IBM Support

Known Problems for Rational Synergy

Product Documentation


Known Problems for IBM Rational Synergy



Internal IDDescription/Workaround
PM06267R#35173wastebasket directory defaults to %USERPROFILE% from the Synergy (Java) client

There is no way to specify a user-specific alternative path for the work area wastebasket
PM20041R#37396Objects don't show in the project tree table as work area conflicts are resolved


Close and reopen the project tab.
PM23430R#37984Conflict detection returns conflicts which are not real conflicts

Conflict detection will always report "Bad task" for any fix task even though the "bad task" is included in the project's update properties.
PM25711R#38463Synergy is reporting an implicitly included conflict because of renamed object

The issue is that Synergy reports an implicitly included conflict for an object version in the baseline if that object version has been renamed in the current project.
PM27642R#38773Deleted file does not get deleted from all work areas

If a modifiable directory is used in multiple projects and these projects are handled by different clients, a change of the membership of the directory done in one project will not update the other projects work area.


A Sync can be used to detect the work area conflict created by the membership change in the other project and the conflict can be resolved to add or remove the files from the work area.
PM34480R#39894Better error messaging when using web mode without Unix account
PM36372R#40216Work-Area path is sometimes not displayed in project properties pane
PM42975R#40854It is possible to assign the same database twice
PM44572R#41002Workspace syncing fails. Subproject is maintained using the Unix client on Windows.
PM44759R#41026ccm dcm Synergy CLI command does not handle empty selection set gracefully
PM44981R#41043Objects added to a tset while a generate is running on this tset are not considered without a Recompute
PM46360R#41173Opening a static file in a static project can display incorrect file contents under specific conditions.
PM47206R#41263Do not use the static relative subproject's real work area when accessing the file from within Synergy
PM47522R#41308Web Mode client hangs if operation attempted during firewall disconnect

R#30479Cannot change work area properties on inconsistent project hierarchy

If you have a project hierarchy with inconsistent work area properties - for example, some projects in the hierarchy have options such as 'Include project-specific directory in work area path' set and some have them unset - then attempts to change the work area properties for the entire hierarchy from the Synergy GUI or CLI will fail.

Do any of the following:
a) Make the desired work area property changes individually on each project
b) Change individual work area properties to make the hierarchy consistent, and then set the desired properties on the entire hierarchy

R#30637Installation of Synergy on UNIX systems may give the message:

bsdtar: Failed to set default locale

In the absence of any other errors or warnings, this message about the locale may safely be ignored.

R#30657Checked in files are modifiable in the work area even after unchecking the option 'Make all Files Modifiable'

When turning off the option "Make all files modifiable" in traditional mode, the files for all checked-in objects in the project will be made read-only. However, for web mode, checked-in files that have been modified will not have their permissions changed.

In both cases the conflict will be detected and reported to the user.

R#32369When moving a database from UNIX to Windows, the ccmdb unpack command leaves all cache files marked as read-only

When moving a database from UNIX to Windows, the ccmdb unpack command leaves cache files marked as read-only. This prevents Synergy from adjusting the access and modify times of the cache files to match the times stored in the database, which in turn will cause warnings from ccm fs_check.

To avoid these warnings, the CM administrator must bring up the Windows Properties dialog for the database’s st_root directory, unset the read-only flag, click Apply, and then check the option to apply to all subfolders and contents in the resulting prompt.
See also R#31030 - newlines in files must be converted when moving a database between Windows and UNIX. So, when moving from UNIX to Windows in 7.1, the user needs to run ccmdb upgrade -w AND clear the read-only Windows property as described in this CR.

R#32673No error to command line when trying to start a server when one is already running on the same host and port

If the server port is already in use by another process when server starts, the process fails with the following message in the server log file. (The server log file is located in $CCM_HOME/log/synergy_<host>_port.log):
2009-06-09T15:49:34.364-0700 WARNING: Failed to start: SocketListener0@ {org.mortbay.util.ThreadedServer}

R#34132Terminal invoked from synergy ( for editing or for exploring the directory) not able to display Unicode characters (Chinese characters).

R#34784Warnings are reported when a database is upgraded in synergy_<database>_<server_port_number>.log

After upgrading a database, you might see error in the log that look like the following:

2009-12-03T12:58:14.167+0530 INFO : Server running in share session mode as user 'tester' for database \\win2k3r2-64vive\ccmdb\ibm. {sessionmgr}
2009-12-03T13:01:15.436+0530 SEVERE : Error allocating session {asyncarchiver.AsynchronousArchiver}

During normal behavior, Synergy kicks off an asynchronous archiver automatically five minutes after the first user session is started, which in turn attempts to start a back-end session to serve its requests. While a database is being upgraded, Synergy attempts to kick off its asynchronous archiver but the back-end session startup fails, leaving these warning messages in the server log file. The messages, when occurring during upgrade, are harmless and the database upgrades successfully.

R#39764Failure message on compare of binary objects from CLI

It files being compared have binary content in them, then the default compare tool used by Synergy is reporting an error message such as “Diff/Merge Failed.”.


Replace the default Synergy compare tool with one that can properly compare the binary files.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSC6Q5","label":"Rational Synergy"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Documentation","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
22 December 2020

