IBM Support

Installing IBM Business Process Manager Version 8.5 Refresh Pack 7

Product Readmes


This document provides instructions for installing Version 8.5 Refresh Pack 7 for IBM Business Process Manager. Use the same instructions to update IBM Process Center and IBM Process Server.


This refresh pack is a cumulative maintenance package that applies to all distributed operating systems. It is a single package that bundles a number of individual fixes.

The refresh pack is to be used on IBM Business Process Manager Express, IBM Business Process Manager Standard, IBM Business Process Manager Advanced, and IBM Business Process Manager Advanced - Process Server.

Table of Contents

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Problems addressed in this refresh pack

By installing the refresh pack, you will raise the fix level of your product, either IBM Business Process Manager Express, IBM Business Process Manager Standard, IBM Business Process Manager Advanced, or IBM Business Process Manager Advanced - Process Server, to Version 8.5.7.

The fixes addressed in Refresh Pack 7 are explained in the Fix list for the IBM Business Process Manager Version 8.5 products.

Installation instructions

Refresh pack prerequisites

To use this refresh pack, you must have Version 8.5.6 CF02, Version 8.5.6 CF01, Version, Version 8.5.5, or Version 8.5.0.x of IBM Business Process Manager Express, IBM Business Process Manager Standard, IBM Business Process Manager Advanced, or IBM Business Process Manager Advanced - Process Server product installed.


Hardware and software prerequisites for IBM Business Process Manager Express, IBM Business Process Manager Standard, IBM Business Process Manager Advanced, and IBM Business Process Manager Advanced - Process Server are available on the web on their respective Hardware and Software Support pages.

Installing the refresh pack

To install the refresh pack, follow these instructions to download the refresh pack repositories, choose your installation path, and review the post-upgrade tasks.

  1. Download the refresh pack repositories to a local directory. For more information, see Downloading repositories to the local system. If you are installing the refresh pack interactively by using IBM Installation Manager to connect to the live repository, this step is not required.

  2. Choose one of the installation paths based on your environment.
    1. If you have profiles, follow the instructions based on your current version:
      • If you are upgrading from IBM Business Process Manager V8.5.6.x, V8.5.5, or V8.5.0.x, complete the steps in Upgrading profiles.
      • If you are migrating from a version earlier than IBM Business Process Manager V8.5.0.x, use Installation Manager to install the refresh pack, but do not create profiles or a deployment environment. After installing the refresh pack, follow the migration instructions to migrate your earlier version.

        Note: To continually run production applications during the upgrade and regression test period, you can roll out maintenance incrementally in an IBM Business Process Manager installation that consists of a Process Center and multiple Process Servers. See Performing a rolling upgrade in the product documentation.

    2. If you installed V8.5.6.x, V8.5.5, or V8.5.0.x but you have not yet created a profile, choose one of the following options to update the product:
      Upgrading an installation interactively
      Upgrading an installation silently using the command line (imcl)

  3. Review the optional Post-upgrade tasks for actions that you might need to take.

Your IBM Business Process Manager installations are now updated to V8.5.7.

Downloading the repositories to the local system

Download the refresh pack repositories to a local directory so that they can be used with Installation Manager during the upgrade process.
  • If you are installing interactively by using Installation Manager to make the updates and you have Internet access, these steps are not needed. You can download the required WebSphere Application Server fix pack and IBM BPM refresh pack from the live repository.

  1. Download the appropriate fix repository by following the Downloading the refresh pack document. Download and to a temporary disk location.

  2. Unpack the repository files to any directory that you choose. The files must be unpacked to the same location. Note the location where you have unpacked the files.

  3. You must have WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5, Fix Pack 8 or later installed or you must install it during the upgrade process. If you want to upgrade the WebSphere Application Server fix pack, download the applicable version for your environment.
    For example, download and for WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5.5.
    For information about the fixes and download links, see Fix list for IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5.

  4. Download any required interim fixes from IBM Fix Central that are specific to IBM BPM V8.5.7. Select your installation type and V8.5.7 to search for recommended fixes on this site.
    Note: Applying this refresh pack will remove any previously installed interim fixes. If a fix is included in the refresh pack, then you do not have to reinstall the interim fix.

  5. Extract each set of fixpack or interim fix repository files to its own local directory, although a common staging directory can be used. For example, staging_directory\BPMfixpack, staging_directory\refreshpack, or staging_directory\IFix1.
    Note: If a fix pack or refresh pack repository consists of multiple .zip files, ensure that they are all extracted to the same root directory. For example, extract the two files to staging_directory\BPM857, the two 8.5.5-WS-WAS-FP0000005 files to staging_directory\WAS8555, and each additional fix to its own directory in a similar fashion.

  6. Return to the installation instructions and continue with the appropriate steps based on your existing setup.

Upgrading an installation interactively

These steps upgrade one installation of IBM Business Process Manager. If you have existing profiles, follow the profile upgrade steps first. Ensure that these steps are followed only after you are directed here by the profile upgrade steps.

  1. Start the Installation Manager. For more information about where Installation Manager is installed and the type of installation, see Installation directories for the product and profile.
    Note: The IBM Installation Manager must be at a minimum level of Version 1.8.0 before you start the IBM Business Process Manager refresh pack installation updates. The Installation Manager detects an available update if you are connected to the Internet on the workstation where you plan to upgrade.

    • On Windows, right-click IM_INSTALL_LOCATION\IBMIM.exe and select Run as administrator.

    • On Linux or UNIX, start IBM Installation Manager using the IM_INSTALL_LOCATION/IBMIM command.

  2. Add the repositories to the IBM Installation Manager preferences. Click File > Preferences. Under Repositories, select one of the following options:
    • If you have Internet access, ensure that the Search service repositories during installation and updates option is selected.

    • If you do not have Internet access, add the location of the local repositories that you downloaded in the Downloading the repositories to the local system section.
      1. Click Add Repository.

      2. Type or browse to the repository.config file for the IBM Business Process Manager repository that you extracted and click OK.

      3. Repeat this process for all new repositories.

      4. Click OK to save the new repository settings.

  3. Click Update.

  4. Select the package group where you have installed IBM Business Process Manager Express, IBM Business Process Manager Standard, IBM Business Process Manager Advanced, or IBM Business Process Manager Advanced - Process Server and click Next.

  5. After Installation Manager checks the service repositories, the Update Packages window opens and the IBM Business Process Manager Express, IBM Business Process Manager Standard, IBM Business Process Manager Advanced, or IBM Business Process Manager Advanced - Process Server 8.5.7 refresh pack is shown, unless there is a later fix available from the live update repository. If you are also installing WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5 Fix Pack 8 or later, it is also shown.

  6. Ensure that these fix packs are all selected. Clear the Show recommended only check box to make sure that you can see all the added fixes. Click Next. If you have Internet connectivity or have added local interim fix repositories, another Update Packages window opens. A list of interim fixes is displayed.

  7. Ensure that the interim fixes are all selected and then click Next.
    Note: Applying this refresh pack will remove any previously installed interim fixes. If a fix is included in the refresh pack, then you do not have to reinstall the interim fix.

  8. Read and accept the terms of the license agreements by selecting the appropriate button and click Next. The Features window opens. All the installed features will be selected.

  9. Click Next. All the features that need to be updated are shown in the Summary window. The disk space that is required to perform the update is shown at the bottom.

  10. Click Update to start the update. The updates are downloaded either from the live update repository or from your local repository. The updates are installed. After the installation of the updates is complete, you receive a confirmation.

  11. If you have existing profiles, follow the links below to return to the profile upgrade instructions to continue upgrading your profiles. If you want to upgrade additional installations, repeat the steps, or return to step 4 for installations using the same Installation Manager.

    Upgrading an installation silently using the command line (imcl)

    Installation Manager offers a command-line interface to update your product installation silently. These steps upgrade one installation of IBM Business Process Manager. If you have existing profiles, ensure that these steps are followed only after you are directed here by the profile upgrade steps.

    1. Gather the following information about your environment and the fixes you want to apply.

        The location where Installation Manager is installed. See table 7 in Installation directories for the product and profile for more information about Installation Manager default installation directories.

        The full path to the installation directory of the product you are upgrading.

        The full directory path to the unpacked repositories associated with each fix package that you are applying. The directories are the local staging directories that you used at the end of the Downloading the repositories to the local system steps.
        If you are installing fixes from multiple repositories, include each directory path and separate them with commas. For example:
        C:\BPMFixStaging\BPMfixpack, C:\BPMFixStaging\WASfixpack, C:\BPMFixStaging\IFix1

      • LOG_FILE
        A full path and name for a log file to capture the logging output of the command.
        A list of the package associated with any refresh pack, fix pack, cumulative fix, or interim fix that you are applying.
        If you are applying multiple fixes, separate them with spaces.

        For interim fix package IDs, check the readme file for the fix ID. Alternatively, you can run the listAvailablePackages command on a repository to see the fixes that it includes. You will need the currently installed package ID and version, as described in the next paragraph. For information about the command, see Listing available packages by using imcl commands.

        For a refresh pack, fix pack, or cumulative fix, the package ID depends on the package ID of the product that is already installed. If you are unsure of the exact packages that you have installed, you can use the following command to list the current products associated with a particular installation:
        install root/bin/versionInfo
        This command lists all products associated with the installation and includes a package output for each. The package line has the package ID followed by an underscore and the version ID.

        The following table can be used to get the package ID for products that can be installed with IBM BPM 8.5.7:
      • Product being updatedPackage ID
        IBM Business Process Manager
        IBM Business Process Manager
        IBM Business Process Manager
        IBM Business Process Manager Advanced - Process
        WebSphere Application
        IBM WebSphere SDK Java Technology Edition
        IBM WebSphere SDK Java Technology Edition
    2. Using the information gathered in the previous step, run the imcl command from the tools directory under the Installation Manager installation location. For more information, see Installing packages by using imcl commands.

      IM_INSTALL_LOCATION/eclipse/tools/imcl install FIX_PACKAGES -acceptLicense -installationDirectory INSTALL_DIR -repositories REPOSITORY -log LOG_FILE

      By including the -acceptLicense parameter, you agree to the terms and licenses of this product.

      The following command is an example of upgrading IBM BPM Advanced Process Server on Windows:
      C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Installation Manager\eclipse\tools\imcl install -acceptLicense -installationDirectory C:\IBM\BPM\v8.5 -repositories C:\BPM857_repository -log silent_update.txt

    3. When the silent installation completes, check the log files to ensure that the installation completed successfully. A success message that is similar to the following text displays on the command line for each package that was installed:
      Updated to in the C:\IBM\BPM\v8.5 directory

    4. Repeat the process for each installation in the environment. When you are finished, if you are upgrading a deployment environment profile, continue following the profile upgrade instructions from step 8 under Upgrading deployment environment profiles for IBM Business Process Manager Advanced or IBM Business Process Manager Standard.
      If you are upgrading a stand-alone profile, continue following the profile upgrade instructions from step 7 under Upgrading stand-alone profiles for IBM Business Process Manager Express.

    Upgrading IBM Process Designer

    After the IBM Process Center environment is upgraded, IBM Process Designer users must follow the instructions for Updating IBM Process Designer.

    Rolling back the refresh pack

    You can roll back the refresh pack by using one of the following options:
    Rolling back the refresh pack installation interactively
    Rolling back the refresh pack installation silently using the command line (imcl)

    : The following procedure rolls back only the IBM BPM installation. If you have existing profiles, see Rolling back the IBM BPM environment for instructions. New profiles created after the upgrade cannot be reused; you must delete and recreate the profiles after you complete the rollback process. See Removing profiles using the manageprofiles command-line utility for more information.

    When you upgrade, Installation Manager uninstalls all previous interim fixes for IBM Business Process Manager and IBM WebSphere Application Server before it installs the refresh pack. You must reinstall all the interim fixes that you previously had installed before you upgraded and then rolled back.

    Rolling back the refresh pack installation interactively

    1. Close all programs that were installed by using Installation Manager.

    2. Start Installation Manager. For information about where Installation Manager is installed, see Installation directories for the product and profile,

    3. From the Start page of the Installation Manager, click Roll back to start the Roll back packages wizard.

    4. On the Roll Back Packages page, from the Package Group Name list, select the package group that contains the packages that you want to roll back and click Next.

    5. Select the version of the package that you want to roll back to and click Next.

    6. Read the summary information and click Roll Back to roll back the package.

      When the rollback process completes, a message that confirms the success of the process is displayed near the top of the page.

    7. If you are rolling back the profiles and database, reinstall all the previous interim fixes for IBM Business Process Manager and IBM WebSphere Application Server. You must reinstall all the interim fixes that you previously had installed before you upgraded and then rolled back.

    8. Optional: Click View log file to open the log file for the current session in a new window.

    9. Click Finish to close the wizard.

    10. Close Installation Manager.

    11. If you have existing profiles, see Rolling back the IBM BPM environment.

    Warnings displayed during the rollback process
    You might see warnings similar to the following warning in the Installation Manager rollback log (install_root/logs/wbi/uninstall/uninstallconfig_server.log):
    <message>/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/properties/version/nif/config.wbi/uninstall.ngi/99SRunISCDeploy.ant:33: exec returned: 127

    You can fix them by running the following command:
    • On Windows: install_root\bin\iscdeploy -restore
    • On Linux or UNIX: install_root/bin/ -restore

    Rolling back the refresh pack installation silently using the command line (imcl)

    Installation Manager offers a command-line interface to silently roll back your product installation to the previous version. In the instructions, it is assumed that you completed all the necessary backup tasks, which are described in Upgrading profiles, before you upgraded to the refresh pack. The previous profile is restored after you complete the rollback task.

    1. Gather the following information about your environment and the target version you want to roll back to.

        The location where Installation Manager is installed. See table 7 in Installation directories for the product and profile for more information about Installation Manager default installation directories.

        The full path to the installation directory of the product that you upgraded.

      • LOG_FILE
        A full path and name for a log file to capture the logging output of the command.
        The package and version IDs for the target version you want to roll back to. You will need the package ID followed by an underscore and the specific version ID. If you are rolling back multiple packages in the installation, separate each package and version ID with a space. If you supply only the package ID, the package is rolled back to the most recent previous version.

        You can use the following command to see what different versions of the product have previously been installed to the installation. In the fix packs section, it will show the previous product, fix pack, refresh pack, and cumulative fix versions that have been applied. The package line will have the package ID followed by an underscore and the version ID.
        INSTALL_DIR/bin/versionInfo -fixpacks

        Optionally, you might need to supply the fix repositories for the target of the rollback if you did not use the option to save files for rollback and do not have access to the live repository. Download and unpack the fix repositories for the target version. Gather the full directory path to your unpacked repositories associated with each fix package that you are applying. If you are rolling back multiple products, separate the repository directory paths with commas.

    2. Using the information gathered in the previous step, run the imcl command to rollback to the previous target version of a product in the installation. If you have existing profiles, be sure that you have stopped the servers as specified in Rolling back the IBM BPM environment.

      IM_INSTALL_LOCATION/eclipse/tools/imcl rollback PACKAGE_VERSION_IDS -installationDirectory INSTALL_DIR -log LOG_FILE

      If you need to include local repositories for the target version, add the -repositories REPOSITORIES option.

      When the rollback completes, a success message similar to the following message displays on the command line:
      Rolled back to in the C:\IBM\BPM\v8.5 directory.

    3. If you are rolling back the profiles and database, reinstall all the previous interim fixes for IBM Business Process Manager and IBM WebSphere Application Server. You must reinstall all the interim fixes that you previously had installed before you upgraded and then rolled back.

    4. Check the log files to ensure that the rollback completed successfully.

    5. Repeat the process for each installation in the environment. Once you are finished, continue with the profile rollback steps for existing environments. You can continue from step 4 in Rolling back the IBM BPM environment.

    Rolling back IBM Process Designer

    IBM BPM does not support rolling back IBM Process Designer using Installation Manager. Instead, complete the following steps to roll back Process Designer.

    1. After rolling back your Process Center to a previous version, use Installation Manager to uninstall Process Designer.

    2. Delete the directory in which Process Designer was installed.

    3. Reinstall Process Designer with a new zip file that is downloaded from Process Center. For instructions, see Installing IBM Process Designer.


    You can find additional information about any of these topics in the IBM Business Process Manager product documentation.

    For further information about the update strategy or obtaining updates, see the support page for your product.

    IBM Business Process Manager Express Support page
    IBM Business Process Manager Standard Support page
    IBM Business Process Manager Advanced Support page
    IBM Business Process Manager Advanced Process Server Support page

    Trademarks and service marks

    For trademark attribution, visit the IBM Terms of Use Web site.

    [{"Product":{"code":"SSFTN5","label":"IBM Business Process Manager Advanced"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Installation \/ Configuration","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"8.5.7","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}},{"Product":{"code":"SSFTDH","label":"IBM Business Process Manager Standard"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Installation \/ Configuration","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"8.5.7","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}},{"Product":{"code":"SSFTBX","label":"IBM Business Process Manager Express"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Installation \/ Configuration","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"8.5.7","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

    Product Synonym


    Document Information

    Modified date:
    17 June 2018

