Bar Size and Style

You can change the width of bar graphic elements and bar clusters. You can also change the style for error bars.

How to Change the Bar Size and Style

  1. Select one or more bars in a bar chart, boxplot, error bar chart, high-low chart, or mixed chart with bars. Any changes that you make will apply to all bars in the chart, not just those selected.
  2. If the Properties window is not already displayed, from the menus choose:

    Edit > Properties

  3. Use the Bar Options tab to specify the bar width and the style of error bars.
  4. Click Apply. Changes apply to all bars in the chart.

Using the Bar Options Tab

Bars Width. Change the width of the bars and the spacing between them. For simple charts, the value that you specify is the percentage (0 to 100) of the inner frame width allocated for all bars. For clustered charts, the value is a percentage of each cluster width allocated for the bars in each cluster. The bar width affects the spacing between bars. A low percentage results in a large amount of space between the bars. A high percentage leaves very little space between the bars. For boxplots and error bars, you can select Scale boxplot and error bars width based on count so that the bar width you specify is applied to the bar with the largest count. The Chart Editor then scales the rest of the bars based on the count of these bars compared to the largest bar. Therefore, if there are 100 cases in the largest bar and 50 in another, the latter is half as wide as the bar with 100 cases. The size of the largest bar is determined by the specified percentage.

Clusters Width. Change the width of the clusters and the spacing between them. The value that you specify is a percentage (0 to 100) of the inner frame width. The cluster width affects the spacing between clusters. A low percentage leaves more space between the clusters. A high percentage leaves less space between the clusters.

Boxplot and Error Bar Style. If the chart includes error bars and these are selected, specify the style for the error bars.