IBM Support

Known Problems for Rational Synergy 7.2.1

Product Documentation


Known Problems for Rational Synergy 7.2.1


APARInternal IDDescription/WorkaroundStatus
 PI14239R#45733Under Heavy Load on License Server, Synergy 7.2.1 Backend Sessions might fail to start.

Apply the fix pack
Fixed in Release

R#45278 Unhandled Runtime Exception gets reported in Synergy GUI when synergy server is restarted and Synergy-RTC integration is enabled

Restarting Synergy GUI solves the problem
Deferred to future release.
PM96917R#45137Changing the type of object may lose changes made to type

Sync the object to keep work area changes before changing the type.
Possible future fix pack candidate.
PM96374R#45087Completing an already completed task displays incorrect error messagePossible future fix pack candidate.
PM96372R#45088'Complete the displayed task' option requires unexpected double click

Option 1: Click on the icon 'Complete displayed task' for a second time.
Option 2: After adding text to the required field, click on 'Apply' before clicking on 'Complete displayed task'.
Possible future fix pack candidate.
PM97257R#45163Developer unable to delete task they have created having no associated objects

User should have assigner role along with developer role.
Possible future fix pack candidate.
PM98840R#45326Opening static file from Synergy history and project views shows conflicting contentsPossible future fix pack candidate.
PI04888R#45393"database change to checked-in file" work area conflict causes data reverse

Sometimes users might see an unexpected work area conflict "Database change to checked-in file" when the work area file is changed. Ensure that all local changes made to the work area are saved off. Remove the work area and sync it from scratch, populating it with contents from the database. Then apply your changes to the work area. The conflict should no longer appear.
Possible future fix pack candidate.
PM99216R#45346The fs_check process fails to remove some temporary files in Rational Synergy Possible future fix pack candidate.
PM76389 R#43824cannot View an object from a non-synchronised prep sub-project with relative workarea

If you change the default path, ensure that the work area paths are unique; that is, two work areas should not default to the same path.
No plan to fix

R#45221Upgrading databases on 721 run area which has been upgraded from an existing 71 run area(only on Windows) fails from second attempt
The first command(ccmdb upgrade) to upgrade a 71 database in 721 succeeds without any issues. The subsequent upgrade commands to upgrade a 71 database in 721 fails.
1. For each ccmdb upgrade, restart the services
2. Pack the database using "ccmdb pack" command and unpack the pack file in 721 and do an upgrade.
No plan to fix

[{"Product":{"code":"SSC6Q5","label":"Rational Synergy"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Documentation","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"7.2.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
22 December 2020

