Content Manager OnDemand for i administration is available in the re-created IBM Navigator for i. This document is your guide to the new interface.
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Documentation for Content Manager OnDemand for i can be found here:
Content Manager OnDemand for i processes the data from application programs, extracts index fields from the data, stores the index information in a relational database, and stores one or more copies of the data in the system. Content Manager OnDemand for i archives newly created and frequently accessed data on high speed disk storage volumes and automatically migrates the data to other types of storage volumes as it ages.
Content Manager OnDemand for i provides the following:
- Integrates data created by application programs into an online, electronic information archive and retrieval system.
- Provides controlled and reliable access to all of an organization's data.
- Retrieves the data that you need when you need it.
- Provides an intuitive GUI client with features such as thumbnails, bookmarks, notes, and shortcuts.
IBM Navigator for i provides an interface to perform the following administrative functions for Content Manager OnDemand for i:
- Define storage media to which data can be migrated.
- Define policies for migrating data to various storage media and expiring data.
- Define monitors to allow data to be automatically loaded from directories or output queues.
To access these functions, select the Navigator icon for Content Manager OnDemand for i that is highlighted in the following image. This icon will appear only if Content Manager OnDemand for i (product number 5770-RD1) is installed on the IBM i system.
Select Instances to see the list of all instances for which you have Content Manager OnDemand System Administrator or System Administrator (Read-Only) authority. The list shows properties for each instance, including whether it is active or inactive, the Disk Pool in which it resides, and the level of authority you have to the instance. There are also buttons that allow you to set, start, end, or display the current instance.
Select other menu items to list the definitions defined for the current instance. For each list, menu items are available to perform administrative functions and buttons are available to set, start, end and display the current instance. A user with System Administrator (Read-Only) authority is limited to the List and Display functions.
The following functions are currently available. These Navigator functions complement the other administrative functions provided by the OnDemand Administrator client.
- Disk Pools: List, Display, Add, Change, Remove
- Network File System (NFS) Disk Pools: List, Display, Add, Change, Remove
- Cloud Storage Resources: List, Display, Add, Change, Remove
- Optical Storage Groups: List, Display, Add, Change, Remove
- Optical Volumes: List, Display, Add, Change, Remove
- Tape Devices: List, Display, Add, Change, Remove
- Tape Volumes: List, Display, Add, Change, Remove
- Migration Policies: List, Display, Add, Change, Remove, List Levels, Display Level, Add Level, Change Level, Remove Level
- Directory Monitors: List, Display, Add, Change, Remove, Start, End
- Output Queue Monitors: List, Display, Add, Change, Remove, Start, End
- Active Monitor Jobs: List, Display, End, End All for Output Queue
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Document Information
Modified date:
22 March 2024