IBM Support

Fix list for IBM z/OS Debugger

Product Documentation


This document contains a complete listing of IBM z/OS Debugger fixes with the most recent fix at the top.


IBM z/OS Debugger is delivered in many products.  For more information, see Products that include IBM z/OS Debugger.
To get started installing and configuring IBM z/OS Debugger, see the IBM Host Configuration Assistant for Z Development.


For more information, see Installing the IBM Debug for z/OS client.

Table of Contents:

Eclipse IDE Host

Host z/OS Debugger UI98062, UI98063 PTF
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH61818 IBM z/OS Debugger v16.0.5.1 Host - English
PH61819 IBM z/OS Debugger v16.0.5.1 Host - Japanese
Host z/OS Debugger 16.0.5 UI97270, UI97271 PTF
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH60292 IBM z/OS Debugger v16.0.5 Host - English (Pre-REQs PTF UI96037)
PH60293 IBM z/OS Debugger v16.0.5 Host - Japanese
16.0.5 Eclipse IDE
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH58608 Code Coverage results view contains incorrect translation for "line"
Host z/OS Debugger 16.0.4 UI96037, UI96038 PTF
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH57538 IBM z/OS Debugger v16.0.4 Host - English
PH57539 IBM z/OS Debugger v16.0.4 Host - Japanese
16.0.4 Eclipse IDE
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH59830 Debug session may hang when variables view is in focus.
PH59431 Unable to proceed with debugging due to step selection dialog when using a single step debug jcl.
PH58608 Code Coverage results view contains incorrect translation for "line"
Host z/OS Debugger 16.0.3 UI93992, UI93993 PTF
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH55033 IBM z/OS Debugger v16.0.3 Host - English
PH55034 IBM z/OS Debugger v16.0.3 Host - Japanese
16.0.3 Eclipse IDE
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH56981 Japanese characters replaced with "#" in Code Coverage pdf output.
PH56715 Incorrect user information displayed in IMS ISO profile when using ADFz common components server.
Host z/OS Debugger 16.0.2 UI92124, UI92125 PTF
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH53166 IBM z/OS Debugger v16.0.2 Host - English
PH53168 IBM z/OS Debugger v16.0.2 Host - Japanese
16.0.2 Eclipse IDE
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH53085 German Headless Code Coverage help text is not formatted
PH53931 Code Coverage Service puts temporary files in the /tmp directory.
PH53076 JAVA.LANG.INDEXOUTOFBOUNDSEXCEPTION error during startup of a remote PL1 or COBOL debug session
16.0.1 Eclipse IDE
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH52930 Select Property Group dialog does not show the OK button where there are many property groups.
PH51653 Debug Profile Service revokes access when user is enrolled into MFA after successful RSE sign-in.
PH51577 Code Coverage Results view creates multiple login windows for remote result locations when the workbench is started up.
Host z/OS Debugger UI83050, UI83051 PTF
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH50162 IBM z/OS Debugger v16.0 Host - English
PH50163 IBM z/OS Debugger v16.0 Host - Japanese
Host z/OS Debugger 16.0.0
Link Date Released Status
Refer to Summary of changes to view details on the latest host update for IBM z/OS Debugger.
16.0.0 Eclipse IDE
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH49970 Code Coverage annotations do not appear in program source with the LPEX editor.
PH49588 Code coverage results view status is incorrect when threshold is modified and the Eclipse IDE is restarted.
PH49481 Profile Management only displays the first 10 profiles per CICS region.
PH49439 CICS Profile form hint is repeated twice.
PH48068 Mix of secured RSE and unsecured Debug Manager works in IDz v14, but fails in IDz v15.
PH47054 Using non-English special characters in CICS profile terminal id field does not get saved correctly in DTCN.
PH39333 Visual Debug fails with PL1 parser errors when lines are concatenated or uses a non-default logical OR character.
For more information, see Installing the IBM Debug for z/OS client.

Table of Contents:

Eclipse IDE Host

Host z/OS Debugger 15.0.9 UI96641, UI96646, UI96647 PTF
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH58404 IBM z/OS Debugger v15.0 Host - English
PH58405 IBM z/OS Debugger v15.0 Host - Japanese
PH58406 IBM z/OS Debugger v15.0 Host - Korean
Refer to Summary of changes to view details on the latest host update for IBM z/OS Debugger.
Host z/OS Debugger 15.0.8 UI94608, UI94609, UI94610 PTF
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH54517 IBM z/OS Debugger v15.0 Host - English (Pre-REQs UI79592)
PH54518 IBM z/OS Debugger v15.0 Host - Japanese
PH54519 IBM z/OS Debugger v15.0 Host - Korean
Refer to Summary of changes to view details on the latest host update for IBM z/OS Debugger.
15.0.8 Eclipse IDE
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH56715 Incorrect information displayed in IMS ISO Profile user column when using ADFz Common Components Server.
Host z/OS Debugger 15.0.7 UI91717, UI91718, UI91719 PTF
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH50796 IBM z/OS Debugger v15.0 Host - English (Pre-REQs UI79592)
PH50797 IBM z/OS Debugger v15.0 Host - Japanese
PH50798 IBM z/OS Debugger v15.0 Host - Korean
Refer to Summary of changes to view details on the latest host update for IBM z/OS Debugger.
Host z/OS Debugger 15.0.6 UI83179, UI83180, UI83181 PTF
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH46537 IBM z/OS Debugger v15.0 Host - English
PH46538 IBM z/OS Debugger v15.0 Host - Japanese
PH46539 IBM z/OS Debugger v15.0 Host - Korean
Refer to Summary of changes to view details on the latest host update for IBM z/OS Debugger.
15.0.7 Eclipse IDE
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH53085 German Headless Code Coverage help text is not formatted
PH53076 JAVA.LANG.INDEXOUTOFBOUNDSEXCEPTION error during startup of a remote PL1 or COBOL debug session
PH52387 COBOL debugging that uses v16 host z/OS Debugger results in the Debugger Editor, which does not have an outline view and does not tokenize the code.
PH51653 Users enrolled into Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) get revoked by sign-ins from the EQAPROF services.
PH51577 Code Coverage Results view creates multiple login windows for remote result locations.
PH53931 Code Coverage Service puts temporary files in the /tmp directory.
15.0.6 Eclipse IDE
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH49970 Code Coverage annotations do not appear in program source in the LPEX editor.
PH49588 Code coverage results view status is incorrect when threshold is modified and the Eclipse IDE is restarted.
PH49481 Profile Management displays only the first 10 profiles per CICS region.
PH49439 CICS Profile form hint is repeated twice.
PH48068 Mix of secured RSE and unsecured Debug Manager works in IDz v14, but fails in IDz v15.
PH47054 Using non-English special characters in CICS profile terminal id field does not get saved correctly in DTCN.
PH39333 Visual Debug fails with PL/I parser errors when lines are concatenated or that uses non-default logical OR character.
Host z/OS Debugger 15.0.5 UI80583, UI80584, UI80585 PTF
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH44642 IBM z/OS Debugger v15.0 Host - English (Pre-REQs PTF UI79592)
PH44643 IBM z/OS Debugger v15.0 Host - Japanese
PH44644 IBM z/OS Debugger v15.0 Host - Korean
Refer to Summary of changes to view details on the latest host update for IBM z/OS Debugger.
15.0.5 Eclipse IDE
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH45787 If paragraph or section names use lower case letter, Visual Debug does not display the correct execution flow.
PH44477 Eclipse 15.0.3 IDE on linux, does not display the Debug Profile Editor correctly when resized.
Host z/OS Debugger 15.0.4 UI79592, UI79593, UI79595 PTF
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH42583 Remote Debug Service (EQARMTD) fails to start (Doc only)
PH41516 IBM z/OS Debugger v15.0 Host - English
PH41517 IBM z/OS Debugger v15.0 Host - Japanese
PH41518 IBM z/OS Debugger v15.0 Host - Korean
Refer to Summary of changes to view details on the latest host update for IBM z/OS Debugger.
15.0.4 Eclipse IDE
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH43703 Using Eclipse 15.0.3 IDE and opening a specific Java code coverage result from the Code Coverage Results view causes the workbench to hang.
PH41234 Setting a fully qualified command data set or preferences data set in a Property Group, launch configuration or the JCL Generation preference page, generates an invalid TEST runtime option because the data set is not prefixed with '-'.
PH43996 On Linux, the dialog for setting z/OS Batch Application using existing JCL, table for Step is not visible. Resizing the dialog is needed to make the table visible and display correctly.
Refer to Summary of changes to see new function provided in IBM z/OS Debugger v15.0
Host z/OS Debugger 15.0.3 UI77924, UI77925, UI77929 PTF
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH41774 IBM z/OS Debugger v15.0 Host - English
PH41775 IBM z/OS Debugger v15.0 Host - Japanese
PH41776 IBM z/OS Debugger v15.0 Host - Korean
Refer to Summary of changes to view details on the latest host update for IBM z/OS Debugger.
Host z/OS Debugger 15.0.3 (PE) UI77786, UI77787, UI77788 PTF
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH38080 IBM z/OS Debugger v15.0 Host - English
PH38081 IBM z/OS Debugger v15.0 Host - Japanese
PH38082 IBM z/OS Debugger v15.0 Host - Korean
Refer to Summary of changes to view details on the latest host update for IBM z/OS Debugger.
15.0.3 Eclipse IDE
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH37923 Generating JCL using a property group results in a port of -1 in the TEST runtime option when the Debug Manager is not running, and the Debug Daemon is not listening.
PH38360 Remote debugging 64-bit PLI program with standard mode debug engine has performance issue and uses large CPU usage.
PH39352 Changing the region of a CICS profile, which is already activated, does not deactivate the profile in the original region.
PH40431 The button to activate for code coverage when editing a CICS Profile, is enabled only after opening a non-CICS profile.
PH41418 Code coverage results are not generated when PL/I source contains sequence numbers and comments, which span more than one line.
Refer to Summary of changes to see new function provided in IBM z/OS Debugger v15.0
Host z/OS Debugger 15.0.2 UI75882, UI75884, UI75885 PTF
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH34971 IBM z/OS Debugger v15.0 Host - English
PH34973 IBM z/OS Debugger v15.0 Host - Japanese
PH34974 IBM z/OS Debugger v15.0 Host - Korean
Refer to Summary of changes to view details on the latest host update for IBM z/OS Debugger.
15.0.2 Eclipse IDE
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH37632 Installing IDz's Eclipse IDE P2 installation with IBM Application Performance Analyzer (APA) and Fault Analyzer (FA) results in errors related to
Refer to Summary of changes to see new function provided in IBM z/OS Debugger v15.0
Host z/OS Debugger 15.0.1 UI74527, UI74258, UI74259 PTF
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH31381 IBM z/OS Debugger v15.0 Host - English
PH31382 IBM z/OS Debugger v15.0 Host - Japanese
PH31383 IBM z/OS Debugger v15.0 Host - Korean
Refer to Summary of changes to view details on the latest host update for IBM z/OS Debugger.
15.0.1 Eclipse IDE
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH30130 Activating or deactivating a z/OS Debugger profile does not attempt an unsecured connection when the secured connection fails.
PH30237 On the Linux platform, the Step table in the z/OS Batch Application with existing JCL launch configuration does not appear until the dialog is resized.
PH30793 The preferences to hide debug messages cannot be shared with push-to-client.
PH31329 Running or debugging with "z/OS batch application with existing JCL" causes Null Pointer Exception when JCL has more than one CEEOPTS DD statement after JCL null-statement //.
PH32769 Generated code coverage result contains source when run with option savesource=false.
PH32903 When starting Eclipse IDE in a language other than English, opening the following dialogs: Add Result Location, Export Result, Import Result results in NullPointerException error.
PH32937 Code coverage results are incorrect when a program is called multiple times and the module is loaded and unloaded.
PH33029 Result of imported or newly added code coverage result is not correct.
PH33399 When prompted for steps on launching a z/OS Batch application with existing JCL, the steps table displays steps after JCL null-statement.
PH33925 When setting a stack pattern breakpoint that includes main program node on Visual Debug, the stack pattern breakpoint is not hit.
PH34918 Code Coverage results cannot be opened, and the following message is visible instead: The webpage cannot be found.
PH34902 When Debug Profile Service's secured port is set to empty or not configured, users are unable to create z/OS Debugger Profiles and the following message appears: Problem occurred: 'Update debug profile API server status' has encountered a problem.
Refer to Summary of changes to see new function provided in IBM z/OS Debugger v15.0
Host z/OS Debugger 15.0.0
Link Date Released Status

Refer to Summary of changes to see new function provided in IBM z/OS Debugger v15.0

15.0.0 Eclipse IDE
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH24902 Source from Code Coverage Report incorrectly displays syntax errors.
PH26069 SonarQube report is not generated by headless code coverage when the source is not saved by using the -savesource option, or not found by z/OS Debugger.
PH26194 When using the MVS Batch Application launch configurations, the step names do not display national language characters properly and debug sessions cannot be launched.
PH26464 Generating JCL for code coverage that uses a property group where more than one source lookup data set is defined, results in a null pointer error and no JCL is generated.
PH26863 Property groups incorrectly flag valid VADSCPXXX values for Command data set in the Debug options on the Run tab as an invalid data set.
PH27715 During a remote debug session, the Edit Breakpoint dialog does not appear when attempting to modify a breakpoint.
PH28079 When running headless code coverage with the SonarQube export option, the SonarQube result is in the main output directory, instead of a subdirectory.
PH29313 Creating debug profiles by using the Debug Profile Editor, fail to activate when the password specified is mixed case and the host passwords are case-sensitive.
Refer to Summary of changes to see new function provided in IBM z/OS Debugger v15.0
Dev Spaces VS Code IDE

4.2.0 Dev Spaces
Link Date Released Status
Refer to What's new to see new function provided in Z Open Debug for Dev Spaces
4.2.0 VS Code IDE
Link Date Released Status
Refer to What's new to see new function provided in IBM Z Open Debug
4.1.0 Dev Spaces
Link Date Released Status
Refer to What's new to see new function provided in Z Open Debug for Dev Spaces
4.1.0 VS Code IDE
Link Date Released Status
Refer to What's new to see new function provided in IBM Z Open Debug
4.0.0 Dev Spaces
Link Date Released Status
Refer to What's new to see new function provided in Z Open Debug for Dev Spaces
4.0.0 VS Code IDE
Link Date Released Status
Refer to What's new to see new function provided in IBM Z Open Debug
3.1.0 Dev Spaces
Link Date Released Status
Refer to What's new to see new function provided in Z Open Debug for Dev Spaces
3.1.0 VS Code IDE
Link Date Released Status
Refer to What's new to see new function provided in IBM Z Open Debug
3.0.0 Dev Spaces
Link Date Released Status
Refer to What's new to see new function provided in Z Open Debug for Dev Spaces
3.0.0 VS Code IDE
Link Date Released Status
Refer to What's new to see new function provided in IBM Z Open Debug
2.4.0 Dev Spaces
Link Date Released Status
Refer to What's new to see new function provided in Z Open Debug for Dev Spaces
2.4.0 VS Code IDE
Link Date Released Status
Refer to What's new to see new function provided in IBM Z Open Debug
2.3.0 Dev Spaces
Link Date Released Status
Refer to What's new to see new function provided in Z Open Debug for Dev Spaces
2.2.0 Dev Spaces
Link Date Released Status
Refer to What's new to see new function provided in Z Open Debug for Dev Spaces
2.2.0 VS Code IDE
Link Date Released Status
Refer to What's new to see new function provided in IBM Z Open Debug
2.1.0 Dev Spaces
Link Date Released Status
Refer to What's new to see new function provided in Z Open Debug for Dev Spaces
2.1.0 VS Code IDE
Link Date Released Status
Refer to What's new to see new function provided in IBM Z Open Debug
2.0.0 Workspaces
Link Date Released Status
Refer to What's new to see new function provided in Z Open Debug for Dev Spaces
2.0.0 VS Code IDE
Link Date Released Status
Refer to What's new to see new function provided in IBM Z Open Debug
1.4.1 Workspaces
Link Date Released Status
Refer to What's new to see new function provided in Z Open Debug for Dev Spaces
1.4.1 VS Code IDE
Link Date Released Status
Refer to What's new to see new function provided in IBM Z Open Debug
1.2.5 VS Code IDE
Link Date Released Status

1.1.1 VS Code IDE
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH34335 There are no instructions on adding self-signed certificate for connecting to Debug Profile Service without using the Chrome browser.
IBM Debug Tool

To find the most currently available PTFs for IBM Debug Tool for z/OS Version 13 Release 1 and earlier, see Latest Debug Tool for z/OS Service Information.

IBM Software Support Communities
  • Go to the IBM Support Portal to configure your support portal experience and review FAQs, lists of known problems, fixes, and a wealth of important support information.
  • Join the Development and Pipeline topic group in the Linux Z and LinuxOne community to access blogs, videos, discussions, and forums for the z/OS Debugger.
  • Go to IBM Developer to access an online collection of tutorials, sample code, standards, forums, and other resources that are provided by experts at IBM to assist software developers who use IBM tools.
  • Go to IBM Ideas to review, vote and submit ideas for improving z/OS Debugger.
  • Visit the Jazz Community if you use a product created by using the Jazz platform to interact directly with the Jazz development team and other community members, download product trials and betas and track development progress.

Helpful Hints For Obtaining Technical Assistance:

Before you contact IBM Software Support, gather the background information that you need to describe the problem. When you describe a problem to an IBM software support specialist, be as specific as possible and include all relevant background information so that the specialist can help you solve the problem efficiently. To save time, know the answers to these questions:

  • What software versions were you running when the problem occurred?
  • Do you have logs, traces, or messages that are related to the problem?
  • Can you reproduce the problem? If so, what steps do you take to reproduce it?
  • Is there a workaround for the problem? If so, be prepared to describe the workaround.
  • Visit MustGather: Read first for problems encountered with IBM z/OS Debugger for tips on what information is needed by an IBM software support specialist.

If you have helpful information to diagnose or identify the problem on your system, you can provide this data by following the instructions to exchange information with IBM Technical Support .

Publication Number

Document Location


[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB70","label":"Z TPS"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSTQWA","label":"IBM Debug for z\/OS"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z00000009oWAAQ","label":"z\/OS Debugger"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"All Version(s)"},{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSJK49","label":"IBM Developer for z Systems"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z00000009oWAAQ","label":"z\/OS Debugger"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"All Versions"},{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSUFAU","label":"IBM Z Open Development"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"","label":""}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"All Versions"},{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSSQT8","label":"IBM Wazi for Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z00000009oWAAQ","label":"z\/OS Debugger"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Version(s)"},{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB70","label":"Z TPS"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSTQXQ","label":"IBM Developer for z\/OS Enterprise Edition"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z00000009oWAAQ","label":"z\/OS Debugger"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Version(s)"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
30 August 2024

