Information Management IBM InfoSphere Master Data Management, Version 11.3

Hybrid MDM

You can maintain master data simultaneously by using a combination of distributed data sources (aggregated through the virtual MDM) and a single, "golden record" data source (maintained in the physical MDM). This dual implementation style is often called hybrid MDM.

About this task

It can be difficult, and at times impossible, to choose a single MDM implementation style to meet all of your solution requirements. In InfoSphere® MDM Advanced Edition, not having to choose a style gives more flexibility around managing master data in an enterprise. Perhaps you identify some master data attributes that you want to share and centrally manage through a common set of shared services. At the same time, you want to incorporate other master data attributes that are key to providing a complete profile of your customer. There might be multiple systems where you store this information, and no desire to centralize the management of it. With the hybrid MDM capabilities of InfoSphere MDM, you can manage master data where a coexistence implementation style combines physical MDM and virtual MDM technologies. Physical MDM serves the centralized implementation style, while virtual MDM serves the registry implementation style.

In the hybrid MDM Architecture topics that follow, you can learn about the supported MDM solution scenarios that are currently supported. Further, the topics introduce you to components and services available to support a hybrid MDM solution.

Last updated: 9 May 2014