ASSIGN DEFMGMTCLASS (Assign a default management class)

Use this command to specify a management class as the default management class for a policy set. You must assign a default management class for a policy set before you can activate that policy set.

To ensure that clients can always back up and archive files, choose a default management class that contains both an archive copy group and a backup copy group.

The server uses the default management class to manage client files when a management class is not otherwise assigned or appropriate. For example, the server uses the default management class when a user does not specify a management class in the include-exclude list. See the Administrator's Guide for details.

Privilege class

To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted policy privilege, or restricted policy privilege for the policy domain to which the policy set belongs.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
>>-ASsign DEFMGmtclass--domain_name--policy_set_name--class_name-><


domain_name (Required)
Specifies the policy domain to which the management class belongs.
policy_set_name (Required)
Specifies the policy set for which you want to assign a default management class. You cannot assign a default management class to the ACTIVE policy set.
class_name (Required)
Specifies the management class that is to be the default management class for the policy set.

Example: Assign a default management class

Assign DEFAULT1 as the default management class for policy set SUMMER in the PROG1 policy domain.
assign defmgmtclass prog1 summer default1

Related commands

Table 1. Commands related to ASSIGN DEFMGMTCLASS
Command Description
ACTIVATE POLICYSET Validates and activates a policy set.
DEFINE COPYGROUP Defines a copy group for backup or archive processing within a specified management class.
DEFINE MGMTCLASS Defines a management class.
DEFINE POLICYSET Defines a policy set within the specified policy domain.
DELETE MGMTCLASS Deletes a management class and its copy groups from a policy domain and policy set.
QUERY COPYGROUP Displays the attributes of a copy group.
QUERY MGMTCLASS Displays information about management classes.
QUERY POLICYSET Displays information about policy sets.
UPDATE COPYGROUP Changes one or more attributes of a copy group.
UPDATE MGMTCLASS Changes the attributes of a management class.
VALIDATE POLICYSET Verifies and reports on conditions the administrator must consider before activating the policy set.