IBM Support

What's coming next in IBM Planning Analytics 2.0.96 SC



The following updates are available in release 2.0.96 of Planning Analytics Workspace.


What's new in books and reporting
The following new and changed features in books and reporting are available in Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.96.

Use AI to interact with books using natural language

The new Planning Analytics AI assistant lets you perform a wide variety of actions on books using simple natural language commands.

The initial release of Planning Analytics AI assistant supports English only. The Planning Analytics AI assistant is available only on books; it's not accessible from a modeling workbench.

To use the assistant, open a book then click the Planning Analytics AI assistant icon on the toolbar, right next to your user name.

PA AI assistant interface

Type a natural language command or instruction in the Planning Analytics AI assistant. There are no hard and fast rules about how you issue a command, as long as the command includes a single action that you want to perform and (in most cases) the subject of the action. For example, if you want to swap the rows and columns in an exploration, all of these commands will work:

  • swap rows and columns
  • switch rows
  • exchange rows and columns
  • swap (notice there is no subject specified here)

Some commands require that an object or widget on a book be selected before typing the command, others require that the book be in edit mode before the command can be executed. When your command is ambiguous or cannot be completed in the current context, Planning Analytics AI assistant prompts you for clarification.

For example, if you try to convert an exploration to a chart, the assistant notifies you that you must be in edit mode to perform this action.

Assistant message indicating that you must be in edit mode

Similarly, if you are in edit mode and type the command "convert an exploration to a chart" (a somewhat ambiguous request), the assistant prompts you to specify which type of chart you want and then completes your request.

Assistant message indicating that you must be in edit mode

Tip: If your command includes a reference to a specific object or artifact, it's helpful to enclose the item name in double quotes. This helps Planning Analytics AI assistant determine your intent and identify the item you want to work with.

Of course, you're not limited to swapping rows and columns or creating charts. You can use Planning Analytics AI assistant to change the configuration of a view, open a view on a different database, open a dimension or set, perform member calculations, and more.

Here's a "cheat sheet" to help you start using Planning Analytics AI assistant.

Intended action Definition of action Command example Needs object/widget selected?
Select database Set the search context for the Open actions Select database 24Retail and Planning Sample No
Show databases Display the databases currently being searched What is my search context No
Open Open a Planning Analytics object  Open dimension "org" No
Hide Hides a member(s) from rows or columns Hide "Jan", "Feb" Yes
Keep Keeps only the specified member(s) on the view Keep "Jan", "Feb" Yes
Unhide all Display all hidden members Unhide all Yes
Switch to chart Switches the visualization to a different type Switch to pie chart for "sales" Yes
Summarize all Create a summary of rows or columns Calculate average on rows Yes
Member calculation Performs calculations for the specified members Calculate average for members "Jan", "Feb" Yes
Copy Copies the selected widget Copy Yes
Swap Swaps rows and columns Swap Yes
Suppress zeroes Suppress zeroes on the view Suppress zeroes on rows Yes
Display zeroes Display zeroes previously suppressed Display all zeroes Yes
Cancel Cancels the current operation Cancel No
Move Moves a dimension/hierarchy to a slot Move version to rows Yes
Refresh Refreshes a view Refresh Yes
Sort Sorts the rows or columns Sort cols by Month desc Yes
Slice Switches the context to a specific member Slice on Canada Yes
Create sandbox Creates a sandbox Create sandbox prev_2024 Yes
Switch to sandbox Switches to an existing sandbox Switch to sandbox "base" Yes
Expand Expands a consolidation Expand "Total year" Yes
Collapse Collapses a consolidation Collapse "Total year" Yes


Use unnamed members in set consolidations

A set consolidation can now be based on named and unnamed set members.

Previously, set consolidations could be based only on existing, named set members.

To create a set consolidation, click the Set consolidations menu option. This option is available from multiple places in the application: from the dimension tile overflow menu (shown in the image below), from the column and row right-click menu, and also from the Fields panel tile menus.

Set consolidations option

Tip: In previous product versions, this option was named Subset calculations.

In the Set consolidations dialog box, you can select the set (named or unnamed) and calculation type. By default, the Calculation name changes based on your selections. If you type a custom name, the name stays constant, no longer reacting to your selections.

Set Consolidations dialog box

To add an unnamed set member (new in this release), from the Set drop-down menu, click Set Editor.

Adding an unnamed set

]In the Set editor , select different members to add to the list of sets for your calculation.

Tip: Click Apply to create an unnamed set with the currently displayed member or click Replace to create an unnamed set with the currently selected members.

Selecting members in the set editor

The new members are added at the end of the list in the Set box and can be used to create the set consolidation.


Lock row header column widths

You can now lock the width of row header columns in Planning Analytics Workspace. This prevents the row header columns from changing widths when you expand or collapse consolidation on the rows. The width is locked for any hierarchies or row header columns that are added to the report.

To lock the width of the row header columns:

  1. Click Properties.
  2. Navigate to the Custom tab.
  3. In the Exploration features section, enable Automatic row header width.

Automatic row header width

The Automatic row header width option is turned on by default.


Additional click options on an action button

You can configure the behavior of an action button when it is clicked again while already running a process.

In previous versions of Planning Analytics Workspace, clicking an action button when it was already running a process canceled the process.

Starting with Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.96, you can configure the additional click behavior for an action button by using the Additional click options setting on the Run Process tab of the button Properties panel.

Additional click options for an action button

The following behavior can be configured for additional button clicks when a process is running:

Cancel process

When an action button that is already running a process is clicked again, the process is canceled, and a related message is displayed. This is the default behavior, which is known from previous versions of the product.

Do nothing

When an action button that is already running a process is clicked again the process continues to run. A new process is not started.

Run processes in parallel

When an action button that is already running a process is clicked again a new process is started, and the previous process or processes continue to run. This option is useful when the book user wants to run a series of overlapping processes by using the same action button.

You can run a maximum of 5 processes in parallel. If you attempt to run a 6th process, a message about this limit is displayed.


Improved error messages and error handling

Error toast messages displayed in Universal Report in Planning Analytics Workspace websheets have been improved.

There are two new kinds of error messages that can be displayed in Universal Reports: MDX error toast messages and parser error messages.

This image shows the MDX error message:

MDX error message

An MDX result is responsible for the row and column member names, toggles for the row & columns, and the data in their intersections. An MDX query has many elements, including the slicer values, an eligible server name, data source, a cube, and anything else required by your MDX query. When the generated MDX can not be evaluated, an MDX error message is shown. If an MDX error is shown, you can click the Show format areas button on the Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel toolbar and check the data source, the server, the slicers, and the TM1Set formula values for missing or incorrect data. Most of these values are auto-generated when creating a Universal Report from Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel. 

This image shows the parser error message:

Parser error message
A parser response contains information for the row and column axis, slicers, and hierarchy selections. When one of these key elements cannot be evaluated by the Universal Report, the parser error message is shown. If a parser error is shown, you can click the Show format areas button on the Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel toolbar and check the query, row axis sets, and column axis sets for missing or incorrect data.

More details on the MDX errors and parser errors can be found in the tm1web.log file.


Show and hide format area

You can now show and hide format areas in Universal Reports and Dynamic Reports in Planning Analytics Workspace websheets.

There are two new buttons on the toolbar that allow you to show and hide the Universal Reports format area and the Dynamic Reports format area. With the format area shown, you can customize the named ranges.

When you click the Show sheet format area icon Show hidden range, the format area is shown on the websheet.

When you click the Hide sheet format area icon Hide hidden range, the format area is hidden on the websheet.

What's new in modeling
The following new and changed modeling features are available in Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.96.

Create users in a Planning Analytics Local database

You can now create individual users in a Planning Analytics Local database using the Users and groups editor.

To open the Users and groups editor on a modeling workbench, right-click a database in the Databases tree, and then click Manage users and groups.

The Users and groups editor toolbar now includes the Create new user icon, as shown here:

User and group editor

Click this icon to access the Create new user dialog box, where you enter the user name and password. The new user name appears the end of the list of existing users in the Users and groups editor.

Create a user dialog box

The new user is added to the Planning Analytics database (TM1 server) only, not to the Planning Analytics Workspace. If you want to use the user for authentication, the user must also exist in the Planning Analytics Workspace.

A related new feature in this release is the ability to modify the a user's password. To do that, right-click the user name on the Users and groups editor, then select the Change password option from the menu.

Change user password menu option


Localize objects on your database with the Localization editor

A new Localization editor makes it easier to localize the names of cubes, dimensions, members, processes, and chores on your Planning Analytics Workspace database.

The Localization editor is available from the modeling workbench.

Localize cubes, dimensions, processes, or chores

To localize cubes, dimensions, processes, or chores, right-click a database on the Databases tree, then click Localization > object type.

You can also open the Localization editor by right-clicking an object node on the Databases tree, then clicking Localization. For example, Cubes > Localization or Chores > Localization.

The Localization editor displays a grid, with object names on the rows and the languages included in the }Cultures control dimension on the columns.

Localization editor grid showing multiple languages

You can click the Object type menu and select a different object type to localize.

The first time you open the Localization editor for an object type, a new localization control cube is created on the database where the objects reside. Localized object names are saved in these control cubes.

Object type Localization control cube
Cubes }LocalizedCubeAttributes
Dimension }LocalizedDimensionAttributes
Processes }LocalizedProcessAttributes
Chores }LocalizedChoresAttributes

To localize object names, you can work directly in the Localization editor or upload data to the appropriate localization control cube.

Localize object names in the Localization editor

Click the cell at the intersection of an object name and a language, then enter the appropriate localized name.

Upload data to a localization control cube

Right-click the appropriate localization control cube on the Databases tree, then click Import data. See Importing data into a cube for more information.

Localize dimension members

To localize dimension member names, right-click an individual dimension on the Databases tree, then click Localization.

The Localization editor displays a grid, with member names on the rows and the languages included in the }Cultures control dimension on the columns.

The first time you open the Localization editor for members in a specific dimension, a new localization control cube is created on the database where the dimension resides. The localization control cube is named }LocalizedElementAttributes_dimName. Localized dimension member names are saved in this control cube.

For example, when you first open the Region dimension in the Localization editor, the }LocalizedElementAttributes_Region control cube is created.

To localize dimension member names, you can work directly in the Localization editor or upload data to the appropriate localization control cube.

Localize member names in the Localization editor

Click the cell at the intersection of a dimension member name and a language, then enter the appropriate localized name.

Upload data to a localization control cube

Right-click the appropriate }LocalizedElementAttributes_dimName localization control cube on the Databases tree, then click Import data. See Importing data into a cube for more information.


Use improved auto-complete and validation to simplify rules creation

An improved auto-complete feature better identifies the required components of a rule statement and presents the relevant components for selection when you press CTRL+SPACE in the rules editor.

Additionally, you can now click the Validate business rules icon Validate rules icon to fully validate your rules. This performs a validation that is equivalent to that which is performed when you save a rule and exceeds the real-time syntax checking and validation that occurs while creating a rule.


Schedule chores using Daylight Saving Time (DST)

The chore editor now includes the DST Sensitive option on the Schedule tab.

Chore with Daylight Saving Time enabled

When the DST Sensitive checkbox is selected (default), the chore time is automatically updated when Daylight Saving Time (DST) starts or ends for the region in which the Planning Analytics database is located.


Preview a location data source in the process editor

In previous versions of Planning Analytics Workspace, a preview of a location data source could not be examined while creating or editing a process in the process editor.

You can now preview a location source in the process editor. Click Preview after you specify the location to review the structure of the data source.

For more information about using a location data source, see Define a location data source.

What's new in administration
The following new and changed administration features are available in Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.96.

View the version of Planning Analytics Workspace for a Lifecycle Management snapshot

In Planning Analytics Administration, you can see the version of Planning Analytics Workspace that a snapshot was created in.

This feature allows you to identify which snapshots are older.

The version of Planning Analytics Workspace appears beside the snapshot name in the snapshot list.

Snapshot version shown in Lifecycle Management

The version number also appears beside the snapshot name on the Details panel.

Note: The version for a snapshot is reported only for snapshots created in Planning Analytics 2.0.90 and later. If the snapshot version isn't shown, the snapshot was created in a version prior to Planning Analytics 2.0.90.


Deprecation notices

The following deprecation notices are applicable to Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.96.

End of support for Planning Analytics Workspace Local on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (Local only)

Support for Planning Analytics Workspace Local on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 will end in June 2024. This coincides with Red Hat's announced end of maintenance support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. For more information, see

Planning Analytics Workspace Local versions 2.0.70 and later are supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 8.

Planning Analytics Workspace Local versions 2.0.93 and later are supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 9.


End of support for Planning Analytics Workspace Local on Windows Server 2016 (Local only)

Support for Planning Analytics Workspace Local on Windows Server 2016 will end in 2024.
This is in accordance with Microsoft's announced end of Mainstream Support for Windows Server 2016 as of January 11, 2022. For more information, see

Planning Analytics Workspace Local versions 2.0.74 and later are supported on Windows Server 2019.

[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSD29G","label":"IBM Planning Analytics"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z000000Gn0QAAS","label":"General"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Version(s)"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
22 May 2024

