UPDATE COPYGROUP (Update a copy group)

Use this command to update a backup or archive copy group. To allow clients to use the updated copy group, you must activate the policy set that contains the copy group.

Tip: The UPDATE COPYGROUP command fails if you specify a copy storage pool as a destination.

The UPDATE COPYGROUP command takes two forms, depending upon whether the update is for a backup copy group or for an archive copy group. The syntax and parameters for each form are defined separately.

Table 1. Commands related to UPDATE COPYGROUP
Command Description
ACTIVATE POLICYSET Validates and activates a policy set.
ASSIGN DEFMGMTCLASS Assigns a management class as the default for a specified policy set.
COPY MGMTCLASS Creates a copy of a management class.
DEFINE COPYGROUP Defines a copy group for backup or archive processing within a specified management class.
DEFINE MGMTCLASS Defines a management class.
DELETE COPYGROUP Deletes a backup or archive copy group from a policy domain and policy set.
DELETE MGMTCLASS Deletes a management class and its copy groups from a policy domain and policy set.
EXPIRE INVENTORY Manually starts inventory expiration processing.
QUERY COPYGROUP Displays the attributes of a copy group.
QUERY MGMTCLASS Displays information about management classes.