IBM Support

Prerequisites and Maintenance for IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS Version 4.1

Detailed System Requirements


Hardware and software requirements for installing IBM® DB2® Analytics Accelerator for z/OS® Version 4.1.0


Heads up: The information on this page is subject to change. Make sure that you always refer to the most recent version on the web before installing the product. Before installing IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS version 4.1. also check the release notes of V4.1 listed under "IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS".

Heads up: Under certain conditions, data in accelerator tables that are enabled for incremental updates might become inconsistent with the data in DB2 for z/OS.

The following description "Under certain conditions, data in accelerator tables enabled for replication may become inconsistent" is intended to:

  1. Identify affected customers
  2. Describe the observed effects
  3. Help you find out if you have to take action
  4. Solve the problem (apply a work-around and a final solution)

  5. Information for IBM service personnel

    Before shipping any hardware or software, make sure that you fill in the system assurance confirmation form.

    Hardware requirements

    Please see the Support statement on IBM PureData Systems for Analytics N1001 running Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5.x. In accordance with this statement, IBM will continue to provide critical and priority fixes for IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS (Version 4 and Version 5), using the described combination of hardware and software."

    The following table shows the minimum hardware requirements that must be met to successfully install IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS:


    For the data network between the IBM zEnterprise System and the PureData System for Analytics N1001, the PureData System for Analytics N2001, the PureData System for Analytics N2002 and the PureData System for Analytics N3001, a dedicated physical network is required.

    Minimum network configuration

    The minimum network configuration is for test and development scenarios, but does not satisfy high availability requirements. Hence this configuration should not be used in a production environment. The minimum network configuration requires the following components:

    Heads up: a 300 meter distance limit for 10 GbE SR connections requires OM3 fiber optic cables. Other types support less distance.

    Quantity Product Program number
    1 IBM zEnterprise® 196 (z196)
    IBM zEnterprise® 114 (z114)
    IBM zEnterprise® EC12 (zEC12)
    IBM zEnterprise® BC12 (zBC12)
    IBM z13™
    Model: N30, N63, N96, NC9 or NE1
    IBM z14™
    Models: M01, M02, M03, M04, M05
    IBM PureData System for Analytics N1001-3
    with North American power connectors
    IBM PureData System for Analytics N1001-3
    with European power connectors
    IBM PureData System for Analytics N1001-6
    IBM PureData System for Analytics N1001-12
    IBM PureData System for Analytics N1001-18
    IBM PureData System for Analytics N1001-24
    IBM PureData System for Analytics N1001-36
    IBM PureData System for Analytics N1001-48
    IBM PureData System for Analytics N1001-72
    IBM PureData System for Analytics N1001-96
    IBM PureData System for Analytics N1001-120
    IBM PureData® System for Analytics N1001-002
    with North American power connectors
    IBM PureData® System for Analytics N1001-002
    with North European connectors
    IBM PureData System for Analytics N1001-005
    IBM PureData System for Analytics N1001-010
    IBM PureData System for Analytics N1001-015
    IBM PureData System for Analytics N1001-020
    IBM PureData System for Analytics N1001-030
    IBM PureData System for Analytics N1001-040
    IBM PureData System for Analytics N1001-060
    IBM PureData System for Analytics N1001-080
    IBM PureData System for Analytics N1001-100
    IBM PureData System for Analytics N2001-005
    IBM PureData System for Analytics N2001-010
    IBM PureData System for Analytics N2001-010
    with 3-Phase Delta Power
    IBM PureData System for Analytics N2001-020
    IBM PureData System for Analytics N2001-020
    with 3-Phase Delta Power
    IBM PureData System for Analytics N2001-040
    IBM PureData System for Analytics N2001-040
    with 3-Phase Delta Power
    IBM PureData System for Analytics N2002-002
    Heads up
    The following Netezza hardware can only
    be used in combination with
    IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS V4 PTF-2 or higher
    IBM PureData System for Analytics N2002-005
    IBM PureData System for Analytics N2002-010
    IBM PureData System for Analytics N2002-020
    IBM PureData System for Analytics N2002-040
    Heads up
    The following Netezza hardware can only
    be used in combination with
    IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS V4 PTF-4 or higher
    IBM PureData System for Analytics N3001-001
    IBM PureData System for Analytics N3001-002
    IBM PureData System for Analytics N3001-005
    IBM PureData System for Analytics N3001-010
    IBM PureData System for Analytics N3001-020
    IBM PureData System for Analytics N3001-040
    IBM PureData System for Analytics N3001-080
    Workstation (Intel® or compatible) for
    IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator Studio.
    This workstation must be connected to
    the zEnterprise system. For the hardware
    and software requirements of this workstation,
    see: System requirements for IBM Data Studio version 4.1
    Depends on manufacturer
    Quantity Product Location P/N
    1 OSA-Express3 10 GbE (dual port) IBM zEnterprise System (*)
    1 OSA-Express4S 10 GbE (single port) z196 or z114 (*)
    OSA-Express5S 10 GbE zEC12 or zBC12
    1 10 GbE SFP+ Switch

    Lenovo RackSwitch G8264
    Lenovo RackSwitch G8124E
    Network (**)
    3 Optical Fiber Cabels Network
    (*) IBM/BNT® 10Gb SFP+ Optical Transceiver Switch (*)
    Note: only needed for IBM PureData System for Analytics N3001-001
    1 GbE RJ45 Switch

    Lenovo RackSwitch G7028
    Note: only needed for IBM PureData System for Analytics N3001-001
    RJ45 cable Network

    (*) For details about supported OSAExpress 10GbE cards and the required type and number of transceivers see Network requirements for System z
    (**) If you want to know why a direct network connection does not provide automatic fail-over support and hence at least one switch is needed, see Network Configurations for IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS

    Recommended network configuration

    The following components are required for a fully redundant (high availability) network between the IBM zEnterprise System and the PureData System for Analytics N1001, the PureData System for Analytics N2001 and the PureData System for Analytics N2002, or the PureData System for Analytics N3001.

    Quantity Product Location P/N
    2 OSA-Express 10 GbE IBM zEnterprise System (*)
    8 Optical Fiber Cabels Network
    2 10 GbE SFP+ Switch

    Lenovo RackSwitch G8264
    Lenovo RackSwitch G8124E
    Network (**)
    (*) IBM/BNT® 10Gb SFP+ Optical Transceiver Switch (*)
    Note: only needed for IBM PureData System for Analytics N3001-001
    1 GbE RJ45 Switch

    Lenovo RackSwitch G7028
    Note: only needed for IBM PureData System for Analytics N3001-001
    RJ45 cable Network

    (*) For details about supported OSAExpress 10GbE cards and the required type and number of transceivers see Network requirements for System z
    (**) If you want to know why a direct network connection does not provide automatic fail-over support and hence at least one switch is needed, see Network Configurations for IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS

    Software requirements
    Operating systems
    Operating system Required features and PTFs Program number
    z/OS V2R3 XML Toolkit for z/OS, V1.10.0
    APAR OA51592, PTF UA83613
    z/OS OpenSSH
    Use the following link for information
    to plan your changes to the system
    Accommodate the OpenSSH ported level
    integrated in z/OS V2R3
    Data Facility System Managed Storage Base
    Communication Server IP HIP61D0
    z/OS V2R2 XML Toolkit for z/OS, V1.10.0
    APAR OA51592, PTF UA83613
    z/OS OpenSSH
    Use the following link for information
    to plan your changes to the system
    Accommodate the OpenSSH ported level
    integrated in z/OS V2R2
    Data Facility System Managed Storage Base
    Communication Server IP HIP61D0
    z/OS V2R1 XML Toolkit for z/OS, V1.10.0
    APAR OA51592, PTF UA83613
    IBM Ported Tools for z/OS V1.3.0 or later
    (OpenSSH server with AllowTcpForwarding or
    OpenSSH client + OpenSSH server) 1
    Data Facility System Managed Storage Base
    Communication Server IP HIP61D0
    z/OS V1R13 XML Toolkit for z/OS, V1.10.0 5655-J51, FMID HXML 1A0
    IBM Ported Tools for z/OS V1.3.0 or later
    (OpenSSH server with AllowTcpForwarding or
    OpenSSH client + OpenSSH server)
    5655-M23, FMID HOS1130
    Bata Facility System Managed Storage Base
    Communication Server IP HIP61D0
    z/OS V1R12 XML Toolkit for z/OS, V1.10.0 5655-J51, FMID HXML 1A0
    IBM Ported Tools for z/OS V1.2.0 or higher
    (OpenSSH server with AllowTcpForwarding or
    OpenSSH client + OpenSSH server)
    5655-M23, FMID HOS1120
    Data Facility System Managed Storage Base
    Communication Server IP HIP61D0

    ( 1 ) For ordering contact IBM with keywords "Withdrawn Order Process".

    Database management software

    Use one of the supported database management systems on your System z server (DB2 V10.1 for z/OS, or DB2 V11.1 for z/OS). Make sure that required program temporary fixes (PTFs) and features are installed. Optional features are marked as such.

    To check if the recommended service for IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS V4.1 has been installed on your system, use the SMP/E REPORT MISSINGFIX command in conjunction with FIXCAT HOLDDATA as follows:

    1 Acquire and RECEIVE the latest HOLDDATA file onto your z/OS system. Use your normal service acquisition portal or download the two (2) year HOLDDATA files directly Enhanced HOLDDATA for z/OS Ensure that you select Full from the Download NOW column (last 730 days) to receive the FIXCAT HOLDDATA, as the other files do not contain FIXCAT HOLDDATA
    2 Run the SMP/E REPORT MISSINGFIX command on your z/OS systems and specify Fix Category (FIXCAT) IBM.DB2.AnalyticsAccelerator.V4R1 . The report will identify any missing PTFs associated with that category on that system. For complete information about the SMP/E REPORT MISSINGFIX command, see SMP/E Commands under: IBM Bookmanager
    3 Periodically acquire the latest HOLDDATA file and rerun the REPORT MISSINGFIX command to determine if there are new recommended PTFs for IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS, V4.1

    Database management system
    Database management system Required features and PTFs Program number
    DB2 11 for z/OS
    New Function Mode (NFM),
    Conversion Mode (CM)
    Value Unit Edition

    DB2 Utilities Suite for z/OS version 11.1 5655-W87
    A number of Db2-supplied stored procedures must be configured. See the Installation Guide, SH12-7079, for details.
    DB2 10 for z/OS 1
    New Function Mode (NFM)
    Value Unit Edition

    DB2 Utilities Suite for z/OS version 10.1 5655-V41
    A number of Db2-supplied stored procedures must be configured. See the Installation Guide, SH12-7062, for details.

    ( 1 ) Withdrawn from programming service on September 30, 2017.

    Recommended JDBC Driver level for IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator
    IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator Minimum Level for Type 2 Connectivity Minimum Level for Type 4 Connectivity
    IBM DB2 JDBC Universal Driver (db2jcc.jar) 3.63.141
    PM65005 for DB2: V9 and V10
    PM65007 for DB2: V9 and V10 and V11
    IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ (db2jcc4.jar) 4.13.145
    PM65004 for DB2: V9 and V10
    PM65003 for DB2: V9 and V10 and optional for V11
    IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ V10.1 Fix Pack 2 IP23387-IP23396
    Depending on the platform to be able to specify DB2 for z/OS special registers as part of the connection URL

    You can check the version of your JDBC driver by using the following command: java -version

    Required ODBC Driver level for IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator

    Depending on your Linux, UNIX, or Windows operating system, the minimum level for DB2 Connect version 10.5 is fix pack 4 and the minimum level for DB2 Connect version 10.1 is fix pack 4. To enable the special registers for query acceleration, see Enabling query acceleration with IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator for ODBC and JDBC applications without modifying the applications Older versions of the driver might allow connections to DB2 for z/OS, but might fail to return results from timestamp columns that are defined in a certain way.

    Closed PTFs for DB2 for z/OS version 10.1
    APAR   PTF   PUT   RSU   Introduced with
    IBM DB2 Analytics for z/OS PTF
    PM96767 UI12630 1311 1403 PTF1
    PM93789 UK98716 1311 1403 PTF1
    PM93788 UI12618 1311 1403 PTF1
    PM93787 UI12617 1311 1403 PTF1
    PM93786 UI12616 1311 1403 PTF1
    PM95731 UI12323 1311 1403 PTF1
    PM95478 UK98505 1311 1312 PTF1
    PM96769 UK98383 1310 1403 PTF1
    PM94513 UK98291 1310 1311 PTF1
    PM90568 UK97013 1309 1312 PTF1
    PM99041 UI13637 1312 1402 PTF1
    PM99300 UI13592 1401 1406 PTF1
    PI05283 UI12803 1312 1403 PTF1
    PI09097 UI16287 1404 1405 PTF2
    PI07111 UI15617 1403 1406 PTF2
    PI11048 UI16089 1403 1405 PTF2
    PM96122 UK97757 1310 1403 PTF2
    PM90886 UK97693 1310 1403 PTF2
    PM90970 UK97020 1309 1311 PTF2
    PM97986 UI14066 1401 1406 PTF2
    PI10095 UI15530 1403 1406 PTF2
    PI10166 UI16407 1404 1409 PTF2
    PI08138 UI14244 1401 1402 PTF2
    PI05851 UI14332 1402 1406 PTF2
    PI07823 UI14308 1401 1406 PTF2
    PI10774 UI15443 1403 1405 PTF2
    PI10239 UI15191 1403 1406 PTF2
    PI10814 UI16638 1404 1409 PTF2
    PI10167 UI17678 1405 1409 PTF2
    PI11756 UI16685 1404 1405 PTF2
    PI09198 UI17240 1405 1409 PTF2
    PI06338 UI17172 1405 1406 PTF2
    PI13968 UI17213 1405 1406 PTF2
    PI10639 UI18239 1406 1409 PTF2
    PI15105 UI17215 1405 1409 PTF2
    PI14495 UI17624 1405 1409 PTF2
    PI16184 UI17690 1405 1409 PTF2
    PI15861 UI18782 1406 1409 PTF3
    PI14368 UI19207 1407 1408 PTF3
    PI18965 UI19543 1407 1412 PTF3
    PI22945 UI21946 1410 1411 PTF4
    PI23280 UI21881 1410 1412 PTF4
    PI18866 UI20848 1409 1410 PTF4
    PI21486 UI20162 1408 1409 PTF4
    PI20688 UI20151 1408 1409 PTF4
    PI20247 UI20000 1408 1409 PTF4
    PI17573 UI19800 1408 1409 PTF4
    PI08501 UI13958 1401 1402 PTF4
    PI12599 UI17859 1405 1409 PTF4
    PI29176 UI23690 1412 1501 PTF5
    PI27766 UI23333 1412 1503 PTF5
    PI29725 UI23707 1412 1503 PTF5
    PI29102 UI24527 1502 1506 PTF5
    PI23083 UI24713 1502 1506 PTF5
    PI22531 UI24359 1501 1506 PTF5
    PI22697 UI22920 1411 1503 PTF5
    PI30756 UI24282 1501 1506 PTF5
    PI26089 UI22157 1410 1503 PTF5
    PI21188 UI20685 1409 1410 PTF5
    PI26511 UI24387 1501 1506 PTF5
    PI27501 UI22766 1411 1503 PTF5
    PI34956 UI25778 1503 1506 PTF5
    PI24284 UI26306 1504 1509 PTF5
    PI30375 UI26402 1504 1509 PTF5
    PI30376 UI26404 1504 1509 PTF5
    PI30377 UI26406 1504 1509 PTF5
    PI31445 UI26408 1504 1509 PTF5
    PI22413 UI26378 1504 1509 PTF5
    PI26783 UI23664 1412 1503 PTF5
    PI26859 UI26415 1504 1509 PTF6
    PI29894 UI26764 1504 1505 PTF6
    PI34956 UI25778 1503 1506 PTF6
    PI30859 UI26382 1504 1509 PTF6
    PI35030 UI26749 1506 1509 PTF6
    PI35930 UI28796 1507 1508 PTF6
    PI36746 UI28802 1507 n/a PTF6
    PI36847 UI27247 1505 1509 PTF6
    PI37613 UI26900 1505 1509 PTF6
    PI38336 UI27882 1506 1509 PTF6
    PI39061 UI28799 1507 n/a PTF6
    PI39542 UI27412 1505 1506 PTF6
    PI40068 UI29045 1507 n/a PTF6
    PI40892 UI29084 1507 n/a PTF6
    PI43662 UI30099 1508 n/a PTF6
    PI40044 UI30830 1509 1510 PTF6
    PI45501 UI30438 1509 1510 PTF6
    PI46967 UI31646 1510 1511 PTF6
    PI49908 UI33252 1512 n/a PTF6
    PI51547 UI33719 1512 1601 PTF6
    PI51748 UI33172 1512 n/a PTF6
    PI52119 UI33179 1512 n/a PTF6
    PI53393 UI34184 1601 1606 PTF6
    PI47361 UI31023 1509 1510 PTF6
    PI47444 UI32264 1511 n/a PTF6
    PI48163 UI32480 1511 n/a PTF6
    PI49829 UI32255 1511 1512 PTF6
    PI38433 UI31257 1510 n/a PTF6
    PI43302 UI31036 1511 n/a PTF6
    PI44676 UI30876 1509 1512 PTF6
    PI44951 UI32277 1511 1512 PTF6
    PI45714 UI31039 1511 n/a PTF6
    PI46677 UI30883 1509 1512 PTF6
    PI46834 UI33954 1601 n/a PTF6
    PI50849 UI34985 1602 1606 PTF6
    PI51923 UI34727 1602 1606 PTF6
    PI52287 UI34654 1602 1606 PTF6
    PI54056 UI34730 1602 1606 PTF6
    PI54805 UI34695 1602 1606 PTF6
    PI54835 UI34965 1602 1606 PTF6
    PI54842 UI35078 1602 1606 PTF6
    PI55686 UI36854 1604 1605 PTF6
    PI55903 UI36380 1604 n/a PTF6
    PI56292 UI35756 1603 1606 PTF6
    PI56852 UI36628 1604 n/a PTF6
    PI57174 UI36856 1604 n/a PTF6
    PI57200 UI37519 1605 n/a PTF6
    PI59522 UI37465 1605 1606 PTF6
    PI59910 UI37603 1605 1606 PTF6
    PI51143 UI38752 1607 n/a PTF6
    PI52619 UI38054 1606 n/a PTF6
    PI55807 UI37811 1605 n/a PTF6

    Closed PTFs for DB2 for z/OS version 11.1
    APAR   PTF   PUT   RSU   Introduced with
    IBM DB2 Analytics for z/OS PTF
    PM97425 UK98577 1310 1403 PTF1
    PM94515 UK98637 1311 1312 PTF1
    PM92807 UK96952 1310 1312 PTF1
    PM94234 UK97664 1310 1403 PTF1
    PM93122 UK96375 1310 1312 PTF1
    PM94513 UK98292 1310 1311 PTF1
    PM96772 UK98642 1311 1403 PTF1
    PM90591 UK97553 1310 1311 PTF1
    PM95610 UI13526 1401 1406 PTF1
    PM95611 UI13527 1401 1406 PTF1
    PM95612 UI13530 1401 1406 PTF1
    PM99300 UI13595 1401 1406 PTF1
    PI07111 UI15618 1403 1406 PTF2
    PI11048 UI16090 1403 1405 PTF2
    PI09182 UI14992 1402 1406 PTF2
    PI10095 UI15532 1403 1406 PTF2
    PI10166 UI16408 1404 1409 PTF2
    PI05851 UI14333 1402 1406 PTF2
    PI10774 UI15444 1403 1405 PTF2
    PI10239 UI15192 1403 1406 PTF2
    PI10814 UI16639 1404 1409 PTF2
    PI09807 UI16997 1404 1405 PTF2
    PM93690 UK97253 1309 1312 PTF2
    PM95832 UI13394 1312 1403 PTF2
    PM96478 UI13488 1401 1406 PTF2
    PM93557 UI12754 1312 1403 PTF2
    PI04890 UI13503 1401 1402 PTF2
    PI05436 UI14781 1402 1406 PTF2
    PI11026 UI17679 1405 1409 PTF2
    PI11756 UI16686 1404 1405 PTF2
    PI09198 UI17241 1405 1409 PTF2
    PI06338 UI17173 1405 1406 PTF2
    PI13968 UI17214 1405 1406 PTF2
    PI10639 UI18240 1406 1409 PTF2
    PI11801 UI17501 1405 1409 PTF2
    PI15105 UI17216 1405 1409 PTF2
    PI14495 UI17625 1405 1409 PTF2
    PI16184 UI17691 1405 1409 PTF2
    PI15861 UI18783 1406 1409 PTF3
    PI14368 UI19208 1407 1408 PTF3
    PI18965 UI19544 1407 1412 PTF3
    PI22945 UI21947 1410 1411 PTF4
    PI23280 UI21882 1410 1412 PTF4
    PI18866 UI20849 1409 1410 PTF4
    PI21486 UI20163 1408 1409 PTF4
    PI20688 UI20152 1408 1409 PTF4
    PI20247 UI20001 1408 1409 PTF4
    PI17573 UI19801 1408 1409 PTF4
    PI08501 UI13960 1401 1402 PTF4
    PI06261 UI13582 1401 1406 PTF4
    PI12599 UI17860 1405 1409 PTF4
    PI22697 UI22921 1411 1503 PTF5
    PI29176 UI23691 1412 1501 PTF5
    PI27766 UI23334 1412 1503 PTF5
    PI29102 UI24528 1502 1506 PTF5
    PI28531 UI24848 1502 1506 PTF5
    PI29725 UI23708 1412 1503 PTF5
    PI30756 UI24283 1501 1506 PTF5
    PI26089 UI22158 1410 1503 PTF5
    PI21188 UI20686 1409 1410 PTF5
    PI26511 UI24388 1501 1506 PTF5
    PI27867 UI22922 1411 1503 PTF5
    PI27501 UI22767 1411 1503 PTF5
    PI34956 UI25779 1503 1506 PTF5
    PI24284 UI26307 1504 1509 PTF5
    PI22413 UI26379 1504 1509 PTF5
    PI26783 UI23665 1412 1503 PTF5
    PI26859 UI26416 1504 1509 PTF6
    PI28660 UI28976 1507 n/a PTF6
    PI32168 UI27441 1505 n/a PTF6
    PI29894 UI26765 1504 1505 PTF6
    PI34956 UI25779 1503 1506 PTF6
    PI30005 UI29032 1507 1509 PTF6
    PI35030 UI26750 1506 1509 PTF6
    PI35817 UI29036 1507 n/a PTF6
    PI35818 UI29037 1507 n/a PTF6
    PI35819 UI29038 1507 n/a PTF6
    PI35820 UI29039 1507 n/a PTF6
    PI35821 UI29040 1507 n/a PTF6
    PI35930 UI28797 1507 1508 PTF6
    PI36746 UI28803 1507 n/a PTF6
    PI36847 UI27248 1505 1509 PTF6
    PI37302 UI29585 1508 n/a PTF6
    PI37613 UI26901 1505 1509 PTF6
    PI38336 UI27883 1506 1509 PTF6
    PI39063 UI29044 1507 n/a PTF6
    PI40068 UI29046 1507 n/a PTF6
    PI40892 UI29085 1507 n/a PTF6
    PI43662 UI30100 1508 n/a PTF6
    PI40044 UI30831 1509 1510 PTF6
    PI42161 UI31025 1510 n/a PTF6
    PI46967 UI31647 1510 1511 PTF6
    PI49908 UI33253 1512 n/a PTF6
    PI51547 UI33720 1512 1601 PTF6
    PI51748 UI33173 1512 n/a PTF6
    PI52119 UI33180 1512 n/a PTF6
    PI53393 UI34185 1601 1606 PTF6
    PI49422 UI34442 1601 1606 PTF6
    PI47361 UI31024 1509 1510 PTF6
    PI47444 UI32265 1511 n/a PTF6
    PI48163 UI32481 1511 n/a PTF6
    PI49378 UI32121 1511 n/a PTF6
    PI50881 UI33175 1512 n/a PTF6
    PI38433 UI31258 1510 n/a PTF6
    PI39062 UI31035 1511 1512 PTF6
    PI43302 UI31037 1511 n/a PTF6
    PI44200 UI31038 1511 n/a PTF6
    PI44676 UI30877 1509 1512 PTF6
    PI44951 UI32278 1511 1512 PTF6
    PI45714 UI31040 1511 n/a PTF6
    PI46677 UI30884 1509 1512 PTF6
    PI46834 UI33955 1601 n/a PTF6
    PI50849 UI34986 1602 1606 PTF6
    PI51923 UI34728 1602 1606 PTF6
    PI52287 UI34655 1602 1606 PTF6
    PI54056 UI34731 1602 1606 PTF6
    PI54805 UI34696 1602 1606 PTF6
    PI54835 UI34966 1602 1606 PTF6
    PI54842 UI35079 1602 1606 PTF6
    PI55268 UI36058 1603 1606 PTF6
    PI55686 UI36855 1604 1605 PTF6
    PI55903 UI36381 1604 n/a PTF6
    PI56292 UI35757 1603 1606 PTF6
    PI56835 UI36305 1603 1606 PTF6
    PI59532 UI36933 1604 n/a PTF6
    PI56852 UI36629 1604 n/a PTF6
    PI57174 UI36857 1604 n/a PTF6
    PI57200 UI37520 1605 n/a PTF6
    PI59522 UI37507 1605 1606 PTF6
    PI59910 UI37604 1605 1606 PTF6
    PI51143 UI38753 1607 n/a PTF6
    PI52619 UI38055 1606 n/a PTF6
    PI55807 UI37812 1605 n/a PTF6
    PI57995 UI39387 1607 n/a PTF6
    PI61661 UI39858 1608 n/a PTF6
    PI62727 UI39561 1608 n/a PTF6
    PI59996 UI38828 1607 n/a PTF6
    PI60480 UI39472 1608 n/a PTF6
    PI64476 UI39866 1608 n/a PTF6

    IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS

    Install the IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator software and apply the DB2 Analytics Accelerator PTFs in addition to the DB2 for z/OS version 10.1 PTFs or DB2 for z/OS version 11.1 PTFs. The DB2 Analytics Accelerator PTFs include the DB2 Analytics Accelerator libraries and stored procedures.

    IBM DB2 Analytics for z/OS
    Heads up: to read additional information in the table move your cursor over this icon
    IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS
    Version 4.1 PTF-1(GA)

    Program number

    Component APAR PTF Date Available
    IDAA Server: 20131114-1445
    Stored Procedures: 20131111-1826
    IDAA Server: 20140116-1530
    Stored Procedures: 20131111-1826
    PM92398 UI12770 12/02/2013

    UI14404 02/05/2014
    Replication engine base
    Core version 10.2.1
    (Build CCTRJYPP_20_4)
    Simple version: 4030000010810
    Build date: 20131114-1445
    PM92399 UI12736 12/02/2013
    Access Server
    Core version
    Simple version: 4020000020200
    Build date: 20131114-1445
    PM92402 UI12742 12/02/2013
    Netezza Platform Software
    Core version 7.0.2.P9 [Build 33473]
    Build date: 20131114-1527
    PM92403 UI12743 12/02/2013
    PM92404 UI12764 12/02/2013
    PM92405 UI12766 12/02/2013
    PI06638 UI12842 12/02/2013
    IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS
    Version 4.1 PTF-2

    Program number

    Component APAR PTF Date Available
    IDAA Server: 20140414-1822
    Stored Procedures: 20140313-1711
    IDAA Server: 20140414-1822
    Stored Procedures: 20140313-1711
    PI12614 UI17115 05/02/2014

    UI18141 06/03/2014
    Replication engine base
    Core version 10.2.1
    (Build CCTRJYPP_20_4)
    Simple version: 4030000010810
    Build date: 20140414-1822
    PI13105 UI17101 05/02/2014
    Replication engine update
    Core version 10.2.1
    (Build CCTRJYPP_20_36)
    Simple version: 4030000011200
    Build date: 20140414-1822
    PI12761 UI17106 05/02/2014
    Access Server
    Core version
    Simple version: 4020000020300
    Build date: 20140414-1822
    PI12771 UI17102 05/02/2014
    Netezza Platform Software
    Core version [Build 35925]
    Build date: 20140331-1528
    PI12788 UI17112 05/02/2014
    PI12797 UI17103 05/02/2014
    PI12808 UI17104 05/02/2014
    PI12810 UI17105 05/02/2014
    IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS
    Version 4.1 PTF-3

    Program number

    Component APAR PTF Date Available
    IDAA Server version: 4.1.3
    Build date: 20140730-1600
    Stored Procedures version: 4.1.3
    Build date: 20140715-1310
    PI19232 UI20189 09/03/2014
    Replication engine base
    Core version 10.2.1
    (Build CCTRJYPP_20_4)
    Simple version: 4030000010810
    Build date: 20140414-1822

    UI17101 05/02/2014
    Replication engine update
    Core version 10.2.1 IF9
    [Build: CCTRJYPP_20_52]
    Simple version: 4030000011400
    Build date: 20140723-1400
    PI19243 UI20188 09/03/2014
    Access Server component update
    Core version
    Simple version: 4020000020310
    Build date: 20140723-1400
    PI19238 UI20187 09/03/2014
    Netezza Platform Software
    Core version GA
    [Build 39556]
    Build date: 20140730-1600
    PI19246 UI20177 09/03/2014
    PI19261 UI20184 09/03/2014
    PI19267 UI20185 09/03/2014
    PI19269 UI20186 09/03/2014
    IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS
    Version 4.1 PTF-4

    Program number

    Component APAR PTF Date Available
    IDAA Server version: 4.1.4
    Build date: 20150807-1405
    Stored Procedures version: 4.1.4
    Build date: 20141006-0802

    UI30528 09/02/2015
    Replication engine base
    Core version 10.2.1
    (Build CCTRJYPP_20_4)
    Simple version: 4030000010810
    Build date: 20140414-1822

    UI17101 05/02/2014
    Replication engine update
    Core version 10.2.1 IF9
    [Build: CCTRJYPP_20_52]
    Simple version: 4030000011400
    Build date: 20140723-1400

    UI20188 09/03/2014
    Access Server component update
    Core version
    Simple version: 4020000020310
    Build date: 20140723-1400

    UI20187 09/03/2014
    Netezza Platform Software
    Core version NPS
    [Build 42210]
    Build date: 20141217-1700
    This is the recommended
    NPS version and can be used
    for the following
    IBM PureData Systems for Analytics:
    N1001, N2001, N2002 and N3001
    PI31832 UI24344 02/03/2015
    PI31833 UI24345 02/03/2015
    PI31834 UI24346 02/03/2015
    PI31838 UI24347 02/03/2015
    PI31839 UI24348 02/03/2015
    Netezza Platform Software
    Core version NPS
    [Build 41493]
    Build date: 20141117-1808
    This NPS version can be used
    for the following
    IBM PureData Systems for Analytics: N3001
    PI29638 UI23398 12/01/2014
    PI29639 UI23400 12/01/2014
    PI29640 UI23414 12/01/2014
    PI29641 UI23415 12/01/2014
    PI29643 UI23416 12/01/2014
    Netezza Platform Software
    Core version NPS
    [Build 41016]
    Build date: 20141016-2038
    This NPS version can be used
    for the following
    IBM PureData Systems for Analytics: N3001
    PI27518 UI22443 11/04/2014
    PI27523 UI22486 11/04/2014
    PI27531 UI22487 11/04/2014
    PI27537 UI22538 11/04/2014
    PI28282 UI22489 11/04/2014
    Netezza Platform Software
    Core version NPS GA
    [Build 39556]
    Build date: 20140730-1600
    This NPS version can be used
    for the following
    IBM PureData Systems for Analytics:
    N1001, N2001 and N2002
    They are the same PTFs as in V4 PTF3
    PI19246 UI20177 09/03/2014
    PI19261 UI20184 09/03/2014
    PI19267 UI20185 09/03/2014
    PI19269 UI20186 09/03/2014
    IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS
    Version 4.1 PTF-5

    Program number

    Component APAR PTF Date Available
    IDAA Server version: 4.1.5
    Build date: 20150818-1051
    Stored Procedures version: 4.1.5
    Build date: 20150323-1646

    UI30667 10/02/2015
    Replication engine base
    Core version 11.3.3
    [Build: BR_LSTYTHIK_96_9]
    Simple version: 4030100001100
    Build date: 20150422-1027
    PI30283 UI27387 06/01/2015
    Access Server component update
    Core version
    Simple version: 4020100042100
    Build date: 20150422-1027
    PI30285 UI27386 06/01/2015
    Netezza Platform Software
    Core version
    [Build 43166]
    Build date: 20150422-1027
    PI35803 UI27257 06/01/2015
    PI35806 UI27269 06/01/2015
    PI35808 UI27301 06/01/2015
    PI35813 UI27302 06/01/2015
    PI35825 UI27303 06/01/2015
    IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS
    Version 4.1 PTF-6

    Before installing this version please check the following Release Notes:
    V4.1 PTF-6 Release Notes

    Program number

    Component APAR PTF Date Available
    IDAA Server version: 4.1.6
    Build date: 20150930-1535
    Stored Procedures version: 4.1.6
    Build date: 20150729-1544
    PI48745 UI31924 11/03/2015
    Replication engine base
    Core version 11.3.3
    (Build: BR_LSTYTHIK_96_9)
    Simple version: 44030100001100
    Build date: 20150422-1027

    UI27387 06/01/2015
    Replication engine update
    Core version:
    Build BR_IDAA_10
    Build date: 20150930-1535
    Simple version: 4030100001300
    PI46880 UI30723 11/03/2015
    Access Server component update
    Core version:
    Build date: 20150815-0201
    Simple version: 4020100042220
    Access Server component update
    Core version:
    Build date: 20160208-1649
    Simple version: 4020100042230
    PI46882 UI30724 11/03/2015

    UI35374 02/18/2016
    Netezza Platform Software
    [Build 45115 or 45777 (both are identical)]
    Build date: 20150910-2100
    PI48520 UI31333 11/03/2015
    PI48521 UI31336 11/03/2015
    PI48530 UI31443 11/03/2015
    PI48536 UI31444 11/03/2015
    PI48538 UI31445 11/03/2015

    Minimum space settings in SMP/E for the installation of IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator V4.1 and its prerequisites PTFs

    1. Temporary data set SYSUT1, SYSUT2, SYSUT3, SYSUT4 in target, distribution and global zones: SPACE=(TRK,(2000,1000))
    2. Work data set SYSWRK1, SYSWRK2, SYSWRK3, SYSWRK4, SYSWRK5, SYSWRK6 in target and distribution zones: SPACE=(TRK,(1000,1000,450))

    Reserve enough storage space for the installation of IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS.
    The table "Total DASD space required by IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS V4.1" shows the space requirements for a basic installation.
    The required space depends on how many versions and updates you want to keep in the hierarchical file system (HFS) .
    The packages for an update of all components (including the Netezza Platform Software (NPS) and the incremental update function
    might require up to 50000 tracks on your Direct Access Storage Device (DASD).

    Total DASD space required by IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS V4.1
    Library Type Total Space required in 3390 Trks
    Target 1550 tracks for DB2 Analytics Accelerator
    854 tracks for InfoSphere Data Replication
    Distribution 61550 tracks for DB2 Analytics Accelerator
    1632 tracks for InfoSphere Data Replication
    File System(s) 83520 tracks for /usr/lpp/aqt
    750 tracks for /usr/lpp/chc/V10R2M1

    You can use the following formula to determine how much space you must allocate:

    Space required in the HFS = 100 000 tracks + n * 50 000 tracks (where n is the number of PTFs that you want to keep in the HFS).

    Netezza Database management software

    Use the following certified Netezza Platform Software (NPS) version on your PureData System for Analytics N1001 appliance as indicated in the following table. If more than one NPS version is certified, upgrade to the highest version.

    IBM PureData System for Analytics N1001 Applicable DB2 Analytics Accelerator PTF NPS version
    Netezza Platform Software PTF1 7.0.2 P9
    Netezza Platform Software PTF2 7.0.2 P9 P2
    Netezza Platform Software PTF3 P1
    Netezza Platform Software PTF4 P1
    Netezza Platform Software PTF5 P1 P2
    Netezza Platform Software PTF6 P2

    Use the following certified Netezza Platform Software (NPS) version on your PureData System for Analytics N2001 appliance as indicated in the following table. If more than one NPS version is certified, upgrade to the highest version.

    IBM PureData System for Analytics N2001 Applicable DB2 Analytics Accelerator PTF NPS version
    Netezza Platform Software PTF1 7.0.2 P9
    Netezza Platform Software PTF2 7.0.2 P9 P2
    Netezza Platform Software PTF3 P1
    Netezza Platform Software PTF4 P1
    Netezza Platform Software PTF5 P1 P2
    Netezza Platform Software PTF6 P2

    Use the following certified Netezza Platform Software (NPS) version on your PureData System for Analytics N2002-002 appliance as indicated in the following table. If more than one NPS version is certified, upgrade to the highest version.

    IBM PureData System for Analytics N2002-002 Applicable DB2 Analytics Accelerator PTF NPS version
    Netezza Platform Software PTF1 7.0.2 P9
    Netezza Platform Software PTF2 7.0.2 P9 P2
    Netezza Platform Software PTF3 P1
    Netezza Platform Software PTF4 P1
    Netezza Platform Software PTF5 P1 P2
    Netezza Platform Software PTF6 P2

    Use the following certified Netezza Platform Software (NPS) version on your PureData System for Analytics N2002-005/-010/-020/-040 appliance as indicated in the following table. If more than one NPS version is certified, upgrade to the highest version.

    IBM PureData System for Analytics N2002-005/010/-020/-040 Applicable DB2 Analytics Accelerator PTF NPS version
    Netezza Platform Software PTF2 P2
    Netezza Platform Software PTF3 P1
    Netezza Platform Software PTF4 P1
    Netezza Platform Software PTF5 P1 P2
    Netezza Platform Software PTF6 P2

    Use the following certified Netezza Platform Software (NPS) version on your PureData System for Analytics N3001-001/-002/-005/-010/-020/-040/-080 appliance as indicated in the following table. If more than one NPS version is certified, upgrade to the highest certified version.

    IBM PureData System for Analytics N3001-001/002/-005/-010/-020/-040/-080 Applicable DB2 Analytics Accelerator PTF NPS version
    Netezza Platform Software PTF4
    Netezza Platform Software PTF5 P2
    Netezza Platform Software PTF6 P2

    Incremental Update

    IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture for z/OS (CDC) is included in the DB2 Analytics Accelerator product package.
    The following CDC PTFs are required for the incremental update function with the following IBM DB2 Analytics for z/OS PTFs:

    IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture for z/OS
    IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture for z/OS
    Version 10.2.1
    IBM DB2 Analytics for z/OS PTFx APAR PTF PUT RSU
    IBM DB2 Analytics for z/OS PTF1 PI08186 UI13632 1401 1406
    PI05665 UI12434 1311 1403
    PM98299 UK98173 1310 1403
    PM98098 UK98309 1310 1403
    PM98510 UK98330 1310 1311
    PM98636 UK98416 1310 1403
    PM98904 UK98567 1310 1403
    PM98931 UK98579 1310 1403
    PM99485 UK98667 1310 1403
    PI04846 UI11785 1311 1403
    PM96858 UI12429 1311 1403
    PM97911 UI12594 1311 1403
    PI06324 UI12610 1311 1403
    PM97931 UK98407 1311 1403
    PI04783 UI12963 1312 1403
    PI06515 UI12974 1312 1403
    PI06771 UI13081 1312 1403
    PI47212 UI31571 1510 n/a
    IBM DB2 Analytics for z/OS PTF2 PI09252 UI14635 1402 1406
    PI09184 UI14776 1402 1406
    PI10193 UI14802 1402 1406
    PI10537 UI14954 1402 1406
    PI12249 UI15372 1403 1406
    PI12861 UI15834 1403 1406
    PI13388 UI15924 1403 1406
    PI12134 UI15928 1403 1406
    PI12824 UI16073 1403 1406
    PI08959 UI14164 1401 1406
    PI08533 UI14183 1401 1406
    PI08578 UI14226 1401 1406
    PI04977 UI11954 1311 1403
    PI47212 UI31571 1510 n/a
    IBM DB2 Analytics for z/OS PTF3 PI11414 UI16103 1406 1409
    PI19600 UI20150 1408 1412
    PI28193 UI24663 1501 1506
    PI28423 UI24034 1412 1503
    PI28868 UI22913 1411 1503
    PI29795 UI23170 1411 1503
    PI47212 UI31571 1510 n/a
    IBM DB2 Analytics for z/OS PTF4 Same PTFs as used with IBM DB2 Analytics for z/OS PTF3
    PI47212 UI31571 1510 n/a
    IBM DB2 Analytics for z/OS PTF5 All PTFs up to and including PUT level 1503
    PI26807 UI27018 1505 1509
    PI41065 UI27841 1505 1509
    PI36111 UI27993 1506 1509
    PI45362 UI29777 1508 n/a
    PI47212 UI31571 1510 n/a
    IBM DB2 Analytics for z/OS PTF6 All PTFs up to and including PUT level 1507
    PI45362 UI29777 1508 n/a
    PI47212 UI31571 1510 n/a

    Here is a link to the CDC for z/OS Installation Guide:

    IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator Studio

    IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator Studio is the graphical administration interface for the product and can be downloaded from:

    IBM developerworks:

    IBM Fix Central:
    Information Management/DB2 Analytics Accelerator Studio

    It consists of a set of Eclipse plug-ins that are added to IBM Data Studio V4.1, IBM Data Studio V4.1.0.1, IBM Data Studio V4.1.1 or IBM Data Studio V4.1.2.

    IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator Studio (client) must be at the same or a higher interface level than the DB2 Analytics Accelerator software (server).
    Upgrade the client first.

    Version of accelerator server software Required version of DB2 Analytics Accelerator Studio(client)
    IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator version 4.1 PTF-1 IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator Studio V4.1 or higher
    IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator version 4.1 PTF-2 IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator Studio V4.1.0.2 or higher
    IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator version 4.1 PTF-3 IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator Studio V4.1.0.3 or higher
    IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator version 4.1 PTF-4 IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator Studio V4.1.0.3 or higher
    IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator version 4.1 PTF-5 IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator Studio V4.1.0.5 or higher
    IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator version 4.1 PTF-6 IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator Studio V4.1.6.201509111418 or higher

    The latest version of IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS Studio,version can be used with all versions of the accelerator server software. To download the IBM Installation Manager repository for upgrades use the above link under
    IBM Fix Central

    You can also add the plug-ins to an existing installation of IBM Data Studio or to products that are based on IBM Data Studio.

    Recommendation: If you use IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator Studio with an older version of IBM Data Studio, consider moving to IBM Data Studio 4.1

    The following combinations are supported:

    1. Data Studio 3.1.1 Administration Client

    2. Data Studio 3.1.1 Full Client

    3. Data Studio 3.2

    4. Data Studio 4.1

    The plug-ins and fixes for IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator Studio are available from the following download sites:

    Installation Manager repository for Data Studio 3.1.x and 4.1.0.x :

    Eclipse update site for IBM Data Studio 3.1.1:

    The upgrade from these products is described in the IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS Version 4.1 Installation Guide, in the chapter "Updating IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator Studio from another product"

    For silent installations, see Silent installation of IBM Installation Manager, IBM Data Studio and IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator Studio on Windows

    Running IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator Studio on Linux

    IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator Studio uses the Eclipse SWT Browser Control for a number of software update dialogs.
    To run IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator Studio on Linux, you must therefore install a compatible version of Mozilla/XulRunner.

    IBM Data Studio 3.1.1 and IBM Data Studio 3.2 supports

    Mozilla 1.4 GTK2 - 1.7.x GTK2, XULRunner 1.8.x - 1.9.x and 3.6.x (but not 2.x), WebKitGTK+ 1.2.x

    See the Eclipse FAQ entry for Eclipse 3.6.2 on

    IBM Data Studio 4.1 supports

    Mozilla 1.4 GTK2 - 1.7.x GTK2, XULRunner 1.8.x - 1.9.x, 3.6.x and 10.x (but not 2.x nor 4.x - 9.x), WebKitGTK+ 1.2.x and newer

    See the Eclipse FAQ entry for Eclipse 4.2.2 on

    Migration options

    You can upgrade or downgrade IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS as indicated in the following diagram.

    Heads up: A downgrade of InfoSphere Change Data Capture (CDC) is not possible. If you upgrade from a previous IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS, follow the instructions in the release notes

    How to read the migration graphic

    Identify your current IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator version and the target version that you want to migrate to in the following graph. Take the shortest path between your current and your target version by following the appropriate arrow.

Original Publication Date

03 September 2013

[{"Product":{"code":"SS4LQ8","label":"Db2 Analytics Accelerator for z\/OS"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"4.1.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Product Synonym


Document Information

Modified date:
08 August 2018

