Content Analytics Studio for advanced text analytics

Content Analytics Studio is a development environment for building and testing custom text analysis engines for target business domains. This environment eliminates the need for specialist knowledge of the underlying technologies of natural language processing or UIMA. By using Content Analytics Studio, you can develop text analysis engines without needing to write any code.

You can use Content Analytics Studio for the following tasks:
Use Content Analytics Studio with Watson Explorer Content Analytics to iteratively develop custom annotators:
  1. In Content Analytics Studio, develop and test a UIMA pipeline that includes linguistic resources such as dictionaries, character rules, and parsing rules.
  2. Export the pipeline to Watson Explorer Content Analytics and verify the annotation results by exploring facets in the content analytics miner or enterprise search application.
  3. In Content Analytics Studio, fine-tune the linguistic resources.
  4. Export the updated UIMA pipeline to Watson Explorer Content Analytics and verify your changes in the content analytics miner or enterprise search application.