QUERY COPYGROUP (Query copy groups)

Use this command to display information about one or more copy groups.

Privilege class

Any administrator can issue this command.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
>>-Query COpygroup---------------------------------------------->

   |              .-*--*--STANDARD--------------------------------. |   
                  |                  .-*--STANDARD--------------. |     
                                     |             .-STANDARD-. |       

   .-Type--=--Backup------.  .-Format--=--Standard-----.   
   '-Type--=--+-Backup--+-'  '-Format--=--+-Standard-+-'   
              '-Archive-'                 '-Detailed-'     


Specifies the policy domain that is associated with the copy group to query. This parameter is optional. You can use wildcard characters to specify names. If you do not specify a value for this parameter, all policy domains are queried. You must specify this parameter when querying an explicitly named copy group.
Specifies the policy set associated with the copy group to query. This parameter is optional. You can use wildcard characters to specify names. If you do not specify a value for this parameter, all policy sets are queried. You must specify this parameter when querying an explicitly named copy group.
Specifies the management class that is associated with the copy group to query. This parameter is optional. You can use wildcard characters to specify names. If you do not specify a value for this parameter, all management classes are queried. You must specify this parameter when querying an explicitly named copy group.
Specifies the name of the copy group. This parameter is optional. The name of the copy group must be STANDARD. The default is STANDARD.
Specifies the type of copy group to be queried. This parameter is optional. The default value is BACKUP. Possible values are:
Specifies that you want to query backup copy groups.
Specifies that you want to query archive copy groups.
Specifies how the information is displayed. This parameter is optional. The default value is STANDARD. Possible values are:
Specifies that partial information is displayed.
Specifies that complete information is displayed.

Example: Display information about the default backup copy group

Display information about the default backup copy group in the ENGPOLDOM engineering policy domain. Issue the following command:
query copygroup engpoldom * *
The following data shows the output from the query. It shows that the ACTIVE policy set contains two backup copy groups that belong to the MCENG and STANDARD management classes.
Policy     Policy     Mgmt       Copy      Versions  Versions    Retain   Retain
Domain     Set Name   Class      Group         Data      Data     Extra     Only
Name                  Name       Name        Exists   Deleted  Versions  Version
---------  ---------  ---------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------
ENGPOLDOM  ACTIVE     MCENG      STANDARD         5         4        90      600
ENGPOLDOM  ACTIVE     STANDARD   STANDARD         2         1        30       60
ENGPOLDOM  STANDARD   MCENG      STANDARD         5         4        90      600
ENGPOLDOM  STANDARD   STANDARD   STANDARD         2         1        30       60
ENGPOLDOM  TEST       STANDARD   STANDARD         2         1        30       60                   

Example: Display detailed information on one backup copy group

Display complete information on the backup copy group assigned to the ACTIVEFILES management class in the VACATION policy set of the EMPLOYEE_RECORDS policy domain. Issue the command:
query copygroup employee_records vacation 
activefiles format=detailed

Example: Display information on the backup copy group in the STANDARD management class and policy set

From a managed server, display complete information on the backup copy group assigned to the STANDARD management class in the STANDARD policy set of the ADMIN_RECORDS policy domain. Issue the command:
query copygroup admin_records 
standard standard format=detailed
                 Policy Domain Name: ADMIN_RECORDS
                    Policy Set Name: STANDARD
                    Mgmt Class Name: STANDARD
                    Copy Group Name: STANDARD
                    Copy Group Type: Backup
               Versions Data Exists: 2
              Versions Data Deleted: 1
              Retain Extra Versions: 30
                Retain Only Version: 60
                          Copy Mode: Modified
                 Copy Serialization: Shared Static
                     Copy Frequency: 0
                   Copy Destination: BACKUPPOOL
Table of Contents (TOC) Destination:
     Last Update by (administrator): $$CONFIG_MANAGER$$
              Last Update Date/Time: 2002.10.02 17.51.49
                   Managing profile: ADMIN_INFO
                    Changes Pending: Yes

Example: Display information on an archive copy group

From a managed server, display complete information on the archive copy group STANDARD that is assigned to the MCLASS1 management class in the SUMMER policy set of the PROG1 policy domain. Issue the command:
query copygroup prog1 summer mclass1 
type=archive format=detailed
                 Policy Domain Name: PROG1
                    Policy Set Name: SUMMER
                    Mgmt Class Name: MCLASS1
                    Copy Group Name: STANDARD
                    Copy Group Type: Archive
                     Retain Version: 730
               Retention Initiation: Creation
                  Minimum Retention:
                 Copy Serialization: Shared Static
                     Copy Frequency: Cmd
                          Copy Mode: Absolute
                   Copy Destination: ARCHPOOL
     Last Update by (administrator): $$CONFIG_MANAGER$$
              Last Update Date/Time: 2002.10.02 17.42.49
                   Managing profile: ADMIN_INFO

Example: Display information on the copy group for a NAS backup

Query the copy group for the NAS backup. Issue the command:
query copygroup nasdomain
                 Policy Domain Name: NASDOMAIN
                    Policy Set Name: ACTIVE
                    Mgmt Class Name: STANDARD
                    Copy Group Name: STANDARD
                    Copy Group Type: Backup
               Versions Data Exists: 2
              Versions Data Deleted: 1
              Retain Extra Versions: 30
                Retain Only Version: 60
                          Copy Mode: Modified
                 Copy Serialization: Shared Static
                     Copy Frequency: 0
                   Copy Destination: NASPOOL
Table of Contents (TOC) Destination: BACKUPPOOL
     Last Update by (administrator): SERVER_CONSOLE
              Last Update Date/Time: 10/02/2002 12:16:52
                   Managing profile:
                    Changes Pending: Yes

Field descriptions

Policy Domain Name
The name of the policy domain.
Policy Set Name
The name of the policy set.
Mgmt Class Name
The name of the management class.
Copy Group Name
The name of the copy group. This name is always STANDARD.
Copy Group Type
The type of the copy group.
Versions Data Exists
The maximum number of backup versions to retain for files that are currently on the client file system.
Versions Data Deleted
The maximum number of backup versions to retain for files that have been deleted from the client file system after being backed up using Tivoli Storage Manager.
Retain Extra Versions
The number of days to retain a backup version after that version becomes inactive.
Retain Only Versions
The number of days to retain the last backup version of a file that has been deleted from the client file system.
Retain Version
The number of days to keep an archive copy.
Retention Initiation
The time, which the server initiates the retention time that is specified by the RETAIN VERSION parameter. CREATION specifies that the retention time is initiated at the time an archive copy is stored on the server. EVENT specifies that the retention time is initiated at the time the server is notified of a retention-initiating event for the archive copy.
Minimum Retention
The minimum number of days to keep an archive copy when Retention Initiation is EVENT. The value of this parameter is not displayed when Retention Initiation is CREATION.
Copy Serialization
Whether a file can be in use during an archive operation.
Copy Frequency
The copy frequency of the copy group. For archive copy groups, this value is always CMD.
Copy Mode
Specifies that files in the copy group are archived regardless of whether they have been modified. For archive copy groups, this value is always ABSOLUTE.
Copy Destination
The name of the storage pool where the server initially stores files associated with this archive copy group.
Table of Contents (TOC) Destination
The name of the primary storage pool in which TOCs are initially stored for image backup operations in which TOC generation is requested.
Last Update by (administrator)
The name of the administrator or server that most recently updated the copy group. If this field contains $$CONFIG_MANAGER$$, the copy group is associated with a domain that is managed by the configuration manager.
Last Update Date/Time
The date and time when the copy group was most recently defined or updated.
Managing Profile
The profile or profiles to which the managed server subscribed to get the definition of this policy copy group.
Changes Pending
Whether or not changes are being made but not activated. Once the changes are activated, the field resets to No.

Related commands

Table 1. Commands related to QUERY COPYGROUP
Command Description
DEFINE COPYGROUP Defines a copy group for backup or archive processing within a specified management class.
DELETE COPYGROUP Deletes a backup or archive copy group from a policy domain and policy set.
UPDATE COPYGROUP Changes one or more attributes of a copy group.