IBM Support

Post-upgrade tasks for IBM Business Process Manager V8.5.7

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After you have successfully upgraded your IBM Business Process Manager (BPM) V8.5.7 environment, some additional configuration steps might be required. Although most actions are optional, you might have to perform them to ensure applications continue working as expected.


The following list includes steps that you might want to or must perform after successfully upgrading your IBM BPM environment:
  • After IBM Process Center is successfully upgraded, update your process applications to the latest IBM BPM toolkit levels so you can integrate the latest improvements and defect fixes associate with the toolkit objects. After you update to the latest IBM BPM toolkit levels, you might notice small behavior changes in your process application, such as to the user interfaces, which you might need to modify.
  • New applications use the Responsive Coaches toolkit instead of the Coaches toolkit. When you migrate applications to the new coach views, some modifications might be required. For more information, see Conversion of deprecated functions in imported process applications and toolkits.
  • Upgrading IBM BPM modifies the default IBM BPM style and theme elements. These changes could lead to small visual changes in your user interfaces if the style elements are not explicitly overwritten. IBM BPM V8.5.7 introduces themes, which make it easier to see the default IBM BPM style elements or create a customize theme to override the defaults. For more information, see Themes.
  • You can install IBM WebSphere SDK Java Technology Edition 7 or 7.1. When the installation is complete, follow the instructions in Switching the edition of Java used in IBM BPM.
  • If you upgraded from IBM BPM V8.5.5 or IBM BPM V8.5.0, cleaning up shared business objects is automatically disabled. If you are using shared business objects in the source version, you might want to change the cleanupMaxVersionCount property to explicitly enable cleanup. For instructions, see Cleaning up shared business objects.
  • During the upgrade, the following BPMURL objects are removed because they should no longer be required:


    If you need to re-create these BPMURL objects, see createBPMCompatURLs command.

The following table includes new settings and actions related to interim fixes that are included in IBM BPM V8.5.7.

Note: This document covers only the interim fixes that were introduced from IBM BPM V8.5.6 CF02 to IBM BPM V8.5.7. If you upgrade from a release earlier than IBM BPM V8.5.6 CF02, you must also look at the V8.5.6 CF02 post-installation tasks in addition to the post-upgrade tasks in this document. For example, if you upgrade from IBM BPM V8.5.0.2 to IBM BPM V8.5.7, you must look at the V8.5.6 CF02 post-installation tasks in addition to the post-upgrade tasks in this document.

Interim fix (APAR)DescriptionTask to enable the function
Slow startup seen when preloading mediation flows in human readable format
A new environment variable has been added to bypass the code that determines whether the flow is in a human-readable format and, therefore, reduce the time it takes to start the server.

The variable applies to the whole server and should only be set if all of the mediation flows for all applications are in a human-readable format.

Do not use this variable if any mediation flow is in EMF (non-human) readable format.
To define this variable, complete the following steps in the administrative console:
  1. Select Environment > WebSphere Variables.
  2. Enter the following information at each application cluster member's server scope (for IBM BPM Advanced) or at the stand-alone server's scope (for IBM Integration Designer):
    Value: true
  3. Restart the IBM BPM deployment environment.
Execute query REST API returns taskassignedto information unexpectedly
This fix allows you to set a configuration option to remove the auto column assignedToRole.In the 100Custom.xml file for IBM Process Center and IBM Process Server, set the following configuration option to remove the auto column assignedToRole:

<compatibility-no-auto-column-assigned-to-role merge="replace">true</compatibility-no-auto-column-assigned-to-role>

For more information, see Modifying runtime server configuration properties
and Changing server properties in 100Custom.xml.
Startservices REST call for General System services migrated from IBM BPM V7.5.1.1 to V8.5.5 fails with CWTBG0568E error
IBM BPM now limits the type of services that can be started by using a REST call to Ajax and human services. It also enables administrators to customize the restriction for startable services by type.

If you depend on the previous behavior, your application won’t work unless you wrap the services in human or Ajax service implementations or modify the settings.

If you have custom client applications that rely on the REST API call and expose service types other than Ajax or human services, you must add the startservice-valid-services stanza in the 100Custom.xml file for Process Center and Process Server and then one or more valid-service-entry elements:

<startservice-valid-services merge="replace">
<valid-service-entry>Ajax Service</valid-service-entry>
<valid-service-entry>Human Service</valid-service-entry>
<valid-service-entry>General System Service</valid-service-entry>

The following values are possible for valid-service-entry:
- all
- none
- Regular Service
- Rule Service
- Ajax Service
- Human Service
- Integration Service
- Installation Service
- General System Service
- SCA Service
- Case Manager Integration Service
- Undercover Agent Passthrough Service

If either the special keyword "all" or "none" is encountered in the list, all other entries are ignored.

Use this flag only temporarily and convert the existing applications to use properly secured human or Ajax services as a facade.

For more information, see Modifying runtime server configuration properties
and Changing server properties in 100Custom.xml.

To ensure that the called Ajax services are secure, review Modeling secure Ajax services.
Round-robin task assignment setting not distributing evenly
This fix provides an alternative round-robin procedure that optimizes the selection of the next user ID according to the server. Although this fix ensures a correct round-robin assignment for tasks created on the same server, it does not coordinate the user selection between the servers within a cluster. To activate the alternative round-robin procedure, add the following setting to the custom configuration in the 100Custom.xml file for Process Center and Process Server:

<optimize-round-robin-per-server merge="replace">true</optimize-round-robin-per-server>

When no such setting exists or is set to false, the existing round-robin procedure is applied.

For more information, see Changing server properties in 100Custom.xml.
EVENT-JOB-THRESHOLD set to 0 runs a database query
With this fix applied, setting the EVENT-JOB-THRESHOLD option limits the query in the following ways:

- If a threshold larger than 0 is configured and the number of existing event jobs exceeds this threshold, the resulting list is limited and a Show All button is displayed at the end of the list. Clicking the button retrieves all event jobs.
Note: When there are many event jobs in the database, the query might take a long time to run.

- If 0 is configured as threshold, no query runs. Therefore, use the EVENT-JOB-THRESHOLD=0 option if you don't need to list event job details and just want to administer the displayed schedulers by using the button toolbar.

- If a threshold less than 0 is configured, the query is not limited; all event jobs are listed.
Note: When there are many event jobs in the database, the query might take a long time to run.

- If no threshold or no valid threshold is defined, a threshold of 100 is used.
Here is an example of an EVENT-JOB-THRESHOLD definition for the Process Admin Console in the 100Custom.xml file for both Process Server and Process Center:

<event-job-threshold merge="replace">100</event-job-threshold>

For more information, see Changing server properties in 100Custom.xml.
Query for all documents causes system to be unresponsive and to shut down with OutofMemory error
This fix allows you to disable queries for all documents in the 100Custom.xml file.In the 100Custom.xml file for Process Center and Process Server, add the following property:

<document-api-all-documents-query-allowed merge="replace">false</document-api-all-documents-query-allowed>

For more information, see Changing server properties in 100Custom.xml.
You receive a HandleEvent exception in Internet Explorer when you use the onsizeChanged method in Business Space
When a Business Space widget is rendered in Internet Explorer, the following error might be reported at the top of the page:

eventName: onSizeChanged, HandleEventException: TypeError: Unable to get value of the property 'paddingLeft': object is null or undefined

This error does not affect how the widget is rendered.

This fix removes widget maximization information from the rendering controller when you switch from one page to another.
To enable this fix, complete the following steps:
  1. If you have customized the Business Space theme, back up the deployed Business Space theme. You can use a webDAV client to download the theme to a local workstation.
  2. Edit the file at <profile_home>\BusinessSpace\<cluster_or_server>\\public\ and set the property:
  3. Stop and restart the IBM BPM deployment environment..
IBM Process Portal does not limit document upload size

To limit file size for attachments uploaded by using the Process Portal stream comments, the server administrator can edit the 100Custom.xml for Process Center and Process Server. This is an example of this modification showing the limit to be 1 MB. Notice that file size must be specified in bytes (such as 1048576 bytes = 1MB):

<document-attachment-max-file-size-upload merge="replace">1048576</document-atta

Then restart the server or cluster.

For more information, see Changing server properties in 100Custom.xml.
Using the TWSearch JavaScript API without a filter might cause OutofMemory error for large results
The fix enables you to limit the search result to the value of the javascript-search-max-hits configuration parameter when you use the TWSearch JavaScript API.

Note: When the maxRows parameter is set, this configuration parameter is ignored.
You can specify a limit for TWSearch results in the 100Custom.xml file for Process Center or Process Server by adding the following section into the properties attribute:

<javascript-search-max-hits merge="replace">500</index-search-max-hits>

Specify an appropriate value for javascript-search-max-hits.
initiateAndClaimFirst method results in database lock wait on
e_swi_t table
This fix handles the lock wait timeout exception properly: The local transaction is rolled back and the global transaction succeeds.To enable the fix, create a business process container custom property in the administrative console:
  1. Select Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers and select the server where business process container is installed.
  2. Drill down to Business Process Choreographer > Business Flow Manager > Custom Properties.
  3. Click New and enter the following details:
    Name: SharedWorkItem.enableJR53359
    Value: true
  4. Click Apply and then Save.
  5. Stop and restart the IBM BPM deployment environment..
Email notifications in IBM BPM V8.5 are not visible in email clients such as iOS
You receive an email notification on your mobile device, but you do not see any text. Instead, you see a MIME attachment that cannot be opened.

This fix restores the default email behavior to before the new features were added.
Before you start the servers, edit the 100Custom.xml file for Process Center and Process Server to contain the <use-gadget> tag setting. If the <use-gadget> tag is not added to 100Custom.xml, or if it is added and set to false, Process Portal sends a plain email with no "alternative" MIME attachment.

To enable the optional SERVER_EMAIL_GADGET_LINK endpoint, add the <use-gadget> tag to the 100Custom.xml file for Process Center and Process Server and set its value to true:

<use-gadget merge="replace">true</use-gadget>

For more information, see Changing server properties in 100Custom.xml.
JSON attachment from task notification email cannot be used by your email program
This fix allows you to prevent IBM BPM from including the JSON attachment. To enable it, add the following section to your 100Custom.xml file for Process Center and Process Server:

<skip-json-part merge="replace">true</skip-json-part>

For more information, see Changing server properties in 100Custom.xml.
MobileFirst application-specific adapter exported from IBM Process Center causes duplicated procedures error in MobileFirst studio
This fix ensures that service entry is tracked and generated only once.To enable the fix, complete the following steps:
  1. Download the new IBM BPM MobileFirst application-specific adapters for the process applications that your mobile application interacts with from IBM BPM Process Center.
  2. Replace the adapters you are using in the IBM MobileFirst Studio with the new downloaded adapters.
In Process Portal, you see an error message pop-up stack trace
This fix adds a new custom property, that, when set to true, allows you to hide the details/+ icon button in Process Portal error windows.To set the property, complete the following steps:
  1. In the administrative console, go to Resource environment providers > Mashup_ConfigService > Custom properties.
  2. Click New and enter the following details:
    Value: true.
  3. Click Apply and then Save.
  4. Stop and restart the IBM BPM deployment environment..
In IBM Process Portal, tabbing to controls or icons that do not have text labels does not show titles
When you use the keyboard to tab to a control or icon that does not have a text label, you do not see a name to identify the purpose of the control. If you use your mouse, you can hover over the control to see the title.

Note: This function is enabled only if the Mashups Config property is set to true.
To apply the fix, complete the following steps:
  1. In the administrative console, go to Resources > Resource Environment > Resource environment providers > Mashups_ConfigService > Custom properties.
  2. Click New and enter the following details:
    Value: true.
  3. Click Apply and then Save.
  4. Stop and restart the IBM BPM deployment environment..
User enumeration is possible by underprivileged users
This issue is specific to IBM BPM Advanced because user search and the locked down mode are specific to Business Space.To restrict user and group search in Business Space to only administrators, complete the following steps:
  1. In the administrative console, go to Resources > Resource Environment > Resource environment providers > Mashups_ConfigService > Custom properties.
  2. Click New and enter the following details:
    Value: true.
  3. Stop and restart the IBM BPM deployment environment.
Critical XML eXternal Entity (XXE) expansion vulnerability in BusinessSpace edit space function (CVE-2015-7400)

A critical Server Side Request Forgery (SSRF) vulnerability exists in MyContentHandler of Mashups (MUM) used by Business Space (CVE-2015-7407)
CVE-2015-7400: IBM BPM is vulnerable to a denial of service, caused by an XML External Entity Injection (XXE) error when processing XML data. A remote authenticated attacker could exploit this vulnerability to consume all available CPU resources and cause a denial of service.

CVE-2015-7407: IBM Mashups is vulnerable to Server Side Request Forgery. A remote attacker might use specially crafted HTTP requests to IBM Mashups to make the Mashups servers call other reachable HTTP services in its network.
Update the AJAX proxy configuration:

1. In <Deployment_Manager_Profile>\BusinessSpace\SingleCluster\\config\proxy-config.xml

edit the values for <myserver>:<port>/<mum>/*, for example <proxy:policy url="* " acf="none">, and add a new policy:
<proxy:method>GET</proxy:method> <proxy:method>POST</proxy:method>
<proxy:method>PUT</proxy:method> <proxy:method>DELETE</proxy:method>

For more information, see Adding proxy policies to the Business Space Ajax proxy.

2. Run the updateBlobConfig command using the wsadmin scripting client, designating the -serverName and -nodeName parameters for a stand-alone server or -clusterName for a cluster, -propertyFileName with the value of the path for the proxy-config.xml file, and -prefix with the value Mashups_.

The following example uses Jython:

AdminTask.updateBlobConfig('[-serverName server_name -nodeName node_name -propertyFileName "profile_root/BusinessSpace/node_name/server_name/" -prefix "Mashups_"]')

[{"Product":{"code":"SSFTN5","label":"IBM Business Process Manager Advanced"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Installation \/ Configuration","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"8.5.7","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}},{"Product":{"code":"SSFTDH","label":"IBM Business Process Manager Standard"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Installation \/ Configuration","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"8.5.7","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}},{"Product":{"code":"SSFTBX","label":"IBM Business Process Manager Express"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Installation \/ Configuration","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"8.5.7","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

