Configure a queue manager to use the API exit

How to configure a queue manager to use the API exit.
Note: You need to have read/write permissions to the IBM® WebSphere® MQ installation on the server that is hosting the queue manager that is to be configured. In addition, the queue manager must be restarted during this procedure.

You can use either of the following methods to configure a queue manager to use the API exit:

The following topics describe the two methods:

Externally hosted or managed WebSphere MQ servers

When you cannot configure a Rational® Integration Tester MQ exit for your WebSphere MQ server because the server is externally hosted or managed, the alternative is to use a local queue manager as a bridge:
  • The exit is installed on the local queue manager.
  • Rational Integration Tester or Rational Test Virtualization Server sends requests to, and picks up responses from, the local queue manager.
  • The new local WebSphere MQ queue manager forwards messages to, and receives replies from, the external server.

Although this process requires advanced WebSphere MQ configuration, an experienced WebSphere MQ administrator can set it up for you. For more information, see Queue name resolution.
