GDPR process automation for Cognos Analytics

Cognos GDPR tool for Analysis and Removal of PI/SPI content

With one tool keep Cognos content GDPR compliant and promptly address your users request for removal of sensitive information.


General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) imposes requirements on organizations for processing and retaining personal data.  
IBM Cognos Analytics keeps track of user session context for performing authentication, administration, and authorization. Access to various objects is controlled based on users' authorizations and ownership.  To keep business data compliant with GDPR, Administrators need an ability to clean up PI/SPI information associated with Cognos Analytics objects. Since content can grow to have thousands of objects of various formats and locations, it is impossible to navigate all these objects manually and remove users' PI/SPI.

IBM Cognos GDPR tool facilitates discovery and analysis of Cognos content for personal information of users who accessed the application at any time in the past. In addition, IBM Cognos GDPR tool has capabilities to optionally delete or modify Cognos objects or outputs that contain PI/SPI.

Cognos GDPR tool is used by Cognos Administrators who are responsible for removal of SPI/PI.  There are two general use cases:
  • User's request to be forgotten or deleted from a Cognos Analytics instance
  • Perform Cognos content maintenance to ensure that data in Cognos is in compliance with GDPR
  • Perform retention audit  to produce a report of objects containing PI/SPI
  • Perform retention action to delete content based on retention time or size

Stay GDPR compliant

Keep Cognos internal and external content GDPR compliant.

Perform GDPR cleanup on demand

Perform detection and removal of users' personal information upon request.

Cleanup User Sensitive Information selectively based on criteria

Clean up PI/SPI based on objects size or retention time.

Select Cognos content and user information to analyze and clean

Select types of objects that need to be cleaned.

Produce GDPR audit records

Automatically generate GDPR analysis audit logs and reports of before and after PI/SPI cleanup.

Preview first and then process and remove PI/SPI

Avoid Cognos content corruption or unintended removal by running GDPR analysis only before deciding whether cleanup is needed.

For more information please contact your sales representative or send email to: