Viewing the TM1 Web log file

The IBM® TM1® Web installation configures IBM TM1 Web logging to write messages to the tm1web.log file in the <TM1 Web_install>\WEB-INF\logs\ directory. You can open and view the file with a standard text editor.

About this task

If you installed IBM TM1 Web to the default installation location, then the tm1web.log file is located in the following directory:

C:\Program Files\IBM\cognos\tm1_64\webapps\tm1web\WEB-INF\logs

For backup purposes, a copy of the tm1web.log file is renamed and saved on a daily basis using the following naming convention:


For example, tm1web.log.2013-10-17.


  1. Locate the tm1web.log file in the <TM1 Web_install>\WEB-INF\logs\ directory.
  2. Open and view the file with a text editor, such as Microsoft Windows Notepad.


Error messages are arranged in the following format:

Date Time Error_level Logger_name Error_message


  • Date Time - Date and time in format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.

    For example 2013-05-02 16:48:57,439

  • Error_level - message level (DEBUG, INFO, ERROR)
  • Logger_name - the sub component name. Example: Cognos.TM1.Web.PageTM1WebpageUtils
  • Error_message - the message text.