Number Format

You can change the format for numbers in tick labels on a scale axis or data value labels displaying a number.

Note: You cannot change the number format of a numeric variable used as the labeling variable in a scatterplot or as the categorical axis variable. These are treated as strings.

How to Change the Number Format

  1. Select the scale axis tick labels or the data value labels if they contain numbers.
  2. If the Properties window is not already displayed, from the menus choose:

    Edit > Properties

  3. Use the Number Format tab to specify the number formatting.
  4. Click Apply.

Using the Number Format Tab

Sample. The sample displays your current choices and shows what the numbers will look like when you click Apply.

Decimal places. Enter the number of decimal places that the number should include.

Scaling factor. Use a scale factor when the numbers are large, but you don't want the label to extend too much to accommodate the number. If you change the number format of the tick labels, be sure to edit the axis title or add an annotation to indicate how the number should be interpreted. For example, assume your scale axis displays salaries and the labels are 30,000, 50,000, and 70,000. You might enter a scale factor of 1000 to display 30, 50, and 70. You should then edit the scale axis title to include the text in thousands.

Leading characters. Enter a character to display at the beginning of the number. For example, enter a dollar sign ($) if the numbers are salaries in U.S. dollars.

Trailing characters. Enter a character to display at the end of the number. For example, enter a percentage sign (%) if the numbers are percentages.

Digit grouping. You can choose whether to display a character between groups of digits. The Chart Editor uses the digit grouping character appropriate for your computer's current locale.

Scientific notation. You can choose when to display numbers in scientific notation. Scientific notation is useful for very large or very small numbers.