Installing API Exits on HP-UX-Itanium (64-bit)

Download the Rational® Integration Tester API exits for WebSphere MQ from Rational Test Control Panel and install it on the server that is hosting the queue manager.

About this task

To install the API exit on a HP-UX-Itanium (64-bit) system:


  1. Locate the exits directory of your IBM® WebSphere® MQ installation (for example, /var/mqm/exits).
  2. Copy intercept_hpux_IA32 and intercept_hpux_IA32_r from package to the exits directory.

    Rational Integration Tester API Exits are provided with Rational Test Control Panel. For information, see Rational Integration Tester tool packages

    • For IBM WebSphere MQ 7.0, use the API exit modules located in the 7.0 folder. The exit files in this folder has 7.0 appended to their file names.
    • For IBM WebSphere MQ 7.1 and later versions, use the API exit modules located in the 7.1-8.0 folder.
  3. Create symbolic links to these modules:
    ln -s intercept_hpux_IA32 intercept
    ln -s intercept_hpux_IA32_r intercept_r
  4. Make the exit files globally executable:
    chown mqm intercept_hpux_*
    chgrp mqm intercept_hpux_*
    chmod a+x intercept_hpux_*
  5. Locate the exits64 directory of your WebSphere MQ installation (for example, /var/mqm/exits64).
  6. Copy intercept_hpux_IA64 and intercept_hpux_IA64_r from package to the exits64 directory.
    • For IBM WebSphere MQ 7.0, use the API exit modules located in the 7.0 folder. The exit files in this folder has 7.0 appended to their file names.
    • For IBM WebSphere MQ 7.1 and later versions, use the API exit modules located in the 7.1-8.0 folder.
  7. Create symbolic links to these modules:
    ln -s intercept_hpux_IA64 intercept
    ln -s intercept_hpux_IA64_r intercept_r
  8. Make the exit files globally executable:
    chown mqm intercept_hpux_*
    chgrp mqm intercept_hpux_*
    chmod a+x intercept_hpux_*
