IBM Support

Rational DOORS Fix Pack 6 ( for 9.6.1



IBM Rational DOORS version has been made generally available and contains fixes to version 9.6.1.

Download Description

Table of Contents
Sections Description

The Change history section provides an overview on what is new in this release with a description of any new functions or enhancements when applicable.

The How critical is this fix section provides information related to the impact of this release to allow you to assess how your environment may be affected.

The Prerequisites section provides important information to review before the installation of this release.

The Download package section provides the direct link to obtain the download package for installation in your environment.

The Installation instructions section provides the installation instructions necessary to apply this release into your environment.

The Known side effects section contains a link to the known problems (open defects) identified at the time of this release.

Supporting Documentation
Document Description

Click to review the detailed system requirements information for a complete list of hardware requirements, supported operating systems, prerequisites and optional supported software, with component-level details and operating system restrictions.

IBM Documentation provides an entry point to product documentation. You can view, browse, and search online information related to the product.

Click to review a complete list of the defects (APARs) resolved in this release including a list of resolved defects for the entire version family.

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Prerequisites include:

Java is no longer included in the Rational DOORS client installation. This component is a prerequisite for installation.

The Rational DOORS client for Windows uses the JRE version 7 for document generation with Rational Publishing Engine and for the help system. You must install a 64-bit version of Java 7, which can be obtained from IBM. After installing, verify that your system has a JAVA_HOME environment variable that is set to the JRE install path; for example: C:\Program Files\IBM\Java71\jre.

The JRE for Windows is available on IBM developerWorks as part of the IBM Development Package for Eclipse. See Detailed System Requirements for Rational DOORS for more information.

Installation Instructions

Review the Installing section of the IBM Knowledge Center for details.

This fix pack does not include Rational DOORS Web Access and the interoperation server.

The Rational DOORS 9.6.1 client supports 64-bit Windows. There is no support for 32 bit.

All other Rational DOORS components are 32 bit. You can install 32-bit Rational DOORS components on a supported 64-bit Windows platform. See system requirements for a list of supported platforms.

Rational DOORS 9.6.1 does not support Solaris.

The Rational DOORS kit for ISO 26262 and IEC 61508 has been updated for Rational DOORS 9.6.1.

The integrations with IBM Rational Rose and IBM Rational ClearCase are not supported in Rational DOORS 9.6.1.

Download Package

Rational DOORS was released on 24 March 2016. To get the installation package, contact IBM support.

How critical is this fix?

Impact Assessment
Impact Description

This is a maintenance release. It contains fixes for customer-reported and internally found defects.

Test Results


Regression: An error in the Maintenance Delivery Vehicle (MDV) that produces incorrect or unexpected behavior causing a supported feature to stop functioning as designed.
This includes:

  • Coding errors that cause a regression
  • Documentation or packaging problems that cause a regression
  • Errors reported in a new function delivered in an MDV that causes a regression

Incomplete: An error in the MDV has not regressed, but does not work as designed.
This includes:

  • Fixed APARs which did not solve the original problem but did not break anything new
  • APARs reporting documentation errors, such as readme errors, that cause problems applying an MDV but do not lead to a regression

  • Regression and incomplete APARs are considered fix-in-error or MDV-in-error
  • Definitions above apply only to valid APARs that result in product fixes (APARs returned as working-as-designed are not assessed for being fix-in-error)
  • Issues in major releases due to new functionality do not apply in this definition

There are no known regressions to report.

Problems Solved

Defects resolved

Click the Fix List link in the table of contents above to review a list of the problems solved in this release.

Known Side Effects

Review the following list of known issues and open defects:

Review the following technotes for details regarding known issues.

Technote Description
1903758 Cannot paste a screen capture image into an IBM Rational DOORS object text on Microsoft Windows 8.1.
1689169 After upgrading to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.6 Rational DOORS interoperation server fails to start.

Open defects

Review this list of open defects for Rational DOORS and DOORS Web Access on the IBM Support Portal.

Review technote 1461170: Open APARs for Rational products available on the Web for information on how to configure your MyNotifications subscription account and subscribe to the APARs you are interested in following.

Change History

What's new
  • This release includes the following security enhancements:
    • Updates to Microsoft Word macros and example certificates in Rational DOORS.
    • Deprecation of TLS 1.1 ciphers.
    • Deprecation of SHA1 signed TLS certificates.
  • Rational DOORS is now built on Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 to eliminate dependencies on components in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.
  • Improved handling and logging of lock removal.
  • Improved server side logging.
  • Support for Windows 10.
  • The capability for migrating data from Rational DOORS to Rational DOORS Next Generation includes the following enhancements:
    • The Migration Metrics utility now directs output to a Rational DOORS module and includes more data.
    • Migrated data in Rational DOORS Next Generation now links back to source objects in Rational DOORS for access to history and other non-migrated information.
    • To avoid migration of irrelevant data, migration packages now exclude advanced system attributes and soft-deleted objects.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSKR2T","label":"IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"Installation","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Problems (APARS) fixed

Document Information

Modified date:
03 October 2022

