Automating and shift-left testing z/OS hybrid applications Everything you need to get started quickly. Get started - Play overview Transcript

Application development is becoming increasingly hybrid and complex, making accelerated delivery an essential business requirement. To deliver rapidly with high quality, practitioners use continuous testing practices to shift testing left, automate, and increase reliability to minimize risk.

Automation isn't enough. Investment in good application-specific test tools is required. To enable best practices like shift-left testing, unit and application integration testing must occur earlier in the development process, allowing problems to be discovered sooner. z/OS® application testers need quality tools and readily available infrastructure to quickly and comprehensively test complex multi-tier, hybrid applications.

See how to grow your DevOps practice with automated and shift-left testing

IBM Test Accelerator for Z 1.0.0 is now available

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Overview video: IBM Test Accelerator for Z

Watch (4:13)

Video: Automatic test data generation for uncovered program paths

Watch (3:10)
Big picture 1. Learn about automated, shift-left testing. 2. Early development testing (unit testing and early integration testing). 3. Debugging and code coverage. 4. Integration testing. 5. Provision a z/OS test environment on the platform of your choice. How to get started

Organizations are transforming their development processes and achieving better business outcomes by incorporating DevOps best practices like test automation and shift-left test. This approach prioritizes software and system testing early in the Software Delivery Lifecyle to help reduce or prevent significant problems down the road.

Incorporating continuous testing into DevOps processes provides several benefits to enterprises.

Better efficiency and higher-quality deployments: Continuous testing provides an automated method of managing quality assurance and reliable operation between workflows at each stage of the Software Delivery Lifecycle. With continuous feedback loops at different testing phases, from unit to user acceptance testing, developers can receive the actionable insight they need to improve their code before it gets deployed. This efficiency resolves disconnections between multiple DevOps team members and supports accelerated software delivery schedules.

Rapid error discovery and remediation for distributed projects: Today's modern development architectures are multifaceted and multilayered. Continuous testing helps development teams break down these complexities by incorporating a scalable, automated testing solution that significantly improves error discovery and remediation timelines.

Improved user experience: Advanced continuous testing methods can simulate a variety of unique use cases and troubleshooting scenarios and observe how users respond to them. The insight gathered from these simulations enables developers to remove the inefficiencies in the user interface earlier and avoid unwanted surprises after the application has been deployed.

Reduced costs due to development-related business disruption: Especially in large interconnected systems, an error in just one module of an application can have ripple effects that can cause unwanted downtime, negatively impacting productivity and the bottom line.

IBM has the expertise and solutions to help your organization develop a strategy to transform testing for your z/OS-powered hybrid applications.

Learn more about continuous testing What is shift-left testing?

Early development testing for z/OS enables team to automate the unit and early integration testing of z/OS programs written in COBOL. Developers can record tests for programs, transactions or batch jobs and run the tests prior to deploying artifacts to target environments. These tests are powered by the new Dynamic Test Engine for z/OS. These tests can be stored along with the code in the team repository, facilitating seamless integration into a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline. The test data generation unit test feature generates test data automatically for those program paths that are difficult to create tests for. This improves code coverage. Early development testing for z/OS advantages include:

  • Automated unit and early integration tests that runs in isolation without requiring a full middleware stack to enable a quick feedback loop
  • Earlier detection of defects, which reduces costs and speeds delivery
  • The ability to replay recorded tests in isolation, which simplifies debugging complex issues
Use case
  • Pre-deployment, automated unit and early integration testing for batch, CICS, and IMS applications written in COBOL
  • Automated data capture through recording to simplify the creation of tests
  • Increased code coverage by creating test data for hard to test paths within the program
Video demo: Unit testing a COBOL IMS application

Debugging and code coverage are integral aspects of software development, and they go hand in hand with test to ensure together high quality, robust, and reliable applications which meet user expectations.

Debugging plays a crucial role in software development by identifying and rectifying errors and bugs within the source code. By utilizing debugging tools, developers can analyze the code systematically, pinpointing the origin of the problem and implementing fixes accordingly.

Code coverage is another essential aspect of software development, providing valuable insights into the efficacy of the testing process. Measuring the percentage of code executed during testing, code coverage helps determine which areas need further examination. A higher code coverage rate indicates that critical sections of the software have been sufficiently tested, thereby minimizing the likelihood of undetected bugs. Continuous monitoring and updating of test codes according to code changes are vital to maintaining optimal code coverage levels.

Learn more about IBM Debug for z/OS
Use case
  • Extensive debugging options – set breakpoints at statements, programs and conditions, run until a breakpoint is reached, view and change the values of variables and storage.
  • Measure the effectiveness of your automated testing by using code coverage in conjunction with IBM Test Accelerator for Z to support shift-left testing initiatives.
  • Debugging and code coverage available for z/OS applications written in COBOL, PL/I, C/C++ and Assembler.
Video overview: IBM Debug for z/OS

Integration testing is a crucial test phase that ensures that different software components of an application work together.

With Integration Test Builder for z/OS, a component of IBM Test Accelerator for Z, developers and testers can record a work flow through a z/OS application, and then generate automated integration tests. These tests run via IBM distribution for Galasa, an open, extensible, test automation framework purpose built for integration testing of z/OS applications that are components of larger hybrid applications. Integration Test Builder for z/OS advantages include:

  • Quick, reliable recording of z/OS application flows from within the development environment using the Dynamic Test Engine for z/OS (an IBM Test Accelerator for Z component) to capture application activities.
  • Automatic generation of deployable Galasa tests.
  • Automated testing of hybrid application that include z/OS components.
  • Support for IBM distribution of Galasa.
Use case

Post deployment, programming language independent integration testing of z/OS applications. For example:

  • Tests that ensure that an order entry system integrates properly with an inventory management system.
  • Tests to validate that application modernization activities such as a compiler upgrade, refactoring and/or rewriting do not impact integrations.

Enterprises need on-demand, isolated environments to perform iterative, automated testing.

The On-demand Dev and Test environment for z/OS, a component of IBM Test Accelerator for Z enables enterprises to host z/OS using virtualized IBM® Z hardware on Linux running on x86-64 or s390x machines, supporting mainframe application demonstration, development, testing, and education use cases. The On-demand Dev and Test environment for z/OS tooling provides an API or UI web-based interface to create and manage images and allowing self-service capabilities to provision z/OS instances on Linux target environments.

The user can:

  • Quickly spin-up test and development sandboxes with the same base image on isolated Linux on Z and x86 environments to scale horizontally and predictably.
  • Enjoy a unified z/OS image creation and management experience across platforms.
  • Deploy custom and standard z/OS images optimized with DevOps tools to x86 -64, s390x machines and IBM Cloud Wazi as a Service based instances.
Use case
  • Drive new software faster, with higher quality, to production:
    • Shift-left testing
    • Work in isolation or parallel.
  • Employee training and education on an economical and easy-to-build replicable environments.
  • Easily test new z/OS, middleware and compiler versions or patches without compromising the real environment.
  • Enable continuous integration and agile development methodologies for z/OS to meet changing business requirements.

On-demand Dev and Test environment for z/OS is a component of Test Accelerator for Z.

  1. Get a quick understanding through the solution brief.
  2. Read the latest blog.
  3. Gain an in-depth understanding through the technical documentation.
Technical resources IBM Test Accelerator for Z documentation

Read more about how to get started with IBM Test Accelerator for Z.

New Explore the IBM Test Accelerator for Z documentation
IBM DevOps Test Workbench

Read more about how to get started with IBM DevOps Test Workbench

Explore IBM DevOps Test Workbench
IBM Developer for z/OS

Read more about how to get started with IBM Developer for z/OS.

Explore IBM Developer for z/OS

Experience test tools that will help your organization to shift left and accelerate agile testing practices for z/OS applications.

New Try it now: Agile Testing for z/OS Applications IBM Z Trial

Check out Enterprise Bug Busting: From testing through CI/CD to drive business results, by IBM Distinguished Engineer Rosalind Radcliffe.

Read the ebook (1.35 MB)

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Related solutions Discover and plan for z/OS hybrid applications

Work smarter and minimize risk by discovering application insights and make changes with confidence.

Continuous integration for the hybrid cloud developer experience

Simplify life for developers building hybrid cloud applications with a cloud native development experience for z/OS.

Continuous delivery and deployment

Simplify life for developers building hybrid cloud applications with a cloud native development experience for z/OS.

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The Related solutions section was updated.

A link to a new Redpaper has been added to Announcements in the Introduction section and to the Other resources tab of the Technical resources section.

A link to a free trial was added to Announcements in the Introduction section, and updates were made to the Other resources tab of the Technical resources section.

The Provision test environments tab of the How to get started section now includes information about ZD&T, ZVDT, Wazi as a Service, and Wazi Sandbox.

The transcript for the overview video has been replaced.

A link to the 3-day trial has been added to the Other resources tab of the Technical resources section.

Links to the ebook Enterprise Bug Busting were added to several places, including the Other resources tab of the Technical resources section.

Minor changes were made to the Open test framework tab of the How to get started section, and new resources were added to the Technical resources section.

Transcript added for Automating and shift-left testing z/OS hybrid applications overview video.