Configuring testing and simulation on zRule Execution Server for z/OS

You can make testing and simulation available from the zRule Execution Server for z/OS® to enable users of Decision Center to test and simulate rules.

Ensure that you have zRule Execution Server for z/OS started in TEST mode, by doing the following:
  1. Edit ++HBRHLQ++.SHBRPARM(HBRCTRL) and add a control statement where HBRMODE=TEST
  3. Re-start the zRule Execution Server for z/OS
WebSphere® Application Server for z/OS can then be configured to make use of this testing endpoint, which will be available at the following URLs:
  • <hostname>:++HBRPORT++/DecisionRunner
  • <hostname>:++HBRPORT++/testing
To add these endpoints:
  1. In Decision Center, click the Configure tab.
  2. Click Manage Servers.
  3. Add the URLs.

If you intend to use Decision Warehouse to store your test execution results, you must create a dedicated schema in your database that contains these tables and views. For more information, see Creating a DB2® database for your rules runtime persistence layer.