Sample on DVS: Custom scenario provider and KPI for VSAM data sets

This sample illustrates Decision Validation Services (DVS), which is a deprecated feature to test classic rule projects. It does not apply to decision services. This sample demonstrates how to create simulations on Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) data sets using a custom scenario provider and key performance indicators (KPI). The VSAM data set contains COBOL data.

Time required

45 minutes


Prior to using this sample, make sure that you have these components installed and properly configured:

  • IBM® z/OS® JDK (needed for the ibmjzos.jar file, which is not provided with the sample).
  • Rule Designer
  • zRule Execution Server for z/OS
  • Decision Center for z/OS

Check that the sample server is started before you use this sample. For more information about starting the sample server, see Starting and stopping the sample server in the distributed platform part of this information center.


You run tests and simulations on rule projects by defining usage scenarios and key performance indicators. You then use KPIs to evaluate the performance of a simulation.

You can create a Scenario Service Provider (SSP) to read different types of data by implementing a couple of interfaces. This sample defines a custom scenario provider that reads COBOL data from a VSAM data sets. It illustrates how to perform the following tasks:

  • Define a custom scenario provider that gets data from a VSAM data set.
  • Compute custom KPIs.

To demonstrate the new custom scenario provider, you create a simulation in Decision Center.

The key features of this sample include:
  • Defining a custom scenario provider by implementing the interface IlrScenarioProvider
  • Defining a custom KPI by implementing the interface IlrKPI
  • Defining the viewer and editor corresponding to the provider in Decision Center by implementing the interface IlrScenarioSuiteResourcesRenderer
  • Creating a simulation in Decision Center using the provided rule project and scenario suite renderer.