Installing API exits on Solaris (x86_64)

How to install the API exit on Solaris (x86_64).

About this task

To install the API exit on a Solaris x86_64 system:


  1. Locate the exits64 and exits directory of your IBM® WebSphere® MQ installation (for example, /var/mqm/exits64).
  2. Copy intercept_solaris_x86_64 and intercept_solaris_x86 from package to the exits64 and exits directory.

    Rational® Integration Tester API Exits are provided with Rational Test Control Panel. For information, see Rational Integration Tester tool packages

    • For IBM WebSphere MQ 7.0, use the API exit modules located in the 7.0 folder. The exit files in this folder has 7.0 appended to their file names.
    • For IBM WebSphere MQ 7.1 and later versions, use the API exit modules located in the 7.1-8.0 folder.
  3. Create a symbolic link to this module:
    ln –s intercept_solaris_x86_64 intercept
    ln –s intercept_solaris_x86 intercept
  4. Make the exit module globally executable:
    chown mqm intercept_solaris_*
    chgrp mqm intercept_solaris_*
    chmod a+x intercept_solaris_*
