A Perform Library Function command was issued, which specified the Library Set Volume Category order and a target category of one of the eject categories, to a PTP VTS subsystem and the subsystem already has 1000 eject operations in progress.
  • A Perform Library Function command was issued, which specified the Library Audit order, to a PTP VTS subsystem and the subsystem already has 1000 audit operations in progress.
  0F - A Perform Library Function command was issued to a PTP VTS subsystem which specified a parameter value that is not supported by the subsystem.
  10 - A library mount or library universal mount PLF order specified a source or alternate-source category that is a scratch category or the scratch (fast-ready) bit in the flag byte was active and it is issued to a device in a cluster in a TS7700 Grid configuration that is in write protect or read-only takeover mode.
  11 - A Perform Library Function command was issued, which specified the Prepare for Read Subsystem data order, to obtain information about configurable facilities in the library and the requested facilities are not supported. This error is reported for the following conditions:
  • The information type specified is X'1D', All Device Data and the device set being requested is not configured in the library.
  • The information type specified is X'29', Volume Pool Statistical data and the pool set being requested is not configured in the library.
  12 - The Bypass Data Security Hold Checking flag (bit 7) in the flag byte is not active, a volume was specified in the command that has a non-zero expire time associated with it and the category to which it is assigned also has the hold check box active. A volume in this state cannot be mounted, moved, or have its attributes modified until the expire time has elapsed.
  18 - One or more of the specified construct names doesn't exist and the Construct Creation Actions parameter in an LSVA PLF order specified the operation is to fail if a specified construct doesn't exist.
  19 - In a LSVA PLF order, one or more of the specified construct names doesn't exist, the Construct Creation Actions parameter specified that the construct is to be created but the maximum number of unique names for a construct has already been reached (255 maximum).
  20 - One or more of the following conditions apply:
  • A LUM PLF order is issued to a device in a PTP VTS subsystem, an I/O VTS is specified in the definition for the provided management constructs and that VTS is unavailable.
  • A library mount or library universal mount PLF order is issued to a device in a cluster in a TS7700 Grid configuration and the cluster the command was received on is in service or service preparation mode.
  30 - A PLF command is issued to a device in a cluster in a TS7700 Grid configuration to update or query information associated with a virtual volume and the cluster the command was received on does not have an available path to the cluster that currently owns the volume and ownership takeover is not enabled.
  32 - A PLF export command is issued to a device in a cluster in a TS7700 Grid configuration, a distributed library is not specified and there are more than one valid copy of the export list file volume specified.
  33 - A PLF Export order is issued to a TS7700 and it is performing a global operation. Global operations are volume inserts, volume deletions through the management interface, damaged volume recovery and disaster recovery.
2B Environmental Data Present

ERA 2B, Environmental Data Present, occurs in log data presented to a Read Buffered Log command. In this case, unit check is not presented and, consequently, there is no software recovery action invoked.

2C Permanent Equipment Check

The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 2C, Permanent Equipment Check, when the controller detects an unrecoverable error due to subsystem hardware or microprogram failure.

2D Data Security Erase Failure

The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 2D, Data Security Erase Failure, in ending status to a Data Security Erase command if the controller cannot complete the command.

2E Not Capable
The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 2E, Not Capable, when the controller is unable to process the information on tape. This unit check is presented for any of the following reasons:
  • The information in the block ID field of a virtual block requested by a Read Forward or Read Backward command is invalid or requires facilities which are not available on this subsystem.
  • A read command is issued to a virtual device in a Virtual Tape Server subsystem and the current data record is in a compressed format and the subsystem does not support compressed data.
2F Limited Shared Access Violation
If a set of protected device-path pairs for a device have been established, any tape motion command other than Rewind/Unload, Write, Write Tape Mark, or Synchronize issued to that device on a path not in the protected set is presented unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 2F, Limited Shared Access Violation.
  1. The device assignment may have been reset or was never established. If the device is shared between multiple hosts which are not coupled, the device may be assigned to another host and not be accessible by the host executing the job.
  2. Sense byte 10:11 will indicate X'B300'. Sense byte 12 contains channel link ID of the accessing host.
30 Write Protected
The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 30, Write Protected, when a write-type command is issued to a volume:
  • Which is physically or virtually write protected.
  • In a VTC that is in read only or write protect mode. Sense bytes 8:9 will also contain X'2222'.
  • A specific volume mount was received while the TS7700 was in the out of cache resources state and a g subsequent write type command was issued to the volume.
35 Drive Equipment Check
The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 35, Drive Equipment Check, when any one of the following conditions occurs:
  • The virtual tape device has encountered an unrecoverable error.
  • To satisfy a virtual tape mount a recall is necessary and the recall could not be successfully completed.
Note: In the case of a recall failure, the controller first indicates that the device is ready, then presents this error to the first I/O command.
36 End of Data

Controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 36, End of Data, to a forward motion command if the controller detects it is at the end of the data previously written to the volume.

38 Physical End of Volume

The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 38, Physical End of Volume, when the virtual drive has reached the maximum amount of data allowed for the media type mounted while executing a forward-motion-type command.

39 Backward at Beginning of Tape

The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 38, Physical End of Volume, when the virtual drive has reached the maximum amount of data allowed for the media type mounted while executing a forward-motion-type command.

3C Reserved
3D Block Not Found Before Timeout

The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 3D, Block Not Found Before Timeout, when the timeout value specified in a search command has been reached prior to finding a block that satisfies the search expression. Sense bytes 8:9 will also indicate X'3114'.

3E Reserved
3F Reserved
41 Record Sequence Error

The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 41, Record Sequence Error, if the controller detected a Block ID number in a record indicating that it was not in proper sequence on the tape. The controller may prevent further accesses to the volume (see ERA 47, Volume Fenced).

42 Degraded Mode

The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 42, Degraded Mode, when it detects a condition which indicates that certain subsystem resources are either unavailable or performing in a degraded mode. The subsystem remains operational, but degraded performance may be observed. If tape positioning has been lost, the controller will prevent further accesses to the volume (see ERA 47, Volume Fenced).

43 Drive Not Ready

The controller presents unit check initial status with associated sense data indicating ERA 43, Drive Not Ready, when a command is issued and the device state in the controller is not ready and command requires the device to be ready.

44 Locate Block Unsuccessful

The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 44, Locate Block Unsuccessful, if the tape could not be positioned at the end of the block preceding the block specified by a Locate command.

45 Drive Assigned Elsewhere
The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 45, Drive Assigned Elsewhere, if the device is disabled via dynamic partitioning on the channel path issuing the command.
Note: The device has been explicitly enabled on some other channel path(s), but is not explicitly enabled on the path used to issue the command. The device assignment may have been reset or was never established. If the device is shared between multiple hosts which are not coupled, the device may be assigned to another host and not be accessible by the host executing the job.
47 Volume Faced

The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 47, Volume Fenced, if a condition has occurred which has resulted in the loss of volume integrity due to lost positioning or assignment. The controller prevents further access to the tape volume by generating deferred unit checks with associated sense data indicating ERA 47, Volume Fenced, for all eligible commands until the condition is reset or until the cartridge is unloaded. The original condition which subsequently caused ERA 47, Volume Fenced, to be presented has already been indicated by a previous unit check and associated sense data.

48 Unsolicited Informational Data

The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 48, Unsolicited Informational Data, when there is unsolicited data to be logged as an OBR record in the ERDS file. It is also presented when the transfer of parameter or tape record data is interrupted from the channel due to a halt condition. Presentation of this ERA code in sense format 20 causes the host to reissue the command that was interrupted. The controller may prevent further accesses to the volume (see ERA 47, Volume Fenced).

Note: Sense records which are generated as a result of forced error logging (Format 19 sense data) contain ERA 48, Unsolicited Informational Data.
4D Resetting Event

The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 4D, Resetting Event, when resetting event notification is pending for a device-path pair and a command is issued which is eligible to receive this indication.

4E Maximum Block Size Exceeded

The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 4E, Maximum Block Size Exceeded, when the host issues a write command that would write a data block larger than the maximum size that the controller can write. The data block is not written to tape.

4F Reserved
50 Read Buffered Log (Overflow)
The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 50, Read Buffered Log (Overflow), when there is an overflow condition in the device's buffered log data and the controller is requesting the control program to issue a Read Buffered Log command and record the data as an MDR record in the ERDS file.
Note: This unit check is generated when a counter in buffered log data has reached its overflow threshold and the controller is operating in extended buffered log mode. The sense data presented with ERA 50, Read Buffered Log (Overflow), is always in sense format X'20' The log data presented to the Read Buffered Log command issued as a result of ERA 50, Read Buffered Log (Overflow), is always in log format X'30' and contains ERA 2B, Environmental Data Present.
51 Read Buffered Log (EOV)

The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 51, Read Buffered Log (EOV), to indicate the controller is requesting the control program to issue a Read Buffered Log command. Buffered log data may or may not be present when this ERA is presented and an MDR record may or may not be required to be written in the ERDS file.

  1. ERA 51, Read Buffered Log (EOV), provides an indication that an MDR type 90 record should be generated, provided the control program does not automatically issue a Read Buffered Log command prior to issuing a Rewind Unload command. Programs which automatically issue a Read Buffered Log command prior to issuing a Rewind Unload should perform the indicated recovery action and should also check the data received prior to logging to determine if there is any data present.
  2. This unit check is generated as part of end of volume processing if the controller is operating in extended buffered log mode. The sense data presented with ERA 51, Read Buffered Log (EOV), is always in sense format X'20'. The log data presented to the Read Buffered Log command issued as a result of ERA 51, Read Buffered Log (EOV), is always in log format X'30' and contains ERA 2B, Environmental Data Present.
52 End of Volume Complete

The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 52, End of Volume Complete, to indicate the successful completion of a Rewind Unload command.

  1. The presentation of unit check to a Rewind Unload is required by VM to detect the end of volume processing. The sense data presented basically indicates that the unit check was not required because the command was successful.
  2. ERA 52, End of Volume Complete is only presented on controllers which are operating in extended buffered log mode. The sense data presented with ERA 52, End of Volume Complete, is always in sense format X'22'. There is no log data present in this format.
53 Global Command Intercept

The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 53, Global Command Intercept, when a global command is issued on a channel path which is associated with a path group when the global command intercept condition is active.

54 Channel Interface Recovery - Temporary
The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 54, Channel Interface Recovery - Temporary, when:
  • The channel has requested channel initiated retry or unit check, the generation of unit check is appropriate for the request, and the command in progress can be reissued.
  • An abnormal condition is detected on the interface which results in a device level error, the generation of command retry is not appropriate, and the command in progress can be reissued.
55 Channel Interface Recovery - Permanent
The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 55, Channel Interface Recovery - Permanent, when:
  • The channel has requested channel initiated retry or unit check, the generation of unit check is appropriate for the request, and the command in progress cannot be reissued.
  • An abnormal condition is detected on the interface which results in a device level error, the generation of command retry is not appropriate, and the command in progress cannot be reissued.
56 Channel Protocol Error
The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 56, Channel Protocol Error, under the following conditions:
  • When the channel stacks a command response indication on a parallel channel interface. In this case, unit check is presented in ending status.
  • When a device level error is detected on a serial channel interface and there is an I/O operation in progress for the device with owed ending status. In this case, unit check is presented in ending status.
  • When a device level error is detected on a serial channel interface and there is no I/O operation in progress for the device with owed ending status. In this case, a deferred unit check is generated for the device.
57 Global Status Intercept

When attention-intercept status (X'82') or not ready to ready-intercept status (X'87') is presented, the associated sense data indicates ERA 57, Global Status Intercept.

  1. Attention-intercept status and not ready to ready-intercept status are unsolicited status conditions. As such, either one may be received as an unsolicited status condition in the absence of I/O activity or it may be presented in initial status to the first command of a command chain.
  2. This ERA code should not be surfaced to a program which has not issued a Perform Subsystem Function command which specifies the Set Special Intercept Condition order.
58 Reserved
59 Reserved
5F No PGID Established

The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 5F, No PGID Established, to a command issued on channel path for which a path group ID has not been established and the command processing requires that a path group ID is established. Sense bytes 8:9 will also indicate X'3155'.

60 Library Attachment Facility Equipment Check

The controller presents unit check status, to a Perform Library Function command, with associated sense data indicating ERA 60, Library Attachment Facility Equipment Check, if the controller detects an unrecoverable error on the library attachment interface either during initialization or during subsequent command processing and there are no other operational paths between the controller and the library manager.

61 Reserved
62 Library Manager Offline to Subsystem

The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 62, Library Manager Offline to Subsystem, if any of the following conditions apply:

  • A PLF-library mount or PLF-library universal mount order is issued to a device in a VTS and the number of physical drives available to the VTS is less than two. Sense byte 8 will also indicate X'03'.
  • A PLF-library mount order is issued to a device in a Peer-to-peer VTS and all available VTSs are in the VTS is Out of Empty Stacked Volumes state. Sense byte 8 will also indicate X'04'.
  • A PLF command is issued and the library manager is offline to the subsystem.
Note: In a TS7700 Grid configuration, ERA 62, Library Manager Offline to Subsystem, is j not presented in the Out of Stacked Volumes state case. Mount operations continue to be accepted.
63 Controller and Library Manager Incompatible

The controller presents unit check status, to a Perform Library Function command, with associated sense data indicating ERA 63, controller and Library Manager Incompatible, if any one of the following conditions apply:

  • The library manager and VTS controller microcode levels are not compatible.
  • If the sequence number of the VTS subsystem does not match the value known to the library manager.
  • A valid message type is received from a VTS subsystem, but it contained information not recognized by the library manager. The message is considered to be incompatible with the library manager. (This is most likely caused by a code error.)

Sense byte 8, Library Error Modifier, indicates which of the following reasons is being reported:

  Modifier - Description
  00 - Microcode Levels Incompatible
  01 - Subsystem Sequence Number Mismatch
  02 - Message Incompatible
64 Library VOLSER in Use

The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 64, Library VOLSER in Use, if the VOLSER specified, in certain orders of the Perform Library Function command, is in use. Sense byte 8, Library Error Modifier, indicates which of the following reasons is being reported:

  Modifier - Description
  01 - Mounted on another device.
  02 - Queued for Mounting on another device.
  03 - In the process of being ejected.
  04 - Queued for Eject.
  05 - Export is pending.
  06 - Import is pending.
65 Library Volume Reserved

The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 65, Library Volume Reserved, if the VOLSER specified, in certain orders of the Perform Library Function command, is reserved. Sense byte 8, Library Error Modifier, indicates which of the following reasons is being reported:

  Modifier - Description
  00 - Reserved
  01 - VOLSER specified is assigned to the Cleaner-Volume category.
  02 - VOLSER specified is assigned to the Stacked-Volume category.
  03 - VOLSER specified is assigned to the Export-Hold category.
  04:FF - Reserved
66 Library VOLSER Not in Library

The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 66, Library VOLSER Not in Library, if the VOLSER specified, in certain orders of the Perform Library Function command, is not in the library partition the command was issued to. This unit check is also presented to a PLF - LUM or PLF - LSVA order if the clone VOLSER field specifies a VOLSER that is not in the library or the type of media is incompatible. Sense byte 8, Library Error Modifier, indicates which of the following reasons is being reported:

  Modifier - Description
  00 - A VOLSER is specified and it is not in the library inventory of the library partition the command was issued to, but is in another partition in the library.
  01 - The VOLSER specified in a Library Mount PLF order is not present in the library inventory of any library partition.
  03 - The VOLSER specified in a Library Set Volume Category PLF order is not present in the library inventory of any library partition.
  04 - The VOLSER specified in a Library Set Volume Attribute PLF order is not present in the library inventory of any library partition.
  08 - The VOLSER specified in a Library Import PLF order is not present in the library inventory of any library partition.
  09 - The VOLSER specified in a Library Export PLF order is not present in the library inventory of any library partition.
  0A - The VOLSER specified in a Library Audit PLF order is not present in the library inventory of any library partition.
  12 - The VOLSER specified in a Library Universal Mount PLF order is not present in the library inventory of any library partition.
  18 - The information type specified is either Volume Data, Expanded Volume Data, Volume Attribute Data or Device Allocation Assistance Data and the specified VOLSER is not present in the library inventory of any library partition.
  20 - A clone VOLSER is specified in a Library Universal Mount or Library Set Volume Attribute PLF order and it is not in the library inventory of the library partition the command was issued to.
  21 - A clone VOLSER is specified in a Library Universal Mount or Library Set Volume Attribute PLF order and its not the same type of media (virtual/physical).
67 Library Category Empty

The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 67, Library Category Empty, if:

For a Perform Library Function Library Mount order
There is no VOLSER specified and the category specified by the source-category parameter does not contain any assigned volumes, and, if not X'0000', the alternate-source-category does not contain any assigned volumes. Sense byte 8, Library Error Modifier, is set to X'01'.
The mount is issued to a TS7700 Grid configuration and there is no VOLSER specified and the category specified by the source-category parameter does not contain any compatible volumes owned by the cluster performing the mount, and, if not X'0000', the alternate-source-category does not contain any compatible volumes owned by the cluster performing the mount. Sense byte 8 will also indicate X'01'.
There is no VOLSER specified and the source-category specified had been assigned to the device by a previous library set device category order which also specified the category order parameter as active and all of the volumes assigned to the category have already been mounted. Sense byte 8, Library Error Modifier, is set to X'02'.
There is no VOLSER specified and the source-category specified had been assigned to the device by a previous library set device category order which also specified the category order parameter as active and the next volume in the specified category, whose media type is compatible with the device the order was issued to, is in-use, inaccessible, misplaced or has been manually ejected or in a TS7700 Grid configuration, is owned by another cluster and ownership cannot be obtained. Sense byte 8, Library Error Modifier, is set to X'03'.
For a Perform Library Function Library Universal Mount order
The source-category or alternate-source category specified has not been assigned to the device by a previous library set device category order which also specified the category order parameter as active, the enable blank storage group selection parameter is inactive and the categories specified by the source category and alternate-source-category do not contain any available volumes that meet the specified selection criteria. In a TS7700 Grid configuration, part of the selection criteria is whether the cluster processing the mount has ownership of the volume. Sense byte 8, Library Error Modifier, is set to X'01'.
The source-category or alternate-source category specified has not been assigned to the device by a previous library set device category order which also specified the category order parameter as active, the enable blank storage group selection parameter is active and the categories specified by the source category and the alternate-source-category parameters have no available volumes that meet the specified selection criteria including a blank storage group assignment. In a TS7700 Grid configuration, part of the selection criteria is whether the cluster processing the mount has ownership of the volume. Sense byte 8, Library Error Modifier, is set to X'01'.
The source-category specified had been assigned to the device by a previous library set device category order which also specified the category order parameter as active and all of the volumes meeting the specified selection criteria in the category have already been mounted. Sense byte 8, Library Error Modifier, is set to X'02'.
The source-category specified had been assigned to the device by a previous library set device category order which also specified the category order parameter as active and the next volume in the specified category that meets the specified selection criteria is in-use, inaccessible, misplaced or has been manually ejected or in a TS7700 Grid configuration, is owned by another cluster and ownership cannot be obtained. Sense byte 8, Library Error Modifier, is set to X'03'.
For a Perform Library Function Library Import order
There are no volumes assigned to the import category. The import operation cannot start until the stacked volumes to import have been added to the library. Sense byte 8, Library Error Modifier, is set to X'04'.
There are no scratch stacked volumes. Sense byte 8, Library Error Modifier, is set to X'05'.
For a Perform Library Function Library Export order
There are no scratch stacked volumes. Sense byte 8, Library Error Modifier, is set to X'05'.

All other values of sense byte 8 are reserved.

68 Library Order Sequence Check
The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 68, Library Order Sequence Check, if any one of the following conditions apply:
  • The drive to which a Perform Library Function Library Mount or Library Universal Mount order was issued already has a Library Mount request queued or a mount operation in progress or is already loaded and a demount operation is not pending.
  • The drive to which a Perform Library Function Library Demount order was issued already has a Library Demount request queued or does not have a volume mounted.
  • A Perform Library Function - Library Export order was issued to a virtual library that already has an export or import operation queued or in progress.
  • A Perform Library Function - Library Import order was issued to a physical library that already has an import operation queued or in progress or an export operation is queued or in progress for the virtual library.
  • A Perform Library Function - Library Import order was issued to a virtual library that had one or more volumes assigned to the insert category with an active Import Volume flag.
  • A Perform Library Function - Library Export order was issued to a virtual library that had one or more volumes assigned to the exported category.

Sense byte 8, Library Error Modifier, is set to one of the following values based on the condition being reported:

  Modifier - Description
  01 - Mount is in progress or volume mounted.
  02 - Mount is already pending.
  03 - Demount was already pending.
  04 - No volume is mounted.
  05 - Export or Import operation queued or already in progress.
  06 - Host processing for a previous import or export operation did not complete. Volumes are assigned to the insert category with an active Import Volume flag or there are volumes assigned to the exported category.
6A Reserved
6B Library Volume Misplaced
The controller presents this ERA in sense data for the following conditions:
  • A Perform Library Function command is issued whose order specifies a VOLSER that is in the library inventory, but is flagged as a misplaced volume and the Volume Was Used During Manual Mode state is not active. The command is presented unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 6B, Library Volume Misplaced.
  • During processing in the library, a VOLSER was detected as being misplaced and cannot be located. The VOLSER is flagged in the inventory as misplaced and a Volume Exception attention message and unsolicited unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 6B, Library Volume Misplaced, is generated to report that the volume has been misplaced.
6C Library Misplaced Volume Found

The controller presents a Volume Exception attention message and unsolicited unit check with associated sense data indicating ERA 6C, Library Misplaced Volume Found, if during processing in the library, a volume is found that is flagged as misplaced in the inventory.

6D Library Drive Not Unloaded

The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 6D, Library Drive Not Unloaded, if A Perform Library Function, Library Demount order does not have the Force Unload on Demount flag as active and it is issued for a device which has a mount operation in progress or is already loaded and a Rewind Unload command has not been executed.

6E Library Inaccessible Volume Restored

The controller presents a Volume Exception attention message and unsolicited unit check with associated sense data indicating ERA 6E, Library Inaccessible Volume Restored, if during processing in the library, a volume that is flagged as inaccessible in the inventory is no longer inaccessible.

6F Library Vision Failure
The controller presents this ERA in sense data for the following conditions:
  • A Perform Library Function command is issued that requires the vision system to be operational and the vision system is not operational. The command is presented unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 6F, Library Vision Failure.
  • During processing in the library, the vision system has become non-operational. An unsolicited attention message, Operational State Change, with an unsolicited unit check, with associated sense data indicating ERA 6F, Library Vision Failure, is generated to report the failure of the vision system.
70 Library Manager Equipment Check

During processing in the library, the library manager has become non-operational. An unsolicited attention message, Operational State Change, with an unsolicited unit check, with associated sense data indicating ERA 70, Library Manager Equipment Check, is generated to report the failure.

71 Library Equipment Check

The controller presents an unsolicited unit check with associated sense data indicating ERA 71, Library Equipment Check, when the library has detected an unrecoverable error which causes the library to automatically enter the Pause state.

  1. Any Perform Library Function orders that were in execution when the failure occurred will be re-queued for execution by the library manager.
  2. The library will switch to 'Pause' status. Subsequent Perform Library Function orders will be accepted but orders requiring robotics motion will be queued but not executed.
  3. The library console will indicate additional information to aid the service representative in determining the cause of the equipment check.
72 Library Not Capable - Manual Mode

The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 72, Library Not Capable - Manual Mode, when a Perform Library Function command specifies an order that cannot be performed because the library is operating in manual mode.

73 Library Intervention Required

The controller presents an unsolicited attention message, Operational State Change, with an unsolicited unit check, with associated sense data indicating ERA 73, Library Intervention Required, when intervention is required to retrieve a cartridge that has become inaccessible to the library.

74 Library Informational Data

The controller presents an unsolicited unit check with associated sense data indicating ERA 74, Library Informational Data, when an event in the library needs to be logged. Depending on what condition is being reported, the unit check may be associated with an Operational State Change attention message.

Sense byte 8, Library Error Modifier, is used with ERA 74, Library Informational Data, to provide further information on the reason for the unsolicited unit check as follows:

  Modifier - Description
  00 - Reserved
  01 - A library component has become unavailable.
  02 - A library component previously unavailable has become available.
  03:0F - Reserved
  10 - A device clean operation has been performed based on a time of day value.
  11 - A device clean operation has been performed based on a count of the number of mounts.
  12 - A device clean operation has been performed based on a SARS request.
  13 - Reserved
  14:20 - Reserved
  21 - A device has been made unavailable through the library manager console.
  22 - A previously unavailable device has been made available through the library manager console.
  23:7F - Reserved
  80 - Preventive Maintenance Message
  81 - Error Threshold Exceeded
  82:FF - Reserved
75 Library Volume Inaccessible
The controller presents this ERA in sense data for the following conditions:
  • A Perform Library Function command is issued whose order specifies a VOLSER that is in the library inventory, but is flagged as an inaccessible volume. The command is presented unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 75, Library Volume Inaccessible. Sense byte 8 will also indicate X'00'.
  • A PLF Audit order is issued to a device in a VTS or PTP VTS and the physical volume the specified volume resides on is in the inventory, but is flagged as inaccessible. Sense byte 8 will also indicate X'00'.
  • A PLF Audit order is issued to a device in a PTP VTS and the VTS and or library associated with the only valid copy of the specified volume is unavailable to process the command. Sense byte 8 will also indicate X'01'.
  • A PLF Audit order is issued to a device in a TS7700 and the data associated with the specified volume had been deleted with the delete expired volume data function. Sense byte 8 will also indicate x'01'.
  • A PLF Audit order is issued to a device in a TS7700 in a Grid configuration and a consistent version of the specified volume does not exist. Sense byte 8 will also indicate x'01'.
  • During processing in the library, a volume has become inaccessible. The volume is flagged in the inventory as inaccessible and a Volume Exception attention message and unsolicited unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 75, Library Volume Inaccessible, is generated to report that the volume has become inaccessible.
76 Library All Cells Full
The controller presents this ERA in sense data for the following conditions
  • The Library Add Volume Information order of the Perform Library Function command is issued and the number of virtual volumes defined to the library inventory is at the maximum limit for the library. The command is presented unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 76, Library All Cells Full.
  • The Library Import order of the Perform Library Function command is issued and the number of virtual volumes defined to the library inventory is at the maximum limit for the library. The command is presented unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 76, Library All Cells Full.
  • During the execution of an insert or import operation in the library, all available physical storage cells in the library have been filled or the number of virtual volumes defined in the library has reached its limit. An unsolicited attention message, Operational State Change, with an unsolicited unit check, with associated sense data indicating ERA 76, Library All Cells Full, is generated to report this condition.
77 Library Duplicate VOLSER Ejected

The controller presents an unsolicited attention message, Volume Exception, with an unsolicited unit check, with associated sense data indicating ERA 77, Library Duplicate VOLSER Ejected, during the execution of an operation, when a duplicate VOLSER was found in the library. The VOLSER that is ejected is the one that is not at the location indicated by the inventory.

78 Library Duplicate VOLSER Left In Input Station

The controller presents an unsolicited attention message, Volume Exception, with an unsolicited unit check, with associated sense data indicating ERA 78, Library Duplicate VOLSER Left In Input Station, during the execution of an insert operation, when a duplicate VOLSER was found in the input station.

79 Library Unreadable or Invalid VOLSER Left In Input Station
The controller presents an unsolicited attention message, Volume Exception, with an unsolicited unit check, with associated sense data indicating ERA 79, Library Unreadable or Invalid VOLSER Left In Input Station, during the execution of an insert operation, for any of the following conditions:
  • A volume is found with an unreadable VOLSER label.
  • A volume is found without a label.
  • A volume is found whose VOLSER contains one or more invalid characters.
7A Read Library Statistics

The controller presents an unsolicited unit check with associated sense data indicating ERA 7A, Read Library Statistics, about once an hour when the subsystem is installed in a library and the library manager is online to the subsystem.

7B Library Volume Manually Ejected

The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 7B, Library Volume Manually Ejected, if the volume specified in certain orders of the Perform Library Function command has been assigned to the manually-ejected category.

Note: The function for manual ejection of volumes from the library and their supporting categories (Manually-Ejected, Purge-Volume) and errors codes are only implemented for the 3494 type libraries.

7C Library Out Of Cleaner Volumes

The controller presents an unsolicited attention message, Operational State Change, with an unsolicited unit check, with associated sense data indicating ERA 7C, Library Out Of Cleaner Volumes, when a drive cleaning operation is attempted but there are no cleaner volumes in the library.

7D Library Volume Exported

The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 7D, Library Volume Exported, if the virtual volume specified in certain orders of the Perform Library Function command has been assigned to the exported category

Note: This error is reported only on IBM libraries that have a Virtual Tape Server installed that also supports the export/import functions.

7E Reserved
7F Library Category in Use
The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 7F, Library Category In Use, if one of the following conditions exist for a Perform Library Function command:
  • A Library Set Device Category order was accepted previously for a different device and the same category and it had specified category order. Sense byte 8, Library Error Modifier, is set to X'01'.
  • The current Library Set Device Category order specifies category order and a category that is already assigned to another device. Sense byte 8, Library Error Modifier, is set to X'02'.
  • A Library Mount or Library Universal Mount order specifies a category in the source-category parameter that is assigned to another drive address and the library set device category order that made that assignment also specified the category order parameter as active. Sense byte 8, Library Error Modifier, is set to X'03'.
  • A Library Mount or Library Universal Mount order specifies a category in the alternate-source-category parameter that is assigned to another drive address and the library set device category order that made that assignment also specified the category order parameter as active. Sense byte 8, Library Error Modifier, is set to X'04'.

All other values of sense byte 8 are reserved.

80 Library Unexpected Volume Ejected

The controller presents an unsolicited attention message, Volume Exception, with an unsolicited unit check, with associated sense data indicating ERA 80, Library Unexpected Volume Ejected, during the execution of an operation, when a volume was found in the library that was not in the inventory. The volume is ejected from the library.

81 Library I/O Station Door Open

The controller presents an unsolicited attention message, Library I/O Station State Change, with an unsolicited unit check, with associated sense data indicating ERA 81, Library I/O Station Door Open, when one of the I/O station doors is detected to be open.

Sense byte 8, Library Error Modifier, is used with ERA 81, Library I/O Station Door Open, to provide further information on the reason for the unsolicited unit check as follows:

  Modifier - Description
  00 - Reserved
  01 - An input station door is open.
  01 - An output station door is open.
  03:FF - Reserved
82 Library Manager Program Exception

The controller presents an unsolicited unit check with associated sense data indicating ERA 82, Library Manager Program Exception, when a program exception has been detected by the library manager.

83 Library Drive Exception

The controller presents an unsolicited unit check, for a specific device address, with associated sense data indicating ERA 83, Library Drive Exception, when the enhanced device error recovery on a 3490 device installed in a managed tape library was successful.

Note: Although this ERA code is generated by the library, it is reported in sense format 20 to provide information about the specific device error.

84 Library Drive Failure

The controller presents an unsolicited unit check, for a specific device address, with associated sense data indicating ERA 84, Library Drive Failure, when the enhanced device error recovery on a VTS device installed in a library was unsuccessful.

Note: Although this ERA code is generated by the library, it is reported in sense format 20 to provide information about the specific device error.

85 Library Environmental Alert

The controller presents an unsolicited attention message, Operational State Change, with an unsolicited unit check, with associated sense data indicating ERA 85, Library Environmental Alert, when an environmental alert condition has been detected in the library enclosure.

Sense byte 8 indicates the reason for the environmental alert as follows:

  Modifier - Description
  00 - Reserved
  01 - Smoke was detected by the internal smoke detector.
  02 - Smoke was detected by a third party supplied system.
  03:FF - Reserved
86 Library All Categories Reserved

The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 86, Library All Categories Reserved, to a Library reserve Category order of the Perform Library Function command when there are not enough available categories to satisfy the request or if the Requested Category field is not X'0000' and the specified category is reserved for another identification token.

87 Library Duplicate Volume Add Requested

The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 87, Library Duplicate Volume Add Requested, during the execution of a Library Add Volume Information PLF order when a VOLSER is specified which is already in the library inventory. The controller also presents this error to either a Library Set Volume Category or Library Set Volume Attribute PLF order if the specified VOLSER is in another partition of the non-U/I library in a PTP VTS.

Sense byte 8, Library Error Modifier, is set to one of the following values based on the condition being reported.

  Modifier - Description
  00 - The VOLSER specified is already in the library inventory of the library partition the command was issued to.
  01 - The VOLSER specified is already in the library inventory of another library partition of the library.
88 Damaged Cartridge Ejected

The controller presents an unsolicited attention message, Volume Exception, with an unsolicited unit check, with associated sense data indicating ERA 88, Damaged Cartridge Ejected, when the library determines that a problem exists with the cartridge or media and has ejected the cartridge to an output station.

Sense byte 8 indicates the reason why the cartridge was ejected:

  Modifier - Description
  00 - Reserved
  01 - Either the cartridge is missing a leader block or the tape media has become detached from the leader block.
  02:FF - Reserved
89:8F Reserved
90 File Contention Notification

When the subsystem needs to notify a host, that has established access to a file in a Virtual Tape Server subsystem, that the file is needed for a higher priority access, the next Read Forward or Write command issued for the file is presented unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 90, File Contention Notification.

Sense bytes 8:9 will indicate X'8030'.

91 Valid Volume Inaccessible
The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 91, Valid Volume Inaccessible, to a Library Mount or Library Universal Mount order of the Perform Library Function command, if:
  • The VOLSER specified in the order is in the library inventory but a valid copy of the volume is not currently accessible.
  • The management constructs associated with the volume specify an I/O VTS and the VTS specified does not have a valid copy of the volume.
  • The cluster receiving the mount request does not have a consistent volume or a path to an available j cluster with a consistent volume.

Sense byte 8 is set as follows:

  Modifier - Description
  00 - The only accessible volume or the volume on the specified I/O VTS, has the data_inconsistent flag set in its token.
  01 - The vol_damaged flag is set in the volume's tokens.
92 Command Time Limit Exceeded

The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 92, Command Time Limit Exceeded, to the Perform Subsystem Function - Remote Command Execution order if during synchronous execution, the execution time of the script specified in the parameter data exceeds the time limit also specified in the parameter data.

93 Script Command Error

The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 93, Script Command Error, to the Perform Subsystem Function - Remote Command Execution order if during synchronous execution, the script specified in the parameter data detects an error.

94 File Access Denied - OOS

The controller presents unit check status with associated sense data indicating ERA 94, File Access Denied - OOS, to the Perform Subsystem Function - Control File Access order if the order specifies that a file is to be opened and the volume pool the resulting file would be premigrated to does not have any scratch physical volumes.

Sense bytes 8:9 will indicate X'2018'.

95:FF Reserved