IBM Support

IBM Business Automation Manager Open Editions 8.0 download document


Release Date

31 May 2023

Downloadable File

File link File size File description


This web page contains information for obtaining IBM Business Automation Manager Open Editions (BAMOE) 8.0.0 and its fix releases. BAMOE versions are designated with a numerical Major.Minor.Patch following Open Source community Semantic Versioning principle. Fixes for on-premises releases are available through IBM Fix Central, and Docker images are available through Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog. In addition, BAMOE 8.0.0 and its fix releases binaries are also available from Red Hat Maven Repository for direct access.

Download Description

BAMOE is an application development platform that enables developers and business experts to create cloud-native applications that automate business operations. It provides tools for modeling business processes and decisions, and supports both Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) and Decision Model and Notation (DMN) standards. It includes advanced business rules and process engines, with support for complex event processing and case management, and a resource optimization engine that aids in solving complex planning and scheduling problems.

For more information, see the documentation for IBM Business Automation Manager Open Editions.

For the product support policy, see the documentation for IBM Business Automation Manager Open Editions Software Support Lifecycle Addendum

IBM® License Metric Tool
License Metric Tool generates reports to help you maintain compliance with your Virtual Processor Core (VPC) subcapacity license terms. To use the tool with BAMOE, download the file for the 8.0 release, or the file for the 8.0.1 fix release, and follow the instructions at Virtual Processor Core license model. Note that we continue to provide downloadable swidtag files for 8.0.x fix releases following the same instructions.

JDBC Openshift Templates

Fix releases

  • Access from IBM Fix Central
For the 8.0.6 or future 8.0.x fix releases:
  1. Go to IBM Fix Central.
  2. Select the Select product tab.
  3. Enter the following search criteria:
    Product Group= WebSphere; Select from WebSphere=IBM Business Automation Manager Open Editions; Installed Version=8.0.0 (or All); Platform=All.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. On the Identify fixes page, select Browse for fixes and click Continue.
  • Access from Red Hat Maven Repository
Go to Red Hat Maven Repository for direct access. For the mapping between BAMOE releases and the Maven library versions, refer to this technical document.

Download files
Download the following on-premises BAMOE 8.0 files from IBM Passport Advantage. To install, follow the instructions in IBM Business Automation Manager Open Editions.

See more BAMOE 8.0 file details in this download information.

IBM Business Automation Manager Open Editions 8.0

Image No.



IBM Business Automation Manager Open Editions 8.0 - Business Central for EAP 7


IBM Business Automation Manager Open Editions 8.0 - Business Central Standalone


IBM Business Automation Manager Open Editions 8.0 - KIE Server EE7


IBM Business Automation Manager Open Editions 8.0 - KIE Server EE8


IBM Business Automation Manager Open Editions 8.0 - Add-ons


IBM Business Automation Manager Open Editions 8.0 - Installer


IBM Business Automation Manager Open Editions 8.0 - Update Tool


IBM Business Automation Manager Open Editions 8.0 - Source Distribution


IBM Business Automation Manager Open Editions 8.0 - OpenShift Sources


IBM Business Automation Manager Open Editions 8.0 - Offline Repository Builder


IBM Business Automation Manager Open Editions 8.0 - Legal Notices

 *Note: The Kogito images are removed in version 8.0.6 and are no longer available from the Red Hat Catalog.
BAMOE containers
Download the component images for IBM Business Automation Manager Open Editions 8.0.0 at its latest fix release (currently 8.0.6) from the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog. To set up the component images, follow the link to each of the images.


Image repository

Business Central Component Image

Business Central Monitoring Component Image

KIE Server Component Image

Process Instance Migration Component Image

Smart Router Component Image

Operator Component Image

Operator Bundle

Dashbuilder Runtime Component Image

Standalone Controller Component Image

 *Note: The Kogito images are removed in version 8.0.6 and are no longer available from the Red Hat Catalog.


Document Location


[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSFVHI5","label":"IBM Business Automation Manager Open Editions"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m3p000000LRTwAAO","label":"IDM-\u003EInstall"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"8.0.0;8.0.1;8.0.2;8.0.3;8.0.4;8.0.5;8.0.6"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
11 November 2024

